
Teaser image to Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion

Visual synthesis and its implications for the arts and creative industry

MCML PI and LMU professor Björn Ommer invited on October 6, 2022 artist and researcher of the Angewandte Wien Pamela Breda and students of the TUM Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence Chair accompanied by EuroTech Marie Curie Fellow Roman Pflugfelder to his group.

The PhD students of LMU and TUM discussed with Pamela Breda new artistic possibilities and the social and ethical questions regarding human emotional responses to the ongoing revolution in text-to-image synthesis.

The students also exchanged new ideas how to apply the stable diffusion model to other visual tasks such as 3D reconstruction.

Beside the exciting introduction to the topic by Björn Ommer and a more than two hour lively discussion, students of the two chairs had the opportunity to network. This event was a prelude for more collaboration between the two research groups within the MCML.

{{< learnMoreBtn link=“https://ommer-lab.com” text=“More information to Stable Diffusion” size=“medium” >}}



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