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Research Group Julia Schnabel

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Julia Schnabel

Prof. Dr.

Principal Investigator

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

Julia Schnabel

is Professor for Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine at TU Munich.

Her field of research comprises medical image computing and machine learning. Her research focuses on intelligent imaging solutions and computer aided evaluation, including complex motion modelling, image reconstruction, image quality control, image segmentation and classification, applied to multi-modal, quantitative and dynamic imaging.

Team members @MCML

PhD Students

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Stefan Fischer

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

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Johannes Kiechle

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

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Jun Li

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

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Anna Reithmeir

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

Publications @MCML


A. Reithmeir, V. Spieker, V. Sideri-Lampretsa, D. Rückert, J. A. Schnabel and V. A. Zimmer.
From Model Based to Learned Regularization in Medical Image Registration: A Comprehensive Review.
Preprint (Dec. 2024). arXiv

Image registration is fundamental in medical imaging applications, such as disease progression analysis or radiation therapy planning. The primary objective of image registration is to precisely capture the deformation between two or more images, typically achieved by minimizing an optimization problem. Due to its inherent ill-posedness, regularization is a key component in driving the solution toward anatomically meaningful deformations. A wide range of regularization methods has been proposed for both conventional and deep learning-based registration. However, the appropriate application of regularization techniques often depends on the specific registration problem, and no one-fits-all method exists. Despite its importance, regularization is often overlooked or addressed with default approaches, assuming existing methods are sufficient. A comprehensive and structured review remains missing. This review addresses this gap by introducing a novel taxonomy that systematically categorizes the diverse range of proposed regularization methods. It highlights the emerging field of learned regularization, which leverages data-driven techniques to automatically derive deformation properties from the data. Moreover, this review examines the transfer of regularization methods from conventional to learning-based registration, identifies open challenges, and outlines future research directions. By emphasizing the critical role of regularization in image registration, we hope to inspire the research community to reconsider regularization strategies in modern registration algorithms and to explore this rapidly evolving field further.

MCML Authors
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Anna Reithmeir

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

Link to Profile Daniel Rückert

Daniel Rückert

Prof. Dr.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Medicine

Link to Profile Julia Schnabel

Julia Schnabel

Prof. Dr.

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

D. Daum, R. Osuala, A. Riess, G. Kaissis, J. A. Schnabel and M. Di Folco.
On Differentially Private 3D Medical Image Synthesis with Controllable Latent Diffusion Models.
DGM4 @MICCAI 2024 - 4th International Workshop on Deep Generative Models at the 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2024). Marrakesh, Morocco, Oct 06-10, 2024. DOI GitHub

Generally, the small size of public medical imaging datasets coupled with stringent privacy concerns, hampers the advancement of data-hungry deep learning models in medical imaging. This study addresses these challenges for 3D cardiac MRI images in the short-axis view. We propose Latent Diffusion Models that generate synthetic images conditioned on medical attributes, while ensuring patient privacy through differentially private model training. To our knowledge, this is the first work to apply and quantify differential privacy in 3D medical image generation. We pre-train our models on public data and finetune them with differential privacy on the UK Biobank dataset. Our experiments reveal that pre-training significantly improves model performance, achieving a Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) of 26.77 at ϵ=10, compared to 92.52 for models without pre-training. Additionally, we explore the trade-off between privacy constraints and image quality, investigating how tighter privacy budgets affect output controllability and may lead to degraded performance. Our results demonstrate that proper consideration during training with differential privacy can substantially improve the quality of synthetic cardiac MRI images, but there are still notable challenges in achieving consistent medical realism.

MCML Authors
Link to Profile Georgios Kaissis

Georgios Kaissis


Privacy-Preserving and Trustworthy AI

Link to Profile Julia Schnabel

Julia Schnabel

Prof. Dr.

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

A. Riess, A. Ziller, S. Kolek, D. Rückert, J. A. Schnabel and G. Kaissis.
Complex-Valued Federated Learning with Differential Privacy and MRI Applications.
DeCaF @MICCAI 2024 - 5th Workshop on Distributed, Collaborative and Federated Learning at the 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2024). Marrakesh, Morocco, Oct 06-10, 2024. DOI

Federated learning enhanced with Differential Privacy (DP) is a powerful privacy-preserving strategy to protect individuals sharing their sensitive data for processing in fields such as medicine and healthcare. Many medical applications, for example magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), rely on complex-valued signal processing techniques for data acquisition and analysis. However, the appropriate application of DP to complex-valued data is still underexplored. To address this issue, from the theoretical side, we introduce the complex-valued Gaussian mechanism, whose behaviour we characterise in terms of f-DP, -DP and Rényi-DP. Moreover, we generalise the fundamental algorithm DP stochastic gradient descent to complex-valued neural networks and present novel complex-valued neural network primitives compatible with DP. Experimentally, we showcase a proof-of-concept by training federated complex-valued neural networks with DP on a real-world task (MRI pulse sequence classification in k-space), yielding excellent utility and privacy. Our results highlight the relevance of combining federated learning with robust privacy-preserving techniques in the MRI context.

