MCML member Ludwig Bothmann is featured in a documentary by Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR)
Zu viel los im Wald? Mit KI auf den Spuren von Tieren und Menschen
MCML member Ludwig Bothmann is featured in a documentary by Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) titled: " Zu viel los im Wald? Mit KI auf den Spuren von Tieren und Menschen".
In Bavaria, where there is a legal right to freely access nature, encounters between humans and animals frequently occur in forests. The documentary addresses the question of whether wildlife is suffering from the added stress caused by humans and whether animals still have sufficient quiet zones. To answer this question, AI will be employed to analyze footage from various wildlife cameras.
Ludwig Bothmann, as an AI expert, is helping to develop the model and explains some of the challenges the researchers face as well as some advantages of using an AI for this analysis.
Several MCML PIs receive BMBF funding
LMU Munich, in collaboration with MCML and Prof. Stefan Feuerriegel, is launching projects to advance robotics and AI capabilities.
Exploring the Impact of AI in Medicine
MCML Junior Member Anna Reithmeir’s doctoral research at TUM focuses on aligning multi-temporal or multimodal images to track anatomical changes like tumor growth.
©MaLGa - UniGe
MCML PI Gitta Kutyniok featured on Plattform Lernende Systeme
MCML PI Gitta Kutyniok's profile on Plattform Lernende Systeme highlights her work on the mathematical foundations of AI.
Terra X: Talk on AI
Checkout our PIs Björn Ommer and Björn Schuller in the Terra X talk on AI.
Nobel Prize in Physics 2024: Harald Lesch reacts! (Björn too...and Björn too)
Checkout our PIs Björn Ommer and Björn Schuller in the Terra X short.