holds the Chair for Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence at TU Munich since 2009.
In 2002 he obtained a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Mannheim, Germany. Subsequently he spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and one year as a permanent researcher at Siemens Corporate Research in Princeton, NJ. From 2005 until 2009 he was associate professor at the University of Bonn, Germany. In 2016, Daniel Cremers received the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award, the biggest award in German academia.
Yuesong Shen
Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence
B1 | Computer Vision
→ Group Daniel Cremers
In this work, we introduce the first unsupervised method that simultaneously predicts time-varying neural implicit surfaces and deformations between pairs of point clouds. We propose to model the point movement using an explicit velocity field and directly deform a time-varying implicit field using the modified level-set equation. This equation utilizes an iso-surface evolution with Eikonal constraints in a compact formulation, ensuring the integrity of the signed distance field. By applying a smooth, volume-preserving constraint to the velocity field, our method successfully recovers physically plausible intermediate shapes. Our method is able to handle both rigid and non-rigid deformations without any intermediate shape supervision. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing works, delivering superior results in both quality and efficiency.
Recent works on the global place recognition treat the task as a retrieval problem, where an off-the-shelf global descriptor is commonly designed in image-based and LiDAR-based modalities. However, it is non-trivial to perform accurate image-LiDAR global place recognition since extracting consistent and robust global descriptors from different domains (2D images and 3D point clouds) is challenging. To address this issue, we propose a novel Voxel-Cross-Pixel (VXP) approach, which establishes voxel and pixel correspondences in a self-supervised manner and brings them into a shared feature space. Specifically, VXP is trained in a two-stage manner that first explicitly exploits local feature correspondences and enforces similarity of global descriptors. Extensive experiments on the three benchmarks (Oxford RobotCar, ViViD++ and KITTI) demonstrate our method surpasses the state-of-the-art cross-modal retrieval by a large margin.
Probabilistic human motion prediction aims to forecast multiple possible future movements from past observations. While current approaches report high diversity and realism, they often generate motions with undetected limb stretching and jitter. To address this, we introduce SkeletonDiffusion, a latent diffusion model that embeds an explicit inductive bias on the human body within its architecture and training. Our model is trained with a novel nonisotropic Gaussian diffusion formulation that aligns with the natural kinematic structure of the human skeleton. Results show that our approach outperforms conventional isotropic alternatives, consistently generating realistic predictions while avoiding artifacts such as limb distortion. Additionally, we identify a limitation in commonly used diversity metrics, which may inadvertently favor models that produce inconsistent limb lengths within the same sequence. SkeletonDiffusion sets a new benchmark on three real-world datasets, outperforming various baselines across multiple evaluation metrics.
Stylizing a dynamic scene based on an exemplar image is critical for various real-world applications, including gaming, filmmaking, and augmented and virtual reality. However, achieving consistent stylization across both spatial and temporal dimensions remains a significant challenge. Most existing methods are designed for static scenes and often require an optimization process for each style image, limiting their adaptability. We introduce ZDySS, a zero-shot stylization framework for dynamic scenes, allowing our model to generalize to previously unseen style images at inference. Our approach employs Gaussian splatting for scene representation, linking each Gaussian to a learned feature vector that renders a feature map for any given view and timestamp. By applying style transfer on the learned feature vectors instead of the rendered feature map, we enhance spatio-temporal consistency across frames. Our method demonstrates superior performance and coherence over state-of-the-art baselines in tests on real-world dynamic scenes, making it a robust solution for practical applications.
We show that variational learning can significantly improve the accuracy and calibration of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) without a substantial increase in the cost. We replace AdamW by the Improved Variational Online Newton (IVON) algorithm to finetune large language models. For Llama-2 with 7 billion parameters, IVON improves the accuracy over AdamW by 2.8% and expected calibration error by 4.6%. The accuracy is also better than the other Bayesian alternatives, yet the cost is lower and the implementation is easier. Our work provides additional evidence for the effectiveness of IVON for large language models.
Yuesong Shen
Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence
The problem of symbolic regression (SR) arises in many different applications, such as identifying physical laws or deriving mathematical equations describing the behavior of financial markets from given data. Various methods exist to address the problem of SR, often based on genetic programming. However, these methods are usually complicated and involve various hyperparameters. In this paper, we present our new approach ParFam that utilizes parametric families of suitable symbolic functions to translate the discrete symbolic regression problem into a continuous one, resulting in a more straightforward setup compared to current state-of-the-art methods. In combination with a global optimizer, this approach results in a highly effective method to tackle the problem of SR. We theoretically analyze the expressivity of ParFam and demonstrate its performance with extensive numerical experiments based on the common SR benchmark suit SRBench, showing that we achieve state-of-the-art results. Moreover, we present an extension incorporating a pre-trained transformer network DL-ParFam to guide ParFam, accelerating the optimization process by up to two magnitudes.
To date, most place recognition methods focus on single-modality retrieval. While they perform well in specific environments, cross-modal methods offer greater flexibility by allowing seamless switching between map and query sources. It also promises to reduce computation requirements by having a unified model, and achieving greater sample efficiency by sharing parameters. In this work, we develop a universal solution to place recognition, UniLoc, that works with any single query modality (natural language, image, or point cloud). UniLoc leverages recent advances in large-scale contrastive learning, and learns by matching hierarchically at two levels: instance-level matching and scene-level matching. Specifically, we propose a novel Self-Attention based Pooling (SAP) module to evaluate the importance of instance descriptors when aggregated into a place-level descriptor. Experiments on the KITTI-360 dataset demonstrate the benefits of cross-modality for place recognition, achieving superior performance in cross-modal settings and competitive results also for uni-modal scenarios.
