
Teaser image to Industrial AI Podcast: Where do we want the core AI/ML research to happen?

Industrial AI Podcast: Where do we want the core AI/ML research to happen?

Just listen to the three MCML directors

Industrial AI Podcast spoke with our three directors Bernd Bischl, Daniel Cremers, and Thomas Seidl about research priorities, the battle for the best minds and the role of tech companies.

They also asked what academics should do in the field of AI in the future and how they deal with competition from Meta, Alphabet or AWS.



Link to Our PI Angela Schoellig at Deep Dive podcast


Our PI Angela Schoellig at Deep Dive podcast

Our PI Angela Schoellig was a guest on the podcast Deep Dive by MIT Technology Review to talk about the situation of robotics in Germany.

Link to Digdeep Podcast: Wie schafft Lern-Fair gerechtere Bildungschancen, Maria Matveev?


Digdeep Podcast: Wie schafft Lern-Fair gerechtere Bildungschancen, Maria Matveev?

Our Junior member Maria Matveev discusses the growth and digital tools of Lern-Fair, connecting students with tutors to improve education equity.

Link to Digdeep Podcast: Wie baut man erfolgreiche Business-Plattformen, Prof. Felix Wortmann?


Digdeep Podcast: Wie baut man erfolgreiche Business-Plattformen, Prof. Felix Wortmann?

Platform giants like Amazon and Google shape the economy, a challenge Prof. Felix Wortmann explores.

Link to Digdeep Podcast: Wie wird man zur Corporate Influencerin und New-Work-Star, Irène Kilubi?


Digdeep Podcast: Wie wird man zur Corporate Influencerin und New-Work-Star, Irène Kilubi?

Listen to Dr. Irène Kilubi, a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and now a renowned business engineer, consultant, speaker, and entrepreneur.

Link to Digdeep Podcast: Von analog zu digital – was macht das mit dem Jazz, Arndt Weidler?


Digdeep Podcast: Von analog zu digital – was macht das mit dem Jazz, Arndt Weidler?

Jazz is constantly evolving, with the digital revolution and AI transforming it further, as explained by Arndt Weidler from the Jazz Institute Darmstadt.