
Teaser image to Rank-based support vector machines for highly imbalanced data using nominated samples

Rank-based support vector machines for highly imbalanced data using nominated samples

Mohammad Jafari Jozani, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada


   4:15 pm - 5:45 pm

   LMU Department of Statistics and via zoom

The talk proposes a novel approach, MaxNS, that tackles highly imbalanced binary classification using expert opinions and rank information. Biasing training samples towards the minority class, it employs rank-based Hinge and Logistic loss functions.


Link to Privacy, Data Privacy, and Differential Privacy

Colloquium  •  16.07.2024  •  LMU Department of Statistics and via zoom

Privacy, Data Privacy, and Differential Privacy

Colloquium at the LMU Department of Statistics with James Bailie from Harvard University.

Link to Variational Learning for Large Deep Networks

Colloquium  •  10.07.2024  •  LMU Department of Statistics and via zoom

Variational Learning for Large Deep Networks

Colloquium at the LMU Department of Statistics with Thomas Möllenhoff from RIKEN, Tokyo.

Link to Can today’s intention to treat have a causal effect on tomorrow’s hazard function?

Colloquium  •  03.07.2024  •  LMU Department of Statistics and via zoom

Can today’s intention to treat have a causal effect on tomorrow’s hazard function?

Colloquium at the LMU Department of Statistics with Jan Beyersmann, University of Ulm.

Link to The Complexities of Differential Privacy for Survey Data

Colloquium  •  26.06.2024  •  LMU Department of Statistics and via zoom

The Complexities of Differential Privacy for Survey Data

Link to Resampling-based inference for the average treatment effect in observational studies with competing risks

Colloquium  •  19.06.2024  •  LMU Department of Statistics and via zoom

Resampling-based inference for the average treatment effect in observational studies with competing risks

This talk explores three resampling methods to construct valid confidence intervals and bands for treatment effect estimation in competing risks studies.