We tackle the problem of localizing the traffic surveillance cameras in cooperative perception. To overcome the lack of large-scale real-world intersection datasets, we introduce Carla Intersection, a new simulated dataset with 75 urban and rural intersections in Carla. Moreover, we introduce a novel neural network, TrafficLoc, localizing traffic cameras within a 3D reference map. TrafficLoc employs a coarse-to-fine matching pipeline. For image-point cloud feature fusion, we propose a novel Geometry-guided Attention Loss to address cross-modal viewpoint inconsistencies. During coarse matching, we propose an Inter-Intra Contrastive Learning to achieve precise alignment while preserving distinctiveness among local intra-features within image patch-point group pairs. Besides, we introduce Dense Training Alignment with a soft-argmax operator to consider additional features when regressing the final position. Extensive experiments show that our TrafficLoc improves the localization accuracy over the state-of-the-art Image-to-point cloud registration methods by a large margin (up to 86%) on Carla Intersection and generalizes well to real-world data. TrafficLoc also achieves new SOTA performance on KITTI and NuScenes datasets, demonstrating strong localization ability across both in-vehicle and traffic cameras.
The interest in matching non-rigidly deformed shapes represented as raw point clouds is rising due to the proliferation of low-cost 3D sensors. Yet, the task is challenging since point clouds are irregular and there is a lack of intrinsic shape information. We propose to tackle these challenges by learning a new shape representation – a per-point high dimensional embedding, in an embedding space where semantically similar points share similar embeddings. The learned embedding has multiple beneficial properties: it is aware of the underlying shape geometry and is robust to shape deformations and various shape artefacts, such as noise and partiality. Consequently, this embedding can be directly employed to retrieve high-quality dense correspondences through a simple nearest neighbor search in the embedding space. Extensive experiments demonstrate new state-of-the-art results and robustness in numerous challenging non-rigid shape matching benchmarks and show its great potential in other shape analysis tasks, such as segmentation.
Finding correspondences between 3D shapes is an important and long-standing problem in computer vision, graphics and beyond. While approaches based on machine learning dominate modern 3D shape matching, almost all existing (learning-based) methods require that at least one of the involved shapes is complete. In contrast, the most challenging and arguably most practically relevant setting of matching partially observed shapes, is currently underexplored. One important factor is that existing datasets contain only a small number of shapes (typically below 100), which are unable to serve data-hungry machine learning approaches, particularly in the unsupervised regime. In addition, the type of partiality present in existing datasets is often artificial and far from realistic. To address these limitations and to encourage research on these relevant settings, we provide a generic and flexible framework for the procedural generation of challenging partial shape matching scenarios. Our framework allows for a virtually infinite generation of partial shape matching instances from a finite set of shapes with complete geometry. Further, we manually create cross-dataset correspondences between seven existing (complete geometry) shape matching datasets, leading to a total of 2543 shapes. Based on this, we propose several challenging partial benchmark settings, for which we evaluate respective state-of-the-art methods as baselines.
Understanding dynamic 3D scenes is fundamental for various applications, including extended reality (XR) and autonomous driving. Effectively integrating semantic information into 3D reconstruction enables holistic representation that opens opportunities for immersive and interactive applications. We introduce SADG, Segment Any Dynamic Gaussian Without Object Trackers, a novel approach that combines dynamic Gaussian Splatting representation and semantic information without reliance on object IDs. In contrast to existing works, we do not rely on supervision based on object identities to enable consistent segmentation of dynamic 3D objects. To this end, we propose to learn semantically-aware features by leveraging masks generated from the Segment Anything Model (SAM) and utilizing our novel contrastive learning objective based on hard pixel mining. The learned Gaussian features can be effectively clustered without further post-processing. This enables fast computation for further object-level editing, such as object removal, composition, and style transfer by manipulating the Gaussians in the scene. We further extend several dynamic novel-view datasets with segmentation benchmarks to enable testing of learned feature fields from unseen viewpoints. We evaluate SADG on proposed benchmarks and demonstrate the superior performance of our approach in segmenting objects within dynamic scenes along with its effectiveness for further downstream editing tasks.
In this paper we propose MA-DV2F: Multi-Agent Dynamic Velocity Vector Field. It is a framework for simultaneously controlling a group of vehicles in challenging environments. DV2F is generated for each vehicle independently and provides a map of reference orientation and speed that a vehicle must attain at any point on the navigation grid such that it safely reaches its target. The field is dynamically updated depending on the speed and proximity of the ego-vehicle to other agents. This dynamic adaptation of the velocity vector field allows prevention of imminent collisions. Experimental results show that MA-DV2F outperforms concurrent methods in terms of safety, computational efficiency and accuracy in reaching the target when scaling to a large number of vehicles.
Facade semantic segmentation is a long-standing challenge in photogrammetry and computer vision. Although the last decades have witnessed the influx of facade segmentation methods, there is a lack of comprehensive facade classes and data covering the architectural variability. In ZAHA, we introduce Level of Facade Generalization (LoFG), novel hierarchical facade classes designed based on international urban modeling standards, ensuring compatibility with real-world challenging classes and uniform methods’ comparison. Realizing the LoFG, we present to date the largest semantic 3D facade segmentation dataset, providing 601 million annotated points at five and 15 classes of LoFG2 and LoFG3, respectively. Moreover, we analyze the performance of baseline semantic segmentation methods on our introduced LoFG classes and data, complementing it with a discussion on the unresolved challenges for facade segmentation. We firmly believe that ZAHA shall facilitate further development of 3D facade semantic segmentation methods, enabling robust segmentation indispensable in creating urban digital twins.
We present HI-SLAM2, a geometry-aware Gaussian SLAM system that achieves fast and accurate monocular scene reconstruction using only RGB input. Existing Neural SLAM or 3DGS-based SLAM methods often trade off between rendering quality and geometry accuracy, our research demonstrates that both can be achieved simultaneously with RGB input alone. The key idea of our approach is to enhance the ability for geometry estimation by combining easy-to-obtain monocular priors with learning-based dense SLAM, and then using 3D Gaussian splatting as our core map representation to efficiently model the scene. Upon loop closure, our method ensures on-the-fly global consistency through efficient pose graph bundle adjustment and instant map updates by explicitly deforming the 3D Gaussian units based on anchored keyframe updates. Furthermore, we introduce a grid-based scale alignment strategy to maintain improved scale consistency in prior depths for finer depth details. Through extensive experiments on Replica, ScanNet, and ScanNet++, we demonstrate significant improvements over existing Neural SLAM methods and even surpass RGB-D-based methods in both reconstruction and rendering quality.
