
Our PI Stefan Feuerriegel About How AI Changes the Area of Business Administration
FAZ Article
In this article from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), our PI Stefan Feuerriegel discusses whether AI renders business administration redundant, and if not, how the field of business administration should evolve in the future.

Björn Schuller Was Featured on ARTE TV
Björn Schuller was featured in an ARTE TV documentary on AI therapy, presenting his research on emotion recognition.

AI Competition: Where Does Europe Stand?
Gitta Kutyniok talks to Plattform Lernende Systeme about Europe’s AI competitiveness and the role of mathematics in AI.

Angela Schoellig on the BR Podcast
Our PI, Angela Schoellig, discussed the vital role of mathematics in robotics and everyday life on the Blaue Couch podcast.

Reinhard Heckel on Bayerischer Rundfunk
Reinhard Heckel spoke on BR24 about OpenAI's new Munich office, highlighting the city's deeptech scene, talent, and innovation potential.