LMU is partner of MLFPM
Innovative Training Network "Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine"
LMU is now partner of the Marie Curie Innovative Training Network entitled "Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine".
MLFP The Marie Curie Innovative Training Network entitled “Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine” brings together leading European research institutes in machine learning and statistical genetics, both from the private and public sector, to train 14 early stage researchers.
These scientists will apply machine learning methods to health data. The goal is to reveal new insights into disease mechanisms and therapy outcomes and to exploit the findings for precision medicine, which hopes to offer personalized preventive care and therapy selection for each patient.
MCML member Ludwig Bothmann is featured in a documentary by Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR)
MCML member Ludwig Bothmann is featured in a documentary by Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR).
MCML PI Björn Ommer nominated for Deutscher Zukunftspreis
Our PI Björn Ommer has been nominated for Deutscher Zukunftspreis.
MCML PI Reinhard Heckel about the importance of data in AI
In this short interview, MCML PI Reinhard Heckel discusses the importance of data in AI.
Influence on Elections by Meta Algorithm
NDR feature on the study of political advertising conducted by our PI Stefan Feuerriegel and his team.
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Our Director Daniel Rückert about the suitability of chatbots in hospitals
This short article focuses on the current work of MCML Director Daniel Rückert and his team, who studied the suitability of AI chatbots in hospitals.