
Teaser image to Zukunftstechnologien in der Bildung – Lehren und Lernen mit und über KI

Zukunftstechnologien in der Bildung – Lehren und Lernen mit und über KI

Albrecht Schmidt, Human-Centered Ubiquitous Media, LMU Munich
Jochen Kuhn, Chair of Physics Education, LMU Munich


   6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

   LMU Main Building, A-021

With the high-profile spread of ChatGPT, AI is also accessible to society. In this context, their use in education is also increasingly at the center of public debate. The event will provide insights into the current status of related project and research work and will also give visitors the opportunity to try it out for themselves.


Link to 2nd Bootcamp "AI meets Entrepreneurs"

Bootcamp  •  17.11.2023 - 18.11.2023  •  LMU Main Building and Netlight Office München

2nd Bootcamp "AI meets Entrepreneurs"

The MCML is co-organizer of this two-part event to shift ML and AI researchers into an entrepreneurial mindset for the second time.

Link to Was verändert sich für uns durch ChatGPT? Wie werden KI-Sprachmodelle Lehren und Lernen verändern?

Panel Discussion  •  08.02.2023  •  LMU Munich and Live Stream on YouTube

Was verändert sich für uns durch ChatGPT? Wie werden KI-Sprachmodelle Lehren und Lernen verändern?

What opportunities and challenges do developments in AI such as ChatGPT present for educational institutions?

Link to 1st Bootcamp "AI meets Entrepreneurs"

Bootcamp  •  27.01.2023 - 28.01.2023  •  LMU Munich, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Room E004

1st Bootcamp "AI meets Entrepreneurs"

The MCML is co-organizer of this two-part event to shift ML and AI researchers into an entrepreneurial mindset.