Machine Learning and Information Processing
is Professor for Machine Learning at TU Munich.
His research is centered on machine learning and information processing. He focuses on developing algorithms and theoretical foundations for deep learning, particularly in medical imaging application, and on establishing mathematical and empirical underpinnings for machine learning. Additionally, he works on DNA data storage and the utilization of DNA as a digital information technology.
We investigate biases in pretraining datasets for large language models (LLMs) through dataset classification experiments. Building on prior work demonstrating the existence of biases in popular computer vision datasets, we analyze popular open-source pretraining datasets for LLMs derived from CommonCrawl including C4, RefinedWeb, DolmaCC, RedPajama-V2, FineWeb, and DCLM-Baseline. Despite those datasets being obtained with similar filtering and deduplication steps, neural networks can classify surprisingly well which dataset a single text sequence belongs to, significantly better than a human can. This indicates that popular pretraining datasets have their own unique biases or fingerprints. Those biases remain even when the text is rewritten with LLMs. Moreover, these biases propagate through training: Random sequences generated by models trained on those datasets can be classified well by a classifier trained on the original datasets.
Machine Learning and Information Processing
Neural networks trained end-to-end give state-of-the-art performance for image denoising. However, when applied to an image outside of the training distribution, the performance often degrades significantly. In this work, we propose a test-time training (TTT) method based on masked image modeling (MIM) to improve denoising performance for out-of-distribution images. The method, termed TTT-MIM, consists of a training stage and a test time adaptation stage. At training, we minimize a standard supervised loss and a self-supervised loss aimed at reconstructing masked image patches. At test-time, we minimize a self-supervised loss to fine-tune the network to adapt to a single noisy image. Experiments show that our method can improve performance under natural distribution shifts, in particular it adapts well to real-world camera and microscope noise. A competitor to our method of training and finetuning is to use a zero-shot denoiser that does not rely on training data. However, compared to state-of-the-art zero-shot denoisers, our method shows superior performance, and is much faster, suggesting that training and finetuning on the test instance is a more efficient approach to image denoising than zero-shot methods in setups where little to no data is available.
Machine Learning and Information Processing
Deep learning-based methods have shown remarkable success for various image restoration tasks such as denoising and deblurring. The current state-of-the-art networks are relatively deep and utilize (variants of) self attention mechanisms. Those networks are significantly slower than shallow convolutional networks, which however perform worse. In this paper, we introduce an image restoration network that is both fast and yields excellent image quality. The network is designed to minimize the latency and memory consumption when executed on a standard GPU, while maintaining state-of-the-art performance. The network is a simple shallow network with an efficient block that implements global additive multidimensional averaging operations. This block can capture global information and enable a large receptive field even when used in shallow networks with minimal computational overhead. Through extensive experiments and evaluations on diverse tasks, we demonstrate that our network achieves comparable or even superior results to existing state-of-the-art image restoration networks with less latency. For instance, we exceed the state-of-the-art result on real-world SIDD denoising by 0.11dB, while being 2 to 10 times faster.
Machine Learning and Information Processing
We investigate to what extent it is possible to solve linear inverse problems with ReLu networks. Due to the scaling invariance arising from the linearity, an optimal reconstruction function f for such a problem is positive homogeneous, i.e., satisfies f(λx)=λf(x) for all non-negative λ. In a ReLu network, this condition translates to considering networks without bias terms. We first consider recovery of sparse vectors from few linear measurements. We prove that ReLu-networks with only one hidden layer cannot even recover 1-sparse vectors, not even approximately, and regardless of the width of the network. However, with two hidden layers, approximate recovery with arbitrary precision and arbitrary sparsity level s is possible in a stable way. We then extend our results to a wider class of recovery problems including low-rank matrix recovery and phase retrieval. Furthermore, we also consider the approximation of general positive homogeneous functions with neural networks. Extending previous work, we establish new results explaining under which conditions such functions can be approximated with neural networks. Our results also shed some light on the seeming contradiction between previous works showing that neural networks for inverse problems typically have very large Lipschitz constants, but still perform very well also for adversarial noise. Namely, the error bounds in our expressivity results include a combination of a small constant term and a term that is linear in the noise level, indicating that robustness issues may occur only for very small noise levels.
Recently, self-supervised neural networks have shown excellent image denoising performance. How-ever, current dataset free methods are either computationally expensive, require a noise model, or have inad-equate image quality. In this work we show that a simple 2-layer network, without any training data or knowledge of the noise distribution, can enable high-quality image denoising at low computational cost. Our approach is motivated by Noise2Noise and Neighbor2Neighbor and works well for denoising pixel-wise independent noise. Our experiments on artificial, real-world cam-era, and microscope noise show that our method termed ZS-N2N (Zero Shot Noise2Noise) often outperforms ex-isting dataset-free methods at a reduced cost, making it suitable for use cases with scarce data availability and limited compute.
Machine Learning and Information Processing
©all images: LMU | TUM