Photometric bundle adjustment (PBA) is widely used in estimating the camera pose and 3D geometry by assuming a Lambertian world. However, the assumption of photometric consistency is often violated since the non-diffuse reflection is common in real-world environments. The photometric inconsistency significantly affects the reliability of existing PBA methods. To solve this problem, we propose a novel physically-based PBA method. Specifically, we introduce the physically-based weights regarding material, illumination, and light path. These weights distinguish the pixel pairs with different levels of photometric inconsistency. We also design corresponding models for material estimation based on sequential images and illumination estimation based on point clouds. In addition, we establish the first SLAM-related dataset of non-Lambertian scenes with complete ground truth of illumination and material. Extensive experiments demonstrated that our PBA method outperforms existing approaches in accuracy.
Existing techniques for monocular 3D detection have a serious restriction. They tend to perform well only on a limited set of benchmarks, faring well either on ego-centric car views or on traffic camera views, but rarely on both. To encourage progress, this work advocates for an extended evaluation of 3D detection frameworks across different camera perspectives. We make two key contributions. First, we introduce the CARLA Drone dataset, CDrone. Simulating drone views, it substantially expands the diversity of camera perspectives in existing benchmarks. Despite its synthetic nature, CDrone represents a real-world challenge. To show this, we confirm that previous techniques struggle to perform well both on CDrone and a real-world 3D drone dataset. Second, we develop an effective data augmentation pipeline called GroundMix. Its distinguishing element is the use of the ground for creating 3D-consistent augmentation of a training image. GroundMix significantly boosts the detection accuracy of a lightweight one-stage detector. In our expanded evaluation, we achieve the average precision on par with or substantially higher than the previous state of the art across all tested datasets.
3D scene stylization extends the work of neural style transfer to 3D. A vital challenge in this problem is to maintain the uniformity of the stylized appearance across multiple views. A vast majority of the previous works achieve this by training a 3D model for every stylized image and a set of multi-view images. In contrast, we propose a novel architecture trained on a collection of style images that, at test time, produces real time high-quality stylized novel views. We choose the underlying 3D scene representation for our model as 3D Gaussian splatting. We take the 3D Gaussians and process them using a multi-resolution hash grid and a tiny MLP to obtain stylized views. The MLP is conditioned on different style codes for generalization to different styles during test time. The explicit nature of 3D Gaussians gives us inherent advantages over NeRF-based methods, including geometric consistency and a fast training and rendering regime. This enables our method to be useful for various practical use cases, such as augmented or virtual reality. We demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance with superior visual quality on various indoor and outdoor real-world data.
Neural implicit surfaces can be used to recover accurate 3D geometry from imperfect point clouds. In this work, we show that state-of-the-art techniques work by minimizing an approximation of a one-sided Chamfer distance. This shape metric is not symmetric, as it only ensures that the point cloud is near the surface but not vice versa. As a consequence, existing methods can produce inaccurate reconstructions with spurious surfaces. Although one approach against spurious surfaces has been widely used in the literature, we theoretically and experimentally show that it is equivalent to regularizing the surface area, resulting in over-smoothing. As a more appealing alternative, we propose DiffCD, a novel loss function corresponding to the symmetric Chamfer distance. In contrast to previous work, DiffCD also assures that the surface is near the point cloud, which eliminates spurious surfaces without the need for additional regularization. We experimentally show that DiffCD reliably recovers a high degree of shape detail, substantially outperforming existing work across varying surface complexity and noise levels.
Plane adjustment (PA) is crucial for many 3D applications, involving simultaneous pose estimation and plane recovery. Despite recent advancements, it remains a challenging problem in the realm of multi-view point cloud registration. Current state-of-the-art methods can achieve globally optimal convergence only with good initialization. Furthermore, their high time complexity renders them impractical for large-scale problems. To address these challenges, we first exploit a novel optimization strategy termed Bi-Convex Relaxation, which decouples the original problem into two simpler sub-problems, reformulates each sub-problem using a convex relaxation technique, and alternately solves each one until the original problem converges. Building on this strategy, we propose two algorithmic variants for solving the plane adjustment problem, namely GlobalPointer and GlobalPointer++, based on point-to-plane and plane-to-plane errors, respectively. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real datasets demonstrate that our method can perform large-scale plane adjustment with linear time complexity, larger convergence region, and robustness to poor initialization, while achieving similar accuracy as prior methods.
Parametric feature grid encodings have gained significant attention as an encoding approach for neural fields since they allow for much smaller MLPs, which significantly decreases the inference time of the models. In this work, we propose MeshFeat, a parametric feature encoding tailored to meshes, for which we adapt the idea of multi-resolution feature grids from Euclidean space. We start from the structure provided by the given vertex topology and use a mesh simplification algorithm to construct a multi-resolution feature representation directly on the mesh. The approach allows the usage of small MLPs for neural fields on meshes, and we show a significant speed-up compared to previous representations while maintaining comparable reconstruction quality for texture reconstruction and BRDF representation. Given its intrinsic coupling to the vertices, the method is particularly well-suited for representations on deforming meshes, making it a good fit for object animation.
