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Education Programs at LMU and TU Munich

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Current Courses

Our programs are taught by experienced researchers and educators, who are experts in their respective fields and provide students with the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with them.

We offer a wide range of courses covering various aspects of AI and ML, such as deep learning, reinforcement learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and much more. If you are looking to gain a deeper understanding of AI and ML, we have a program that is right for you.

Here you will find links to courses related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the current semester at the Munich Center for Machine Learning, LMU Munich, and TU Munich. The list does not claim to be complete, if you offer a course that you would like to have included here, please contact us at contact@mcml.ai.

Lectures, Seminars and Practicals at LMU Munich

Lectures, Seminars and Practicals at TU Munich

Funding Programs

We offer a variety of funding programs to support the research and development of early-career scientists.

Professional Training

The Data Science Certificate Program is a graded extra-occupational training program, which is organized twice a year.

Jobs @MCML

MCML is always looking for talented student assistants, researchers and professionals to join our team.


We offer a variety of outreach programs to make AI-research more accessible and to contribute to the further education of different target groups.