
Teaser image to 2024 Engagement Award for MCML Junior Member Maria Matveev

2024 Engagement Award for MCML Junior Member Maria Matveev

MCML Junior Member Maria Matveev has been awarded the 2024 Engagement Award by the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) for co-founding the online platform www.lern-fair.de.

The educational platform Lern-Fair aims to address the disadvantages faced by socially weaker groups in our education system. The platform primarily focuses on individual tutoring provided by over 10,000 volunteer helpers. Additionally, the platform offers group formats such as review courses, focus months on extracurricular topics, and German courses for refugee students. The platform’s concept is so effective that over 15,000 students have already benefited from this offer.

Congrats from us!

Learn-Fair Website
Donation appeal and interview with Maria Matveev (German)
Press release by the German National Academic Foundation (German)



Link to Leopoldina Prize for Young Scientists for MCML PI Niki Kilbertus


Leopoldina Prize for Young Scientists for MCML PI Niki Kilbertus

Our PI Niki Kilbertus was awarded the Leopoldina Prize for Young Scientists.

Link to Alfred-Breit-Prize for MCML PI Julia Schnabel


Alfred-Breit-Prize for MCML PI Julia Schnabel

Our PI Julia Schnabel was awarded the Alfred-Breit-Prize of the German Radiological Society (Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft).

Link to Humboldt Professorship for our PIs


Humboldt Professorship for our PIs

We proudly announce that our PIs Stefanie Jegelka and Suvrit Sra have been honored with the prestigious Humboldt Professorship.

Link to ERC Starting Grant for our PI Angela Dai


ERC Starting Grant for our PI Angela Dai

Our PI Angela Dai received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).

Link to ERC Synergy Grant for our PI Julien Gagneur


ERC Synergy Grant for our PI Julien Gagneur

Our PI Julien Gagneur, together with researchers from Sweden and Belgium, received a Synergy Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).