From Bach to Natural Machines: Algorithms as Shapers of Music
Dan Tepfer, FarPlay
4:15 pm - 5:45 pm
Große Aula, LMU Munich, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 München
In the context of the Mathematical Colloquium, we invite you to attend a very special event. Dan Tepfer, world-class pianist, composer, and astrophysicist, will perform on Thursday, June 6th, in the main auditorium (Große Aula) of the LMU main building. Under the title "From Bach to Natural Machines: Algorithms as Shapers of Music", the audience will delve into the world of algorithms and their significance for music alongside Dan Tepfer. Tepfer will underscore the event musically by performing his examples directly on the piano.
Information about Dan Tepfer:
Dan Tepfer is a world-class pianist and composer who plays both classical and Jazz music. His recent album Inventions/Reinventions was #1 on the Billboard Classical Charts for two weeks. Besides his degree on Jazz piano, he also has a degree in astrophysics.
In his project "Natural Machine" he programmed a Yamaha disclavier to react on his improvisations, creating new musical effects. On top he coded visual effects triggered by the music. The corresponding video album can be found here.
It is also worth mentioning that Dan Tepfer is the president of the company FarPlay that produces an app which allows musicians to play together via internet at ultra-low latencies.
Holger Rauhut LMU
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©ASDF - stock.adobe.com
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