
Teaser image to New minor in AI at LMU

New minor in AI at LMU

LMU Newsroom article

This winter semester (WS23/24), LMU launched a minor in Artificial Intelligence with the aim of offering a tailor-made education in artificial intelligence for non-computer scientists. The LMU Newsroom article explains the most important things you need to know if you are interested.



Link to How the Meta Algorithm Influences Election Advertising


How the Meta Algorithm Influences Election Advertising

Our PI Stefan Feuerriegel and his team conducted a large-scale study on the topic of election advertising.

Link to MCML Director Daniel Cremers about his new method to create precise 3D reconstructions


MCML Director Daniel Cremers about his new method to create precise 3D reconstructions

This TUM News article covers the latest research results of our Director Daniel Cremers. He and his team have succeeded in creating precise 3D reconstructions using only …

Link to Our PI Björn Ommer about AI in medicine and healtcare


Our PI Björn Ommer about AI in medicine and healtcare

Our PI Björn Ommer was a guest on Gert Scobel's show to talk about AI in medicine and healthcare.

Link to Our PI Nassir Navab on robotic ultrasound systems


Our PI Nassir Navab on robotic ultrasound systems

This article highlights the work of our PI Nassir Navab on robotic ultrasound systems.

Link to Sven Nyholm about the role of AI in India's political campaigns


Sven Nyholm about the role of AI in India's political campaigns

Our PI Sven Nyholm has a brief appearance in this newspaper article by Die WELT about the role of AI in India's political campaigns.