MCML Authors
Link to Profile Daniel Rückert

Daniel Rückert

Prof. Dr.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Medicine

Link to Profile Julia Schnabel

Julia Schnabel

Prof. Dr.

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

Link to Profile Georgios Kaissis

Georgios Kaissis


Privacy-Preserving and Trustworthy AI

S. M. Fischer, L. Felsner, R. Osuala, J. Kiechle, D. M. Lang, J. C. Peeken and J. A. Schnabel.
Progressive Growing of Patch Size: Resource-Efficient Curriculum Learning for Dense Prediction Tasks.
MICCAI 2024 - 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention. Marrakesh, Morocco, Oct 06-10, 2024. DOI GitHub

In this work, we introduce Progressive Growing of Patch Size, a resource-efficient implicit curriculum learning approach for dense prediction tasks. Our curriculum approach is defined by growing the patch size during model training, which gradually increases the task’s difficulty. We integrated our curriculum into the nnU-Net framework and evaluated the methodology on all 10 tasks of the Medical Segmentation Decathlon. With our approach, we are able to substantially reduce runtime, computational costs, and emissions of network training compared to classical constant patch size training. In our experiments, the curriculum approach resulted in improved convergence. We are able to outperform standard nnU-Net training, which is trained with constant patch size, in terms of Dice Score on 7 out of 10 MSD tasks while only spending roughly 50% of the original training runtime. To the best of our knowledge, our Progressive Growing of Patch Size is the first successful employment of a sample-length curriculum in the form of patch size in the field of computer vision.

MCML Authors
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Johannes Kiechle

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

Link to Profile Julia Schnabel

Julia Schnabel

Prof. Dr.

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

A. Reithmeir, L. Felsner, R. Braren, J. A. Schnabel and V. A. Zimmer.
Data-Driven Tissue- and Subject-Specific Elastic Regularization for Medical Image Registration.
MICCAI 2024 - 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention. Marrakesh, Morocco, Oct 06-10, 2024. DOI GitHub

Physics-inspired regularization is desired for intra-patient image registration since it can effectively capture the biomechanical characteristics of anatomical structures. However, a major challenge lies in the reliance on physical parameters: Parameter estimations vary widely across the literature, and the physical properties themselves are inherently subject-specific. In this work, we introduce a novel data-driven method that leverages hypernetworks to learn the tissue-dependent elasticity parameters of an elastic regularizer. Notably, our approach facilitates the estimation of patient-specific parameters without the need to retrain the network. We evaluate our method on three publicly available 2D and 3D lung CT and cardiac MR datasets. We find that with our proposed subject-specific tissue-dependent regularization, a higher registration quality is achieved across all datasets compared to using a global regularizer.

MCML Authors
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Anna Reithmeir

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

Link to Profile Julia Schnabel

Julia Schnabel

Prof. Dr.

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

D. Grzech, L. Le Folgoc, M. F. Azampour, A. Vlontzos, B. Glocker, N. Navab, J. A. Schnabel and B. Kainz.
Unsupervised Similarity Learning for Image Registration with Energy-Based Models.
WBIR @MICCAI 2024 - 11th International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration at the 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2024). Marrakesh, Morocco, Oct 06-10, 2024. DOI

We present a new model for deformable image registration, which learns in an unsupervised way a data-specific similarity metric. The proposed method consists of two neural networks, one that maps pairs of input images to transformations which align them, and one that provides the similarity metric whose maximisation guides the image alignment. We parametrise the similarity metric as an energy-based model, which is simple to train and allows us to improve the accuracy of image registration compared to other models with learnt similarity metrics by taking advantage of a more general mathematical formulation, as well as larger datasets. We also achieve substantial improvement in the accuracy of inter-patient image registration on MRI scans from the OASIS dataset compared to models that rely on traditional functions.

MCML Authors
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Mohammad Farid Azampour

Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality

Link to Profile Nassir Navab

Nassir Navab

Prof. Dr.

Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality

Link to Profile Julia Schnabel

Julia Schnabel

Prof. Dr.

