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Research Group Holger Rauhut

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Holger Rauhut

Prof. Dr.

Principal Investigator

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Holger Rauhut

is Professor of Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at LMU Munich.

His focus on the intersection of mathematics and artificial intelligence, aiming for both a mathematical understanding of artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence for mathematical problems.

Team members @MCML


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Sakirudeen Abdulsalaam


Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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Leonardo Galli


Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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Ulrich Terstiege


Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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Tizian Wenzel


Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

PhD Students

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Wiebke Bartolomaeus

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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Kurt Izak Cabanilla

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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Arinze Lawrence Folarin

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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Garam Kim

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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Gabin Maxime Nguegnang

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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Laura Paul

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

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Shan Wei

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Recent News @MCML

Link to MCML Researchers With 28 Papers at NeurIPS 2024


MCML Researchers With 28 Papers at NeurIPS 2024

Link to MCML Researchers With 22 Papers at ECCV 2024


MCML Researchers With 22 Papers at ECCV 2024

Publications @MCML


F. Hoppe, C. M. Verdun, H. Laus, F. Krahmer and H. Rauhut.
Non-Asymptotic Uncertainty Quantification in High-Dimensional Learning.
NeurIPS 2024 - 38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. Vancouver, Canada, Dec 10-15, 2024. URL

Uncertainty quantification (UQ) is a crucial but challenging task in many high-dimensional regression or learning problems to increase the confidence of a given predictor. We develop a new data-driven approach for UQ in regression that applies both to classical regression approaches such as the LASSO as well as to neural networks. One of the most notable UQ techniques is the debiased LASSO, which modifies the LASSO to allow for the construction of asymptotic confidence intervals by decomposing the estimation error into a Gaussian and an asymptotically vanishing bias component. However, in real-world problems with finite-dimensional data, the bias term is often too significant to be neglected, resulting in overly narrow confidence intervals. Our work rigorously addresses this issue and derives a data-driven adjustment that corrects the confidence intervals for a large class of predictors by estimating the means and variances of the bias terms from training data, exploiting high-dimensional concentration phenomena. This gives rise to non-asymptotic confidence intervals, which can help avoid overestimating uncertainty in critical applications such as MRI diagnosis. Importantly, our analysis extends beyond sparse regression to data-driven predictors like neural networks, enhancing the reliability of model-based deep learning. Our findings bridge the gap between established theory and the practical applicability of such debiased methods.

MCML Authors
Claudio Mayrink Verdun

Claudio Mayrink Verdun


* Former Member

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Hannah Laus

Optimization & Data Analysis

Link to Profile Felix Krahmer

Felix Krahmer

Prof. Dr.

Optimization & Data Analysis

Link to Profile Holger Rauhut

Holger Rauhut

Prof. Dr.

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

F. Hoppe, C. M. Verdun, H. Laus, S. Endt, M. I. Menzel, F. Krahmer and H. Rauhut.
Imaging with Confidence: Uncertainty Quantification for High-dimensional Undersampled MR Images.
ECCV 2024 - 18th European Conference on Computer Vision. Milano, Italy, Sep 29-Oct 04, 2024. DOI GitHub

Establishing certified uncertainty quantification (UQ) in imaging processing applications continues to pose a significant challenge. In particular, such a goal is crucial for accurate and reliable medical imaging if one aims for precise diagnostics and appropriate intervention. In the case of magnetic resonance imaging, one of the essential tools of modern medicine, enormous advancements in fast image acquisition were possible after the introduction of compressive sensing and, more recently, deep learning methods. Still, as of now, there is no UQ method that is both fully rigorous and scalable. This work takes a step towards closing this gap by proposing a total variation minimization-based method for pixel-wise sharp confidence intervals for undersampled MRI. We demonstrate that our method empirically achieves the predicted confidence levels. We expect that our approach will also have implications for other imaging modalities as well as deep learning applications in computer vision.

MCML Authors
Claudio Mayrink Verdun

Claudio Mayrink Verdun


* Former Member

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Hannah Laus

Optimization & Data Analysis

Link to Profile Felix Krahmer

Felix Krahmer

Prof. Dr.

Optimization & Data Analysis

Link to Profile Holger Rauhut

Holger Rauhut

Prof. Dr.

