MCML PhD Applications - Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. Is the start date for the PhD position flexible?

    Yes, up to a point. The position needs to be taken up by the end of the calendar year in which the position is advertised.

  2. Do you have to have completed your Master’s by the date of application or by the starting date of the PhD position?

    Your Master’s degree must be completed 1 July 2025; it does not need to be finished by the date of application.

  3. What does ‘completed’ mean with regards to the Master’s degree? Do I have to have a diploma by 1 July 2025?

    A completed Master’s degree is one in which all coursework has been submitted and evaluated – i.e. your thesis is complete, if a defense was necessary, it too has been completed. We understand that some universities take several months to process the formal confirmation (i.e. diploma and transcripts), so you may apply if your coursework will be completely done by 1 July. Please note: In order to receive a contract from either LMU or TUM, you must submit a M.Sc. diploma.

  4. Can this position be combined with funding for other positions (for example DFG)?

    The position includes funding for a 100% position for three years. During this time frame, it is not possible to combine the position with other funding. However, candidates are highly encouraged to find funding for the timeframe after the MCML position.
    Otherwise, if you have your own funding (DFG, for example), but would like to be affiliated with MCML, this is also possible. You need to either be supervised by one of our PIs or strongly affiliated with one. In that case, you can then affiliate with MCML.

  5. Is the PhD a joint PhD between LMU and TUM?

    No, the candidate will receive a PhD degree from either LMU or TUM. It is possible that the second (or third) supervisor is based at the other university, but the degree can only be granted by one of the Munich universities.

  6. If my transcripts use a grading system other than the German system, do I need to convert each grade, or just my final average?
    Please upload an Excel file in which you have converted each grade for each course, as well as your final average. An example Excel file can be found below.

Transcript Calculator (Example in Excel)
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