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Job Opportunities

MCML is constantly on the lookout for talented researchers and professionals to join our team. We offer a wide range of positions, including postdoctoral fellowships, research assistant positions, and administrative positions.

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Join our team at MCML

Our diverse and collaborative team is comprised of experts from a variety of disciplines, including computer science, mathematics, statistics, and more.

We are committed to fostering a stimulating and supportive environment for our team members, and we strive to provide opportunities for personal and professional growth.

If you are passionate about AI and ML and are looking for an exciting and challenging opportunity, we encourage you to explore the job opportunities available at MCML.

Currently we are looking for

Research and Teaching Assistant (PhD candidate) at the Chair of Database Systems and Data Mining (m/f/x) @LMU

The Chair of Database Systems and Data Mining at LMU Munich, Professor Thomas Seidl, is hiring PhDs. We are searching for interested students with a completed Master's Degree in computer science or related areas, such as mathematics, statistics or physics.

Our fields of research are: process mining, active learning, clustering, limited labels learning, and unsupervised learning - for any further inquiry, feel free to contact us at: seidl.office@dbs.ifi.lmu.de - positions are usually for 3 years in the TV-L E13 funding scheme.

Research and Teaching Assistant (PhD candidate) in “Applied Artificial Intelligence” (m/f/x) @LMU

Open position at the Munich School of Management - Institute of AI in Management. Join the team of highly motivated and aspiring researchers, led by our PI Prof. Stefan Feuerriegel.

Postdoctoral and PhD positions in “Machine Learning for Medical Imaging” (m/f/x) @TUM

Open positions at the Chair for Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine, led by our PI Prof. Julia Schnabel.

Data science project manager for Data Science for Social Good/DSSG (m/f/x)

For the second edition of the “Data Science for Social Good” summer program in Munich the DSSG-Team is looking for a Project Manager (July 15 – October 15, full-time E13 contract). You will work in a Start-Up-like enviroment, where you assist young and motivated researchers during their group projects.

Funding Programs

We offer a variety of funding programs to support the research and development of early-career scientists.

Education Programs

We offer a range of educational programs to develop skills and knowledge to succeed in the rapidly-evolving field of AI and ML.

Professional Training

The Data Science Certificate Program is a graded extra-occupational training program at LMU Munich, which is organized twice a year.