Most Bundle Adjustment (BA) solvers like the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm require a good initialization. Instead, initialization-free BA remains a largely uncharted territory. The under-explored Variable Projection algorithm (VarPro) exhibits a wide convergence basin even without initialization. Coupled with object space error formulation, recent works have shown its ability to solve small-scale initialization-free bundle adjustment problem. To make such initialization-free BA approaches scalable, we introduce Power Variable Projection (PoVar), extending a recent inverse expansion method based on power series. Importantly, we link the power series expansion to Riemannian manifold optimization. This projective framework is crucial to solve large-scale bundle adjustment problems without initialization. Using the real-world BAL dataset, we experimentally demonstrate that our solver achieves state-of-the-art results in terms of speed and accuracy. To our knowledge, this work is the first to address the scalability of BA without initialization opening new venues for initialization-free structure-from-motion.
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is the task of bridging the domain gap between a labeled source domain, e.g., synthetic data, and an unlabeled target domain. We observe that current UDA methods show inferior results on fine structures and tend to oversegment objects with ambiguous appearance. To address these shortcomings, we propose to leverage geometric information, i.e., depth predictions, as depth discontinuities often coincide with segmentation boundaries. We show that naively incorporating depth into current UDA methods does not fully exploit the potential of this complementary information. To this end, we present MICDrop, which learns a joint feature representation by masking image encoder features while inversely masking depth encoder features. With this simple yet effective complementary masking strategy, we enforce the use of both modalities when learning the joint feature representation. To aid this process, we propose a feature fusion module to improve both global as well as local information sharing while being robust to errors in the depth predictions. We show that our method can be plugged into various recent UDA methods and consistently improve results across standard UDA benchmarks, obtaining new state-of-the-art performances.
Mark Weber
* Former member
Laura Leal-Taixé
Prof. Dr.
* Former member
Neural implicits are a widely used surface presentation because they offer an adaptive resolution and support arbitrary topology changes. While previous works rely on ground truth point clouds or meshes, they often do not discuss the data acquisition and ignore the effect of input quality and sampling methods during reconstruction. In this paper, we introduce a sampling method with an uncertainty-augmented surface implicit representation that employs a sampling technique that considers the geometric characteristics of inputs. To this end, we introduce a strategy that efficiently computes differentiable geometric features, namely, mean curvatures, to guide the sampling phase during the training period. The uncertainty augmentation offers insights into the occupancy and reliability of the output signed distance value, thereby expanding representation capabilities into open surfaces. Finally, we demonstrate that our method improves the reconstruction of both synthetic and real-world data.
Contemporary research in autonomous driving has demonstrated tremendous potential in emulating the traits of human driving. However, they primarily cater to areas with well built road infrastructure and appropriate traffic management systems. Therefore, in the absence of traffic signals or in unstructured environments, these self-driving algorithms are expected to fail. This paper proposes a strategy for autonomously navigating multiple vehicles in close proximity to their desired destinations without traffic rules in unstructured environments. Graphical Neural Networks (GNNs) have demonstrated good utility for this task of multi-vehicle control. Among the different alternatives of training GNNs, supervised methods have proven to be most data-efficient, albeit require ground truth labels. However, these labels may not always be available, particularly in unstructured environments without traffic regulations. Therefore, a tedious optimization process may be required to determine them while ensuring that the vehicles reach their desired destination and do not collide with each other or any obstacles. Therefore, in order to expedite the training process, it is essential to reduce the optimization time and select only those samples for labeling that add most value to the training. In this paper, we propose a warm start method that first uses a pre-trained model trained on a simpler subset of data. Inference is then done on more complicated scenarios, to determine the hard samples wherein the model faces the greatest predicament. This is measured by the difficulty vehicles encounter in reaching their desired destination without collision. Experimental results demonstrate that mining for hard samples in this manner reduces the requirement for supervised training data by 10 fold.
Masked transformer models for class-conditional image generation have become a compelling alternative to diffusion models. Typically comprising two stages - an initial VQGAN model for transitioning between latent space and image space, and a subsequent Transformer model for image generation within latent space - these frameworks offer promising avenues for image synthesis. In this study, we present two primary contributions: Firstly, an empirical and systematic examination of VQGANs, leading to a modernized VQGAN. Secondly, a novel embedding-free generation network operating directly on bit tokens - a binary quantized representation of tokens with rich semantics. The first contribution furnishes a transparent, reproducible, and high-performing VQGAN model, enhancing accessibility and matching the performance of current state-of-the-art methods while revealing previously undisclosed details. The second contribution demonstrates that embedding-free image generation using bit tokens achieves a new state-of-the-art FID of 1.52 on the ImageNet 256x256 benchmark, with a compact generator model of mere 305M parameters.
Mark Weber
* Former member
Maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) decoding is the most widely used decoding strategy for neural machine translation (NMT) models. The underlying assumption is that model probability correlates well with human judgment, with better translations getting assigned a higher score by the model. However, research has shown that this assumption does not always hold, and generation quality can be improved by decoding to optimize a utility function backed by a metric or quality-estimation signal, as is done by Minimum Bayes Risk (MBR) or Quality-Aware decoding. The main disadvantage of these approaches is that they require an additional model to calculate the utility function during decoding, significantly increasing the computational cost. In this paper, we propose to make the NMT models themselves quality-aware by training them to estimate the quality of their own output. Using this approach for MBR decoding we can drastically reduce the size of the candidate list, resulting in a speed-up of two-orders of magnitude. When applying our method to MAP decoding we obtain quality gains similar or even superior to quality reranking approaches, but with the efficiency of single pass decoding.
We give extensive empirical evidence against the common belief that variational learning is ineffective for large neural networks. We show that an optimizer called Improved Variational Online Newton (IVON) consistently matches or outperforms Adam for training large networks such as GPT-2 and ResNets from scratch. IVON’s computational costs are nearly identical to Adam but its predictive uncertainty is better. We show several new use cases of IVON where we improve finetuning and model merging in Large Language Models, accurately predict generalization error, and faithfully estimate sensitivity to data. We find overwhelming evidence that variational learning is effective.
