
Teaser image to Symposium on AI Research at LMU

Symposium on AI Research at LMU

Meet the newly appointed AI Professors at LMU Munich - among others our PIs Michael Ingrisch and Holger Rauhut


   6:15 pm - 8:00 pm

   LMU, Große Aula

In order to expand the research network on artificial intelligence in Bavaria, a lot of new AI Professorships were established across the state. This year, there will be an AI symposium, where the newly appointed professors will present their research focuses.

Meet the newly appointed AI Professors at LMU Munich and join a panel discussion on the next generation of AI research from the different disciplinary perspectives. A reception will be held after the symposium at the Lichthof of LMU.


Link to AI and Data Science at the Medical Faculty

Symposium  •  19.01.2024  •  St.-Vinzenz-Haus Nußbaumstr. 5, Munich

AI and Data Science at the Medical Faculty

The symposium combines a lively in-person event with invited speakers, an expert and panel discussion, a poster session and plenty of discussions.

Link to Interaction with Technologies for Human Augmentation

Symposium  •  20.02.2023  •  LMU Munich and Livestream on YouTube

Interaction with Technologies for Human Augmentation

Are you interested in the latest advancements and research trends in human augmentation? Join us for the workshop.