Digdeep Podcast: Wie revolutioniert man globale Logistik aus Ost-Westfalen heraus, Ralf Niemeier?
News from the Digital World by MCML PI Frauke Kreuter and Christof Horn
Ralf Niemeier, an entrepreneurial serial achiever, has garnered extensive experience in various sectors including family businesses and steel trading, preparing him to digitally revolutionize the logistics industry with his startup Visimatch.
Despite being based in Paderborn, not a typical startup hub, Visimatch focuses on developing platforms to address logistical complexities such as coordinating large-scale events and military exercises.
Niemeier emphasizes the importance of understanding and guiding customers through their digital transformation journey, highlighting the common mistake of digitalizers neglecting the practical needs of clients still entrenched in traditional methods like Excel.
Just listen in (podcast in German).
©Heise Medien GmbH
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