Yuesong Shen
Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence
The field of reinforcement learning offers a large variety of concepts and methods to tackle sequential decision-making problems. This variety has become so large that choosing an algorithm for a task at hand can be challenging. In this work, we streamline the process of choosing reinforcement-learning algorithms and action-distribution families. We provide a structured overview of existing methods and their properties, as well as guidelines for when to choose which methods.
Recent advances in predicting 6D grasp poses from a single depth image have led to promising performance in robotic grasping. However, previous grasping models face challenges in cluttered environments where nearby objects impact the target object’s grasp. In this paper, we first establish a new benchmark dataset for TARget-driven Grasping under Occlusions, named TARGO. We make the following contributions: 1) We are the first to study the occlusion level of grasping. 2) We set up an evaluation benchmark consisting of large-scale synthetic data and part of real-world data, and we evaluated five grasp models and found that even the current SOTA model suffers when the occlusion level increases, leaving grasping under occlusion still a challenge. 3) We also generate a large-scale training dataset via a scalable pipeline, which can be used to boost the performance of grasping under occlusion and generalized to the real world. 4) We further propose a transformer-based grasping model involving a shape completion module, termed TARGO-Net, which performs most robustly as occlusion increases.
Neural approaches have shown a significant progress on camera-based reconstruction. But they require either a fairly dense sampling of the viewing sphere, or pre-training on an existing dataset, thereby limiting their generalizability. In contrast, photometric stereo (PS) approaches have shown great potential for achieving high-quality reconstruction under sparse viewpoints. Yet, they are impractical because they typically require tedious laboratory conditions, are restricted to dark rooms, and often multi-staged, making them subject to accumulated errors. To address these shortcomings, we propose an end-to-end uncalibrated multi-view PS frameworkfor reconstructing high-resolution shapes acquiredfrom sparse viewpoints in a real-world environment. We relax the dark room assumption, and allow a combination of static ambient lighting and dynamic near LED lighting, thereby enabling easy data capture outside the lab. Experimental validation confirms that it outperforms existing baseline approaches in the regime of sparse viewpoints by a large margin. This allows to bring high-accuracy 3D reconstruction from the dark room to the real world, while maintaining a reasonable data capture complexity.
Finding correspondences between 3D shapes is an important and long-standing problem in computer vision, graphics and beyond. A prominent challenge are partial-to-partial shape matching settings, which occur when the shapes to match are only observed incompletely (e.g. from 3D scanning). Although partial-to-partial matching is a highly relevant setting in practice, it is rarely explored. Our work bridges the gap between existing (rather artificial) 3D full shape matching and partial-to-partial real-world set-tings by exploiting geometric consistency as a strong constraint. We demonstrate that it is indeed possible to solve this challenging problem in a variety of settings. For the first time, we achieve geometric consistency for partial-to-partial matching, which is realized by a novel integer non-linear program formalism building on triangle prod-uct spaces, along with a new pruning algorithm based on linear integer programming. Further, we generate a new inter-class dataset for partial-to-partial shape-matching. We show that our method outperforms current SOTA meth-ods on both an established intra-class dataset and our novel inter-class dataset.
Inferring scene geometry from images via Structure from Motion is a long-standing and fundamental problem in computer vision. While classical approaches and, more re-cently, depth map predictions only focus on the visible parts of a scene, the task of scene completion aims to reason about geometry even in occluded regions. With the popularity of neural radiance fields (NeRFs), implicit represen-tations also became popular for scene completion by pre-dicting so-called density fields. Unlike explicit approaches e.g. voxel-based methods, density fields also allow for ac-curate depth prediction and novel-view synthesis via image-based rendering. In this work, we propose to fuse the scene reconstruction from multiple images and distill this knowl-edge into a more accurate single-view scene reconstruction. To this end, we propose Multi-View Behind the Scenes (MVBTS) to fuse density fields from multiple posed images, trained fully self-supervised only from image data. Using knowledge distillation, we use MVBTS to train a single-view scene completion network via direct supervision called KDBTS. It achieves state-of-the-art performance on occu-pancy prediction, especially in occluded regions.
The Laplace-Beltrami operator (LBO) emerges from studying manifolds equipped with a Riemannian metric. It is often called the swiss army knife of geometry processing as it allows to capture intrinsic shape information and gives rise to heat diffusion, geodesic distances, and a mul-titude of shape descriptors. It also plays a central role in geometric deep learning. In this work, we explore Finsler manifolds as a generalization of Riemannian manifolds. We revisit the Finsler heat equation and derive a Finsler heat kernel and a Finsler-Laplace-Beltrami Operator (FLBO): a novel theoretically justified anisotropic Laplace-Beltrami operator (ALBO). In experimental evaluations we demon-strate that the proposed FLBO is a valuable alternative to the traditional Riemannian-based LBO and ALBOs for spa-tialfiltering and shape correspondence estimation. We hope that the proposed Finsler heat kernel and the FLBO will inspire further exploration of Finsler geometry in the Computer vision community.
Hierarchy is a natural representation of semantic taxonomies, including the ones routinely used in image segmentation. Indeed, recent work on semantic segmentation reports improved accuracy from supervised training leveraging hierarchical label structures. Encouraged by these results, we revisit the fundamental assumptions behind that work. We postulate and then empirically verify that the reasons for the observed improvement in segmentation accuracy may be entirely unrelated to the use of the semantic hierarchy. To demonstrate this, we design a range of crossdomain experiments with a representative hierarchical approach. We find that on the new testing domains, a flat (non-hierarchical) segmentation network, in which the parents are inferred from the children, has superior segmentation accuracy to the hierarchical approach across the board. Complementing these findings and inspired by the intrinsic properties of hyperbolic spaces, we study a more principled approach to hierarchical segmentation using the Poincare ball model. The hyperbolic representation largely outperforms the previous (Euclidean) hierarchical approach as well and is on par with our flat Euclidean baseline in terms of segmentation accuracy. However, it additionally exhibits surprisingly strong calibration quality of the parent nodes in the semantic hierarchy, especially on the more challenging domains. Our combined analysis suggests that the established practice of hierarchical segmentation may be limited to in-domain settings, whereas flat classifiers generalize substantially better, especially if they are modeled in the hyperbolic space.