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

S. M. Fischer, J. Kiechle, D. M. Lang, J. C. Peeken and J. A. Schnabel.
Mask the Unknown: Assessing Different Strategies to Handle Weak Annotations in the MICCAI2023 Mediastinal Lymph Node Quantification Challenge.
Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging 2 (Jun. 2024). DOI GitHub

Pathological lymph node delineation is crucial in cancer diagnosis, progression assessment, and treatment planning. The MICCAI 2023 Lymph Node Quantification Challenge published the first public dataset for pathological lymph node segmentation in the mediastinum. As lymph node annotations are expensive, the challenge was formed as a weakly supervised learning task, where only a subset of all lymph nodes in the training set have been annotated. For the challenge submission, multiple methods for training on these weakly supervised data were explored, including noisy label training, loss masking of unlabeled data, and an approach that integrated the TotalSegmentator toolbox as a form of pseudo labeling in order to reduce the number of unknown voxels. Furthermore, multiple public TCIA datasets were incorporated into the training to improve the performance of the deep learning model. Our submitted model achieved a Dice score of 0.628 and an average symmetric surface distance of 5.8~mm on the challenge test set. With our submitted model, we accomplished the third rank in the MICCAI2023 LNQ challenge. A finding of our analysis was that the integration of all visible, including non-pathological lymph nodes improved the overall segmentation performance on pathological lymph nodes of the test set. Furthermore, segmentation models trained only on clinically enlarged lymph nodes, as given in the challenge scenario, could not generalize to smaller pathological lymph nodes.

MCML Authors
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Johannes Kiechle

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

Link to Profile Julia Schnabel

Julia Schnabel

Prof. Dr.

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

J. Kiechle, S. M. Fischer, D. M. Lang, M. Folco, S. C. Foreman, V. K. N. Rösner, A.-K. Lohse, C. Mogler, C. Knebel, M. R. Makowski, K. Woertler, S. E. Combs, A. S. Gersing, J. C. Peeken and J. A. Schnabel.
Unifying local and global shape descriptors to grade soft-tissue sarcomas using graph convolutional networks.
ISBI 2024 - IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. Athens, Greece, May 27-30, 2024. DOI

The tumor grading of patients suffering from soft-tissue sarcomas is a critical task, as an accurate classification of this high-mortality cancer entity constitutes a decisive factor in devising optimal treatment strategies. In this work, we focus on distinguishing soft-tissue sarcoma subtypes solely based on their 3D morphological characteristics, derived from tumor segmentation masks. Notably, we direct attention to overcoming the limitations of texture-based methodologies, which often fall short of providing adequate shape delineation. To this end, we propose a novel yet elegant modular geometric deep learning framework coined Global Local Graph Convolutional Network (GloLo-GCN) that integrates local and global shape characteristics into a meaningful unified shape descriptor. Evaluated on a multi-center dataset, our proposed model performs better in soft-tissue sarcoma grading than GCNs based on state-of-the-art graph convolutions and a volumetric 3D convolutional neural network, also evaluated on binary segmentation masks exclusively.

MCML Authors
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Johannes Kiechle

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

Link to Profile Julia Schnabel

Julia Schnabel

Prof. Dr.

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

J. Kiechle, S. C. Foreman, S. Fischer, D. Rusche, V. Rösner, A.-K. Lohse, C. Mogler, S. E. Combs, M. R. Makowski, K. Woertler, D. M. Lang, J. A. Schnabel, A. S. Gersing and J. C. Peeken.
Investigating the role of morphology in deep learning-based liposarcoma grading.
ESTRO 2024 - Annual Meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology. Glasgow, UK, May 03-07, 2024. URL
MCML Authors
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Johannes Kiechle

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

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Stefan Fischer

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

Link to Profile Julia Schnabel

Julia Schnabel

Prof. Dr.

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

A. Reithmeir, J. A. Schnabel and V. A. Zimmer.
Learning physics-inspired regularization for medical image registration with hypernetworks.
SPIE 2024 - SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Processing. San Diego, CA, USA, Feb 18-22, 2024. DOI GitHub

Medical image registration aims to identify the spatial deformation between images of the same anatomical region and is fundamental to image-based diagnostics and therapy. To date, the majority of the deep learning-based registration methods employ regularizers that enforce global spatial smoothness, e.g., the diffusion regularizer. However, such regularizers are not tailored to the data and might not be capable of reflecting the complex underlying deformation. In contrast, physics-inspired regularizers promote physically plausible deformations. One such regularizer is the linear elastic regularizer, which models the deformation of elastic material. These regularizers are driven by parameters that define the material’s physical properties. For biological tissue, a wide range of estimations of such parameters can be found in the literature, and it remains an open challenge to identify suitable parameter values for successful registration. To overcome this problem and to incorporate physical properties into learning-based registration, we propose to use a hypernetwork that learns the effect of the physical parameters of a physics-inspired regularizer on the resulting spatial deformation field. In particular, we adapt the HyperMorph framework to learn the effect of the two elasticity parameters of the linear elastic regularizer. Our approach enables the efficient discovery of suitable, data-specific physical parameters at test time. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to use a hypernetwork to learn physics-inspired regularization for medical image registration. We evaluate our approach on 3D intrapatient lung CT images. The results show that the linear elastic regularizer can yield comparable results to the diffusion regularizer in unsupervised learning-based registration while predicting deformations with fewer foldings. With our method, the adaptation of the physical parameters to the data can successfully be performed at test time.

MCML Authors
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Anna Reithmeir

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine

Link to Profile Julia Schnabel

Julia Schnabel

Prof. Dr.

Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine