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Link to KI - Der Anfang vom Ende oder einfach nur nützlich?

Presentation  •  14.10.2024  •  Bergson Kunstkraftwerk Studio, Rupert-Bodner-Str. 5, 81245 München

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

KI - Der Anfang vom Ende oder einfach nur nützlich?

Reinhard Heckel, MCML/TUM
Constanze Zawadzky, Innovation Park AI

Together with Constanze Zawadzky (Innovation Park AI), our PI Reinhard Heckel will give interested parties an insight into the world of artificial intelligence. In addition to the basics of artificial intelligence, exciting questions about …






Link to herCAREER Expo

Career and Networking Event  •  17.10.2024 - 18.10.2024  •  MOC Veranstaltungscenter Munich, Lilienthalallee 40, 80939 Munich

herCAREER Expo

MCML PIs Frauke Kreuter und Gitta Kutyniok as role models

The MCML PIs Frauke Kreuter and Gitta Kutyniok will be guest speakers at this year’s herCAREER Expo. This expo is a networking and career event dedicated to achieving equality and fairness between genders in the professional world. Visitors and job …






Link to Artificial Intelligence 2024

Handelsblatt Summit  •  20.11.2024 - 21.11.2024  •  House of Communication, Friedenstr. 24, 81671 München

Artificial Intelligence 2024

AI for Business: Balancing Vision and Value

Our PI Björn Ommer will be a speaker at the Handelsblatt Summit Artificial Intelligence 2024, which will be held under the motto “AI for Business: Balancing Vision and Value”. The event will cover both visionary aspects of AI and concrete strategies …



Link to (Re-)Imagine

Open Lab Day  •  05.12.2024  •  Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Boltzmannstraße 1, 85748 Garching bei München

5:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Open Lab Day at V2C

During an internship at the LRZ’s Centre for Virtual Reality and Visualisation (V2C) students of LMU and TUM gained in-depth experience in the development of interactive and immersive applications for VR installations such as the LED-CAVE at the LRZ. From the conception of a project idea to the finished application, the students worked on every step …

MCML Events Calendar

The MCML Events Calendar collects different types of events happening at and around the Munich Center for Machine Learning.

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To add an event to the MCML Events Calendar please write an Email to events@mcml.ai.