Diffusion models have recently revolutionized the field of image synthesis due to their ability to generate photorealistic images. However, one of the major drawbacks of diffusion models is that the image generation process is costly. A large image-to-image network has to be applied many times to iteratively refine an image from random noise. While many recent works propose techniques to reduce the number of required steps, they generally treat the underlying denoising network as a black box. In this work, we investigate the behavior of the layers within the network and find that 1) the layers’ output changes smoothly over time, 2) the layers show distinct patterns of change, and 3) the change from step to step is often very small. We hypothesize that many layer computations in the denoising network are redundant. Leveraging this, we introduce block caching, in which we reuse outputs from layer blocks of previous steps to speed up inference. Furthermore, we propose a technique to automatically determine caching schedules based on each block’s changes over timesteps. In our experiments, we show through FID, human evaluation and qualitative analysis that Block Caching allows to generate images with higher visual quality at the same computational cost. We demonstrate this for different state-of-the-art models (LDM and EMU) and solvers (DDIM and DPM).
We tackle the problem of 3D point cloud localization based on a few natural linguistic descriptions and introduce a novel neural network, Text2Loc, that fully interprets the semantic relationship between points and text. Text2Loc follows a coarse-to-fine localization pipeline: text-submap global place recognition, followed by fine localization. In global place recognition, relational dynamics among each textual hint are captured in a hierarchical transformer with max-pooling (HTM), whereas a balance between positive and negative pairs is maintained using text-submap contrastive learning. Moreover, we propose a novel matching-free fine localization method to further refine the location predictions, which completely removes the need for complicated text-instance matching and is lighter, faster, and more accurate than previous methods. Extensive experiments show that Text2Loc improves the localization accuracy by up to 2 × over the state-of-the-art on the KITTI360Pose dataset.
Standardized lossy video coding is at the core of almost all real-world video processing pipelines. Rate control is used to enable standard codecs to adapt to different network bandwidth conditions or storage constraints. However, standard video codecs (e.g., H.264) and their rate control modules aim to minimize video distortion w.r.t. human quality assessment. We demonstrate empirically that standard-coded videos vastly deteriorate the performance of deep vision models. To overcome the deterioration of vision performance, this paper presents the first end-to-end learnable deep video codec control that considers both bandwidth constraints and downstream deep vision performance, while adhering to existing standardization. We demonstrate that our approach better preserves downstream deep vision performance than traditional standard video coding.
Resource-constrained hardware, such as edge devices or cell phones, often rely on cloud servers to provide the required computational resources for inference in deep vision models. However, transferring image and video data from an edge or mobile device to a cloud server requires coding to deal with network constraints. The use of standardized codecs, such as JPEG or H.264, is prevalent and required to ensure interoperability. This paper aims to examine the implications of employing standardized codecs within deep vision pipelines. We find that using JPEG and H.264 coding significantly deteriorates the accuracy across a broad range of vision tasks and models. For instance, strong compression rates reduce semantic segmentation accuracy by more than 80% in mIoU. In contrast to previous findings, our analysis extends beyond image and action classification to localization and dense prediction tasks, thus providing a more comprehensive perspective.
Video understanding is a pivotal task in the digital era, yet the dynamic and multievent nature of videos makes them labor-intensive and computationally demanding to process. Thus, localizing a specific event given a semantic query has gained importance in both user-oriented applications like video search and academic research into video foundation models. A significant limitation in current research is that semantic queries are typically in natural language that depicts the semantics of the target event. This setting overlooks the potential for multimodal semantic queries composed of images and texts. To address this gap, we introduce a new benchmark, ICQ, for localizing events in videos with multimodal queries, along with a new evaluation dataset ICQ-Highlight. Our new benchmark aims to evaluate how well models can localize an event given a multimodal semantic query that consists of a reference image, which depicts the event, and a refinement text to adjust the images’ semantics. To systematically benchmark model performance, we include 4 styles of reference images and 5 types of refinement texts, allowing us to explore model performance across different domains. We propose 3 adaptation methods that tailor existing models to our new setting and evaluate 10 SOTA models, ranging from specialized to large-scale foundation models. We believe this benchmark is an initial step toward investigating multimodal queries in video event localization.
Within the graph learning community, conventional wisdom dictates that spectral convolutional networks may only be deployed on undirected graphs: Only there could the existence of a well-defined graph Fourier transform be guaranteed, so that information may be translated between spatial- and spectral domains. Here we show this traditional reliance on the graph Fourier transform to be superfluous and – making use of certain advanced tools from complex analysis and spectral theory – extend spectral convolutions to directed graphs. We provide a frequency-response interpretation of newly developed filters, investigate the influence of the basis used to express filters and discuss the interplay with characteristic operators on which networks are based. In order to thoroughly test the developed theory, we conduct experiments in real world settings, showcasing that directed spectral convolutional networks provide new state of the art results for heterophilic node classification on many datasets and – as opposed to baselines – may be rendered stable to resolution-scale varying topological perturbations.
Direct image alignment is a widely used technique for relative 6DoF pose estimation between two images, but its accuracy strongly depends on pose initialization. Therefore, recent end-to-end frameworks increase the convergence basin of the learned feature descriptors with special training objectives, such as the Gauss-Newton loss. However, the training data may exhibit bias toward a specific type of motion and pose initialization, thus limiting the generalization of these methods. In this work, we derive a closed-form solution to the expected optimum of the Gauss-Newton loss. The solution is agnostic to the underlying feature representation and allows us to dynamically adjust the basin of convergence according to our assumptions about the uncertainty in the current estimates. These properties allow for effective control over the convergence in the alignment process. Despite using self-supervised feature embeddings, our solution achieves compelling accuracy w.r.t. the state-of-the-art direct image alignment methods trained end-to-end with pose supervision, and demonstrates improved robustness to pose initialization. Our analytical solution exposes some inherent limitations of end-to-end learning with the Gauss-Newton loss, and establishes an intriguing connection between direct image alignment and feature-matching approaches.