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

F. Hoppe, C. M. Verdun, F. Krahmer, M. I. Menzel and H. Rauhut.
With or Without Replacement? Improving Confidence in Fourier Imaging.
CoSeRa 2024 - International Workshop on the Theory of Computational Sensing and its Applications to Radar, Multimodal Sensing and Imaging. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Sep 18-20, 2024. DOI

Over the last few years, debiased estimators have been proposed in order to establish rigorous confidence intervals for high-dimensional problems in machine learning and data science. The core argument is that the error of these estimators with respect to the ground truth can be expressed as a Gaussian variable plus a remainder term that vanishes as long as the dimension of the problem is sufficiently high. Thus, uncertainty quantification (UQ) can be performed exploiting the Gaussian model. Empirically, however, the remainder term cannot be neglected in many realistic situations of moderately-sized dimensions, in particular in certain structured measurement scenarios such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This, in turn, can downgrade the advantage of the UQ methods as compared to non-UQ approaches such as the standard LASSO. In this paper, we present a method to improve the debiased estimator by sampling without replacement. Our approach leverages recent results of ours on the structure of the random nature of certain sampling schemes showing how a transition between sampling with and without replacement can lead to a weighted reconstruction scheme with improved performance for the standard LASSO. In this paper, we illustrate how this reweighted sampling idea can also improve the debiased estimator and, consequently, provide a better method for UQ in Fourier imaging.

MCML Authors
Claudio Mayrink Verdun

Claudio Mayrink Verdun


* Former Member

Link to Profile Felix Krahmer

Felix Krahmer

Prof. Dr.

Optimization & Data Analysis

Link to Profile Holger Rauhut

Holger Rauhut

Prof. Dr.

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

F. Hoppe, C. M. Verdun, H. Laus, F. Krahmer and H. Rauhut.
Non-Asymptotic Uncertainty Quantification in High-Dimensional Learning.
Preprint (Jul. 2024). arXiv

Uncertainty quantification (UQ) is a crucial but challenging task in many high-dimensional regression or learning problems to increase the confidence of a given predictor. We develop a new data-driven approach for UQ in regression that applies both to classical regression approaches such as the LASSO as well as to neural networks. One of the most notable UQ techniques is the debiased LASSO, which modifies the LASSO to allow for the construction of asymptotic confidence intervals by decomposing the estimation error into a Gaussian and an asymptotically vanishing bias component. However, in real-world problems with finite-dimensional data, the bias term is often too significant to be neglected, resulting in overly narrow confidence intervals. Our work rigorously addresses this issue and derives a data-driven adjustment that corrects the confidence intervals for a large class of predictors by estimating the means and variances of the bias terms from training data, exploiting high-dimensional concentration phenomena. This gives rise to non-asymptotic confidence intervals, which can help avoid overestimating uncertainty in critical applications such as MRI diagnosis. Importantly, our analysis extends beyond sparse regression to data-driven predictors like neural networks, enhancing the reliability of model-based deep learning. Our findings bridge the gap between established theory and the practical applicability of such debiased methods.

MCML Authors
Claudio Mayrink Verdun

Claudio Mayrink Verdun


* Former Member

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Hannah Laus

Optimization & Data Analysis

Link to Profile Felix Krahmer

Felix Krahmer

Prof. Dr.

Optimization & Data Analysis

Link to Profile Holger Rauhut

Holger Rauhut

Prof. Dr.

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence


F. Hoppe, C. M. Verdun, H. Laus, F. Krahmer and H. Rauhut.
Uncertainty Quantification For Learned ISTA.
MLSP 2023 - IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing. Rome, Italy, Sep 17-20, 2023. DOI

Model-based deep learning solutions to inverse problems have attracted increasing attention in recent years as they bridge state-of-the-art numerical performance with interpretability. In addition, the incorporated prior domain knowledge can make the training more efficient as the smaller number of parameters allows the training step to be executed with smaller datasets. Algorithm unrolling schemes stand out among these model-based learning techniques. Despite their rapid advancement and their close connection to traditional high-dimensional statistical methods, they lack certainty estimates and a theory for uncertainty quantification is still elusive. This work provides a step towards closing this gap proposing a rigorous way to obtain confidence intervals for the LISTA estimator.

MCML Authors
Claudio Mayrink Verdun

Claudio Mayrink Verdun


* Former Member

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Hannah Laus

Optimization & Data Analysis

Link to Profile Felix Krahmer

Felix Krahmer

Prof. Dr.

Optimization & Data Analysis

Link to Profile Holger Rauhut

Holger Rauhut

Prof. Dr.

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

F. Hoppe, F. Krahmer, C. M. Verdun, M. I. Menzel and H. Rauhut.
Uncertainty quantification for sparse Fourier recovery.
Preprint (Sep. 2023). arXiv

One of the most prominent methods for uncertainty quantification in high-dimen-sional statistics is the desparsified LASSO that relies on unconstrained ℓ1-minimization. The majority of initial works focused on real (sub-)Gaussian designs. However, in many applications, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the measurement process possesses a certain structure due to the nature of the problem. The measurement operator in MRI can be described by a subsampled Fourier matrix. The purpose of this work is to extend the uncertainty quantification process using the desparsified LASSO to design matrices originating from a bounded orthonormal system, which naturally generalizes the subsampled Fourier case and also allows for the treatment of the case where the sparsity basis is not the standard basis. In particular we construct honest confidence intervals for every pixel of an MR image that is sparse in the standard basis provided the number of measurements satisfies n≳max{slog2slogp,slog2p} or that is sparse with respect to the Haar Wavelet basis provided a slightly larger number of measurements.

MCML Authors
Link to Profile Felix Krahmer

Felix Krahmer

Prof. Dr.

Optimization & Data Analysis

Claudio Mayrink Verdun

Claudio Mayrink Verdun


* Former Member

Link to Profile Holger Rauhut

Holger Rauhut

Prof. Dr.

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

F. Hoppe, F. Krahmer, C. M. Verdun, M. I. Menzel and H. Rauhut.
Sampling Strategies for Compressive Imaging Under Statistical Noise.
SampTA 2023 - International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications. Yale, CT, USA, Jul 10-14, 2023. DOI

Most of the compressive sensing literature in signal processing assumes that the noise present in the measurement has an adversarial nature, i.e., it is bounded in a certain norm. At the same time, the randomization introduced in the sampling scheme usually assumes an i.i.d. model where rows are sampled with replacement. In this case, if a sample is measured a second time, it does not add additional information. For many applications, where the statistical noise model is a more accurate one, this is not true anymore since a second noisy sample comes with an independent realization of the noise, so there is a fundamental difference between sampling with and without replacement. Therefore, a more careful analysis must be performed. In this short note, we illustrate how one can mathematically transition between these two noise models. This transition gives rise to a weighted LASSO reconstruction method for sampling without replacement, which numerically improves the solution of high-dimensional compressive imaging problems.

MCML Authors
Link to Profile Felix Krahmer

Felix Krahmer

Prof. Dr.

Optimization & Data Analysis

Claudio Mayrink Verdun

Claudio Mayrink Verdun


* Former Member

Link to Profile Holger Rauhut

Holger Rauhut

Prof. Dr.

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

H.-H. Chou, H. Rauhut and R. Ward.
Robust implicit regularization via weight normalization.
Preprint (May. 2023). arXiv

Overparameterized models may have many interpolating solutions; implicit regularization refers to the hidden preference of a particular optimization method towards a certain interpolating solution among the many. A by now established line of work has shown that (stochastic) gradient descent tends to have an implicit bias towards low rank and/or sparse solutions when used to train deep linear networks, explaining to some extent why overparameterized neural network models trained by gradient descent tend to have good generalization performance in practice. However, existing theory for square-loss objectives often requires very small initialization of the trainable weights, which is at odds with the larger scale at which weights are initialized in practice for faster convergence and better generalization performance. In this paper, we aim to close this gap by incorporating and analyzing gradient flow (continuous-time version of gradient descent) with weight normalization, where the weight vector is reparameterized in terms of polar coordinates, and gradient flow is applied to the polar coordinates. By analyzing key invariants of the gradient flow and using Lojasiewicz Theorem, we show that weight normalization also has an implicit bias towards sparse solutions in the diagonal linear model, but that in contrast to plain gradient flow, weight normalization enables a robust bias that persists even if the weights are initialized at practically large scale. Experiments suggest that the gains in both convergence speed and robustness of the implicit bias are improved dramatically by using weight normalization in overparameterized diagonal linear network models.

MCML Authors
Link to Profile Holger Rauhut

Holger Rauhut

Prof. Dr.

Mathematical Data Science and Artificial Intelligence