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AI on GCS Supercomputers

Project call information for computing time applications for large-scale and regular projects


   11:00 am - 12:30 pm


Do you need compute time for AI projects? Is your workstation or university cluster too small? Are you considering a project on the largest scale?

The Gauss Centre for Supercomputing can help. We provide computing resources up to the largest scales on our available and upcoming systems with thousands of GPUs in Stuttgart, München and Jülich. The best: this is for free. You only need to write a compute time proposal. The next call for proposal closes on Feb 14.

In our info event, we will provide the most important facts and practical guidelines how to successfully apply for compute time. We give you the most important hints and let you slip into the role of a reviewer.


Link to (Re-)Imagine

Open Lab Day  •  05.12.2024  •  Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Boltzmannstraße 1, 85748 Garching bei München


Students at the LRZ's Centre for Virtual Reality and Visualisation (V2C) will present their projects from this year's VR internship and final theses.

Link to Online Machine Learning School 2024

Online School  •  07.10.2024 - 11.10.2024  •  Online

Online Machine Learning School 2024

LMU Clinics present their Online Machine Learning School to close the gap between clinical practice and cutting-edge machine learning techniques.

Link to The MCML at Open Day Campus Garching

TUM Open Day  •  03.10.2024  •  TUM, Boltzmannstraße 15, 85748 Garching bei München

The MCML at Open Day Campus Garching

The MCML is represented at the Open Day Campus Garching.

Link to MCML Workshop on Reproducibility and Scientific Computing

Workshop  •  25.09.2024 - 01.10.2024  •  LMU Munich, tba

MCML Workshop on Reproducibility and Scientific Computing

Join us for an intensive 5-day workshop on computational reproducibility and scientific computing organized by the MCML.

Link to INTERpretability Workshop

Workshop  •  23.09.2024 - 26.09.2024  •  Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, Achterstraße 30, 28359 Bremen, Room 1550

INTERpretability Workshop

Three-day INTERACT workshop on Interpretable Machine Learning (IML) co-organized by the MCML.