Current MRI super-resolution (SR) methods only use existing contrasts acquired from typical clinical sequences as input for the neural network (NN). In turbo spin echo sequences (TSE) the sequence parameters can have a strong influence on the actual resolution of the acquired image and have consequently a considera-ble impact on the performance of the NN. We propose a known-operator learning approach to perform an end-to-end optimization of MR sequence and neural net-work parameters for SR-TSE. This MR-physics-informed training procedure jointly optimizes the radiofrequency pulse train of a proton density- (PD-) and T2-weighted TSE and a subsequently applied convolutional neural network to predict the corresponding PDw and T2w super-resolution TSE images. The found radiofrequency pulse train designs generate an optimal signal for the NN to perform the SR task. Our method generalizes from the simulation-based optimi-zation to in vivo measurements and the acquired physics-informed SR images show higher correlation with a time-consuming segmented high-resolution TSE sequence compared to a pure network training approach.
Bilevel optimization aims to optimize an outer objective function that depends on the solution to an inner optimization problem. It is routinely used in Machine Learning, notably for hyperparameter tuning. The conventional method to compute the so-called hypergradient of the outer problem is to use the Implicit Function Theorem (IFT). As a function of the error of the inner problem resolution, we study the error of the IFT method. We analyze two strategies to reduce this error: preconditioning the IFT formula and reparameterizing the inner problem. We give a detailed account of the impact of these two modifications on the error, highlighting the role played by higher-order derivatives of the functionals at stake. Our theoretical findings explain when super efficiency, namely reaching an error on the hypergradient that depends quadratically on the error on the inner problem, is achievable and compare the two approaches when this is impossible. Numerical evaluations on hyperparameter tuning for regression problems substantiate our theoretical findings.
Finding correspondences between 3D shapes is a crucial problem in computer vision and graphics, which is for example relevant for tasks like shape interpolation, pose transfer, or texture transfer. An often neglected but essential property of matchings is geometric consistency, which means that neighboring triangles in one shape are consistently matched to neighboring triangles in the other shape. Moreover, while in practice one often has only access to partial observations of a 3D shape (e.g. due to occlusion, or scanning artifacts), there do not exist any methods that directly address geometrically consistent partial shape matching. In this work we fill this gap by proposing to integrate state-of-the-art deep shape features into a novel integer linear programming partial shape matching formulation. Our optimization yields a globally optimal solution on low resolution shapes, which we then refine using a coarse-to-fine scheme. We show that our method can find more reliable results on partial shapes in comparison to existing geometrically consistent algorithms (for which one first has to fill missing parts with a dummy geometry). Moreover, our matchings are substantially smoother than learning-based state-of-the-art shape matching methods.
3D semantic scene understanding is a fundamental challenge in computer vision. It enables mobile agents to autonomously plan and navigate arbitrary environments. SSC formalizes this challenge as jointly estimating dense geometry and semantic information from sparse observations of a scene. Current methods for SSC are generally trained on 3D ground truth based on aggregated LiDAR scans. This process relies on special sensors and annotation by hand which are costly and do not scale well. To overcome this issue, our work presents the first self-supervised approach to SSC called S4C that does not rely on 3D ground truth data. Our proposed method can reconstruct a scene from a single image and only relies on videos and pseudo segmentation ground truth generated from off-the-shelf image segmentation network during training. Unlike existing methods, which use discrete voxel grids, we represent scenes as implicit semantic fields. This formulation allows querying any point within the camera frustum for occupancy and semantic class. Our architecture is trained through rendering-based self-supervised losses. Nonetheless, our method achieves performance close to fully supervised state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, our method demonstrates strong generalization capabilities and can synthesize accurate segmentation maps for far away viewpoints.
Event cameras offer the exciting possibility of tracking the camera’s pose during high-speed motion and in adverse lighting conditions. Despite this promise, existing event-based monocular visual odometry (VO) approaches demonstrate limited performance on recent benchmarks. To address this limitation, some methods resort to additional sensors such as IMUs, stereo event cameras, or frame-based cameras. Nonetheless, these additional sensors limit the application of event cameras in real-world devices since they increase cost and complicate system requirements. Moreover, relying on a frame-based camera makes the system susceptible to motion blur and HDR. To remove the dependency on additional sensors and to push the limits of using only a single event camera, we present Deep Event VO (DEVO), the first monocular event-only system with strong performance on a large number of real-world benchmarks. DEVO sparsely tracks selected event patches over time. A key component of DEVO is a novel deep patch selection mechanism tailored to event data. We significantly decrease the state-of-the-art pose tracking error on seven real-world benchmarks by up to 97% compared to event-only methods and often surpass or are close to stereo or inertial methods.
In this study, we explore the potential of generative pre-trained transformer (GPT), as a coding assistant for MRI sequence programming using the Pulseq framework. The programming of MRI sequences is traditionally a complex and time-consuming task, and the Pulseq standard has recently simplified this process. It allows researchers to define and generate complex pulse sequences used in MRI experiments. Leveraging GPT-4’s capabilities in natural language generation, we adapted it for MRI sequence programming, creating a specialized assistant named GPT4MR. Our tests involved generating various MRI sequences, revealing that GPT-4, guided by a tailored prompt, outperformed GPT-3.5, producing fewer errors and demonstrating improved reasoning. Despite limitations in handling complex sequences, GPT4MR corrected its own errors and successfully generated code with step-by-step instructions. The study showcases GPT4MR’s ability to accelerate MRI sequence development, even for novel ideas absent in its training set. While further research and improvement are needed to address complexity limitations, a well-designed prompt enhances performance. The findings propose GPT4MR as a valuable MRI sequence programming assistant, streamlining prototyping and development. The future prospect involves integrating a PyPulseq plugin into lightweight, open-source LLMs, potentially revolutionizing MRI sequence development and prototyping.
