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Open Science @MCML

Moritz Hermann, LMU Munich and MCML Open Science Transfer Coordinator


   3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

   LMU Department of Statistics

MCML's Open Science Transfer Coordinator, Moritz Herrmann, works to enhance accessibility and transparency in machine learning research. Providing support on reproducibility, he aims to establish policies and best practices, fostering collaborative, ethical, and transparent research in the scientific community.


Link to KI - Der Anfang vom Ende oder einfach nur nützlich?

Presentation  •  14.10.2024  •  Bergson Kunstkraftwerk Studio, Rupert-Bodner-Str. 5, 81245 München

KI - Der Anfang vom Ende oder einfach nur nützlich?

Together with Constanze Zawadzky (Innovation Park AI), MCML PI Reinhard Heckel will give interested parties an insight into the world of artificial intelligence.

Link to Nachgefragt – Ethikgespräche an der LMU: Kann ChatGPT denken?

Lecture  •  16.07.2024  •  LMU Munich, Main Building, M 210 und online via Zoom

Nachgefragt – Ethikgespräche an der LMU: Kann ChatGPT denken?

David Lauer from the University of Kiel questions if we're in the age of thinking machines, exploring what "thinking" means and AI's true capabilities and limitations …

Link to Methodological Advances in Experimental Design

Lecture  •  16.07.2024  •  LMU Munich, Seminar Room 211, 2/F, Ludwigstr. 28 (Front Building)

Methodological Advances in Experimental Design

Talk by Drew Dimmery from the Hertie School Data Science Lab, about improving experimental design for treatment assignment, HTE estimation, and online assignment.

Link to Patient Risk Stratification through a Causal Lens

Lecture  •  09.07.2024  •  LMU Munich, Seminar Room 211, 2/F, Ludwigstr. 28 (Front Building)

Patient Risk Stratification through a Causal Lens

The talk by Jenna Wiens from the University of Michigan examines why many sepsis risk tools fail and suggests using causal reasoning for better outcomes.

Link to Large Language Models in the Age of Misinformation

Lecture  •  04.07.2024  •  LMU Munich, Seminar Room 211, 2/F, Ludwigstr. 28 (Front Building)

Large Language Models in the Age of Misinformation

Francesco Pierri from Politecnico di Milano discusses the risks of generative AI, such as GPT-4 and Midjourney, in spreading disinformation and targeting individuals.