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Transfer Activities

Transfer Positions allow for the transfer of knowledge and technology from our center to the broader industry and society.

«MCML bundles the best AI and ML research at LMU and TUM. We strongly believe in a human-centric view of the field, where ML is used for advancing scientific, social and economic progress. Applicability, explainability and transfer of knowledge are core goals of MCML.»

Prof. Dr. Bernd Bischl

Prof. Dr. Bernd Bischl

Statistical and ML Consulting

As an important mission of a competence center, MCML offers consulting services to the scientific community within and outside the center.

The Machine Learning Consulting Unit (MLCU) at LMU Munich is part of MCML and offers applied researchers scientific consulting regarding the application and evaluation of machine learning methods. MLCU also welcomes joint research projects with the goal of publication and other forms of cooperation.


Link to  Dr. Andreas Bender

Dr. Andreas Bender

Coordinator for ML Consulting

Link to  Dr. Vladimir Golkov

Dr. Vladimir Golkov

Coordinator for ML Consulting

OpenSource and OpenData

MCML supports the research community inside and outside the center in various respects of technical systems and infrastructure.

For a strong assistance in handling data and code, the coordinators are responsible for OpenSource and OpenData activities at MCML.


Link to  Martin Binder

Martin Binder

Coordinator for Open Source & Open Data

Reproducibility and Open Science

MCML strongly supports Open Science and Reproducibility endeavors, and closely collaborates with the Open Science Center at LMU Munich.

The coordinators organize and support Open Science activities in MCML by distributing Reproducibility and Open Science knowledge and building a ML benchmarking task force in our center.


Link to  Dr. Moritz Herrmann

Dr. Moritz Herrmann

Coordinator for Reproducibility & Open Science

Education Coordination

Since excellent ML and AI education is a fundamental goal of our center, the MCML offers support in the area of education of young scientists.

If you have any questions regarding the AI and ML course programs at the different faculties, please do not hesitate to contact our coordinators. In addition, we are developing new academic courses on artificial intelligence and machine learning for a majority of students.


Link to  Dr. Marcel Wever

Dr. Marcel Wever

Education Coordination

Link to  Dr. Mina Rezaei

Dr. Mina Rezaei

Education Coordination

Innovation Lab Coordination

In our student Innovation Lab at LMU Munich, students teams spend a semester working on practical ML and data science projects, usually in cooperation with industry or domain science partners.

The innovation lab coordinator is responsible for acquiring and selecting projects from industry partners and external research labs, managing and executing the course, allocating the necessary infrastructure, and contributing to the supervision of the student groups. We are always looking for project partners from industry and academia. The Innovation Lab is an excellent opportunity for you to get smart and eager students to work on your data science and machine learning projects. If you are interested, feel free to drop us a line.


Link to  Dr. Thomas Meier

Dr. Thomas Meier

Innovation Lab Coordinator

Entrepreneurship Training

MCML, as a place for innovation and new ideas, establishes an entrepreneurship training program for future entrepreneurs. The goal is to empower ML specialists to transfer their ideas into new business models.

The development of the envisioned training program is undertaken in close collaboration with the LMU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center, the TUM Venture Labs and the Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM), a joint initiative of TUM and LMU that offers training of the next generation of entrepreneurs under the motto "Empowering Innnovators of Tomorrow".


Link to  Luke Haliburton

Luke Haliburton

Entrepreneurship Training


At the forefront of MCML's structure are the four Directors, who provide guidance and strategic direction for our center.

Management Team

The Management Team at MCML is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the center.

Strategy Board

Working in tandem with the Directors is the Strategy Board, a group of experienced senior researchers who help shape the vision and goals of MCML.

Principal Investigators

Principal Investigators are experts in their fields and conduct cutting-edge research on a range of topics in AI and ML.

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board consists of international scientists and representatives from industry and advises on the overall development of MCML.


MCML conducts ongoing collaborations with academia, industry, and society and provides a variety of services and partnership models.