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Research Blog

Welcome to our research blog, where we proudly showcase the talents and achievements of our researchers, with a special focus on our junior members. Here, you’ll gain insight into their innovative work and the fresh ideas they bring to the ever-evolving fields of AI and machine learning.

Link to Epistemic Foundations and Limitations of Statistics and Science


Epistemic Foundations and Limitations of Statistics and Science

Blogpost on the Replication Crisis

The Open Science Initiative in Statistics and the MCML recently hosted a workshop about epistemic foundations and limitations of statistics and science. The event brought together researchers from diverse fields to discuss one of science’s most …

Link to Understanding Vision Loss and the Need for Early Treatment


Understanding Vision Loss and the Need for Early Treatment

Researcher in Focus: Jesse Grootjen

MCML Junior Member Jesse Grootjen is writing his doctoral thesis at the Chair of Human-Centered Ubiquitous Media at LMU Munich. The group conducts research at the crossroads of human computer interaction, media technology, and ubiquitous computing. The overall research question is: how can we enhance human abilities through digital technologies?

Link to AI and Weather Predictions


AI and Weather Predictions

Researcher in Focus: Kevin Höhlein

MCML Junior Member Kevin Höhlein is a PhD student at the Chair of Computer Graphics and Visualization (TUM), researching applications of data science and machine learning techniques in the context of meteorological data analysis.

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