LMU News: Two LMU research projects awarded ERC grants
The project Respond2Hate of MCML PI Hinrich Schütze was successful
MCML PI Hinrich Schütze received a Proof of Concept Grant for his project "Respond2Hate" (Responsive classifiers against hate speech in low-resource settings).
In his project, Professor Schütze is seeking to develop a pilot browser extension that allows users to locally remove hateful content from their social media feeds themselves – including in countries with little representation in current training datasets. To this end, he will validate self-developed adaptive models, continuously enhanced by means of natural language processing and deep learning techniques, for the filtering of hate speech.
Leopoldina Prize for Young Scientists for MCML PI Niki Kilbertus
Our PI Niki Kilbertus was awarded the Leopoldina Prize for Young Scientists.
2024 Engagement Award for MCML Junior Member Maria Matveev
Our Junior Member Maria Matveev has been awarded the 2024 Engagement Award by the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) for …
Alfred-Breit-Prize for MCML PI Julia Schnabel
Our PI Julia Schnabel was awarded the Alfred-Breit-Prize of the German Radiological Society (Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft).
Humboldt Professorship for our PIs
We proudly announce that our PIs Stefanie Jegelka and Suvrit Sra have been honored with the prestigious Humboldt Professorship.
ERC Starting Grant for our PI Angela Dai
Our PI Angela Dai received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).