
Teaser image to MCML at CVPR 2023

MCML at CVPR 2023

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2023). Vancouver, Canada, June 18-23, 2023

We are happy to announce that MCML researchers are represented with 10 papers at CVPR 2023:

D. Azinović, O. Maury, C. Hery, M. Nießner and J. Thies.
High-Res Facial Appearance Capture from Polarized Smartphone Images.
A. Bokhovkin and A. Dai.
Neural Part Priors: Learning to Optimize Part-Based Object Completion in RGB-D Scans.
M. Eisenberger, A. Toker, L. Leal-Taixé and D. Cremers.
G-MSM: Unsupervised Multi-Shape Matching with Graph-based Affinity Priors.
L. Härenstam-Nielsen, N. Zeller and D. Cremers.
Semidefinite Relaxations for Robust Multiview Triangulation.
D. Kotovenko, P. Ma, T. Milbich and B. Ommer.
Cross-Image-Attention for Conditional Embeddings in Deep Metric Learning.
Y. Mansour and R. Heckel.
Zero-Shot Noise2Noise: Efficient Image Denoising without any Data.
D. Muhle, L. Koestler, K. M. Jatavallabhula and D. Cremers.
Learning Correspondence Uncertainty via Differentiable Nonlinear Least Squares.
J. Seidenschwarz, G. Braso, I. Elezi and L. Leal-Taixé.
Simple Cues Lead to a Strong Multi-Object Tracker.
S. Weber, N. Demmel, T. Chon Chan and D. Cremers.
Power Bundle Adjustment for Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction.
F. Wimbauer, N. Yang, C. Rupprecht and D. Cremers.
Behind the Scenes: Density Fields for Single View Reconstruction.




Link to MCML at ACL 2024


MCML at ACL 2024

We are happy to announce that MCML researchers are represented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024).

Link to MCML at ICML 2024


MCML at ICML 2024

We are happy to announce that MCML researchers are represented at the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024).

Link to MCML at UAI 2024


MCML at UAI 2024

We are happy to announce that MCML researchers are represented at the 40th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2024).

Link to MCML at CVPR 2024


MCML at CVPR 2024

We are happy to announce that MCML researchers are represented at the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024.

Link to MCML at NAACL 2024


MCML at NAACL 2024

We are happy to announce that MCML researchers are represented at the 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational …