
Teaser image to How a Munich AI professor fights against the megalomania of the industry

How a Munich AI Professor Fights Against the Megalomania of the Industry

Article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung About Our PI Björn Ommer

This SZ article presents Björn Ommer's position on the ongoing scaling of AI models via computing power. Contrary to the general trend, Ommer's approach is to make models smaller but smarter. This is not only about practicability, but also about saving valuable resources.


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Link to Robot Jack Navigates Like a Human – A Project Led by Angela Schoellig


Robot Jack Navigates Like a Human – A Project Led by Angela Schoellig

Angela Schoellig’s team at TUM developed robot Jack, which navigates safely through crowds using human-inspired motion planning.

Link to New Method Significantly Reduces AI Energy Consumption


New Method Significantly Reduces AI Energy Consumption

Felix Dietrich and his team at TUM developed a new method that significantly reduces AI energy consumption, making AI more efficient and sustainable.

Link to Björn Schuller was featured on ARTE TV


Björn Schuller Was Featured on ARTE TV

Björn Schuller was featured in an ARTE TV documentary on AI therapy, presenting his research on emotion recognition.

Link to AI Competition: Where Does Europe Stand?


AI Competition: Where Does Europe Stand?

Gitta Kutyniok talks to Plattform Lernende Systeme about Europe’s AI competitiveness and the role of mathematics in AI.

Link to Angela Schoellig on the BR Podcast


Angela Schoellig on the BR Podcast

Our PI, Angela Schoellig, discussed the vital role of mathematics in robotics and everyday life on the Blaue Couch podcast.