
Online School
Online Machine Learning School 2024
LMU Clinics
07.10.2024 - 11.10.2024
On behalf of the Precision Psychiatry Group at LMU Clinics, we inform you about their Online Machine Learning School for clinicians and researchers in the field of psychiatry and neuroscience. The event offers seminars and data science advice, as well as hands-on tutorials held by professionals to close the gap between clinical practice and cutting-edge machine learning techniques.
Organized by:
Max Planck Fellow Group for Precision Psychiatry
Section for Precision Psychiatry LMU Clinics
Artificial Intelligence in Mental Healthy (AIM) lab King's College London
ECNP Neuroimaging Network

Hackathon • 28.03.2025 - 30.03.2025 • LMU Munich, Main Building
DataFest 2025
DataFest Germany at the LMU Munich on March, 28-30, 2025.

Bootcamp • 26.03.2025 • Leibniz Rechenzentrum, Boltzmannstr. 1, 85748 Garching bei München
LRZ Bootcamp With NIVIDA on Accelerated Distributed Computing
LRZ Bootcamp with NIVIDA on Accelerated Distributed Computing on March 26, 2025, at 9 am.