
Teaser image to MCML launches new collaborative format for scientific exchange

MCML launches new collaborative format for scientific exchange

MCML Pitch Talk Series

The MCML initiated a new collaborative format for scientific exchange and community building: Our Pitch Talk Series. Here, our junior members get the opportunity to pitch their research and connect within the MCML community.

Last Friday, we hosted three talks and were pleased to welcome more than 20 MCML members.

We had talks about:

  • Assessing Label Variation in Natural Language Inference by Cornelia Gruber
  • Structuring Uncertainty in Causal Inference by David Strieder
  • Uncertainty and Calibration in Random Forests by Mohammad Hossein Shaker

We are very much looking forward to the regular interdisciplinary exchange within our Pitch Talk Series.




Link to MCML Munich AI Day


MCML Munich AI Day

At the beginning of July, the MCML presented the first Munich AI Day. In this short article, we would like to look back together on the successful event.

Link to MCML at the 18th International For..Net Symposium 2024


MCML at the 18th International For..Net Symposium 2024

The MCML presented AMELIE - our demonstrator offering a glimpse into the inner learning processes of machines - at the 18th International For..Net Symposium 2024

Link to ELLIS Workshop: Semantic, Symbolic and Interpretable Machine Learning


ELLIS Workshop: Semantic, Symbolic and Interpretable Machine Learning

MCML PI Volker Tresp organized an ELLIS Workshop together with Kristian Kersting (TU Darmstadt) & Paolo Frasconi (Università di Firenze).

Link to Girls'Day 2024


Girls'Day 2024

As part of Girls'Day, the MCML offers interested girls and the opportunity to delve into the everyday life of AI researchers and data scientists.

Link to 2023 ACM Fellows


2023 ACM Fellows

The 2023 ACM Fellows were recently announced: MCML PI Albrecht Schmidt is one of them.