We propose an end-to-end inverse rendering pipeline called SupeRVol that allows us to recover 3D shape and material parameters from a set of color images in a superresolution manner. To this end, we represent both the bidirectional reflectance distribution function’s (BRDF) parameters and the signed distance function (SDF) by multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs). In order to obtain both the surface shape and its reflectance properties, we revert to a differentiable volume renderer with a physically based illumination model that allows us to decouple reflectance and lighting. This physical model takes into account the effect of the camera’s point spread function thereby enabling a reconstruction of shape and material in a super-resolution quality. Experimental validation confirms that SupeRVol achieves state of the art performance in terms of inverse rendering quality. It generates reconstructions that are sharper than the individual input images, making this method ideally suited for 3D modeling from low-resolution imagery.
Event cameras asynchronously capture brightness changes with low latency, high temporal resolution, and high dynamic range. However, annotation of event data is a costly and laborious process, which limits the use of deep learning methods for classification and other semantic tasks with the event modality. To reduce the dependency on labeled event data, we introduce Masked Event Modeling (MEM), a self-supervised framework for events. Our method pretrains a neural network on unlabeled events, which can originate from any event camera recording. Subsequently, the pretrained model is finetuned on a downstream task, leading to a consistent improvement of the task accuracy. For example, our method reaches state-of-the-art classification accuracy across three datasets, N-ImageNet, N-Cars, and N-Caltech101, increasing the top-1 accuracy of previous work by significant margins. When tested on real-world event data, MEM is even superior to supervised RGB-based pretraining. The models pretrained with MEM are also label-efficient and generalize well to the dense task of semantic image segmentation.
Contemporary large-scale visual language models (VLMs) exhibit strong representation capacities, making them ubiquitous for enhancing image and text understanding tasks. They are often trained in a contrastive manner on a large and diverse corpus of images and corresponding text captions scraped from the internet. Despite this, VLMs often struggle with compositional reasoning tasks which require a fine-grained understanding of the complex interactions of objects and their attributes. This failure can be attributed to two main factors: 1) Contrastive approaches have traditionally focused on mining negative examples from existing datasets. However, the mined negative examples might not be difficult for the model to discriminate from the positive. An alternative to mining would be negative sample generation 2) But existing generative approaches primarily focus on generating hard negative texts associated with a given image. Mining in the other direction, i.e., generating negative image samples associated with a given text has been ignored. To overcome both these limitations, we propose a framework that not only mines in both directions but also generates challenging negative samples in both modalities, i.e., images and texts. Leveraging these generative hard negative samples, we significantly enhance VLMs’ performance in tasks involving multimodal compositional reasoning.
Neural 3D implicit representations learn priors that are useful for diverse applications, such as single- or multiple-view 3D reconstruction. A major downside of existing approaches while rendering an image is that they require evaluating the network multiple times per camera ray so that the high computational time forms a bottleneck for downstream applications. We address this problem by introducing a novel neural scene representation that we call the directional distance function (DDF). To this end, we learn a signed distance function (SDF) along with our DDF model to represent a class of shapes. Specifically, our DDF is defined on the unit sphere and predicts the distance to the surface along any given direction. Therefore, our DDF allows rendering images with just a single network evaluation per camera ray. Based on our DDF, we present a novel fast algorithm (FIRe) to reconstruct 3D shapes given a posed depth map. We evaluate our proposed method on 3D reconstruction from single-view depth images, where we empirically show that our algorithm reconstructs 3D shapes more accurately and it is more than 15 times faster (per iteration) than competing methods.
Traditional deep learning approaches for prediction of future trajectory of multiple road agents rely on knowing information about their past trajectory. In contrast, this work utilizes information of only the current state and intended direction to predict the future trajectory of multiple vehicles at intersections. Incorporating intention information has two distinct advantages: (1) It allows to not just predict the future trajectory but also control the multiple vehicles. (2) By manipulating the intention, the interaction among the vehicles is adapted accordingly to achieve desired behavior. Both these advantages would otherwise not be possible using only past trajectory information Our model utilizes message passing of information between the vehicle nodes for a more holistic overview of the environment, resulting in better trajectory prediction and control of the vehicles. This work also provides a thorough investigation and discussion into the disparity between offline and online metrics for the task of multi-agent control. We particularly show why conducting only offline evaluation would not suffice, thereby necessitating online evaluation. We demonstrate the superiority of utilizing intention information rather than past trajectory in online scenarios. Lastly, we show the capability of our method in adapting to different domains through experiments conducted on two distinct simulation platforms i.e. SUMO and CARLA.
In this study, we explore the potential of generative pre-trained transformer (GPT), as a coding assistant for MRI sequence programming using the Pulseq framework. The programming of MRI sequences is traditionally a complex and time-consuming task, and the Pulseq standard has recently simplified this process. It allows researchers to define and generate complex pulse sequences used in MRI experiments. Leveraging GPT-4’s capabilities in natural language generation, we adapted it for MRI sequence programming, creating a specialized assistant named GPT4MR. Our tests involved generating various MRI sequences, revealing that GPT-4, guided by a tailored prompt, outperformed GPT-3.5, producing fewer errors and demonstrating improved reasoning. Despite limitations in handling complex sequences, GPT4MR corrected its own errors and successfully generated code with step-by-step instructions. The study showcases GPT4MR’s ability to accelerate MRI sequence development, even for novel ideas absent in its training set. While further research and improvement are needed to address complexity limitations, a well-designed prompt enhances performance. The findings propose GPT4MR as a valuable MRI sequence programming assistant, streamlining prototyping and development. The future prospect involves integrating a PyPulseq plugin into lightweight, open-source LLMs, potentially revolutionizing MRI sequence development and prototyping.
The goal of Online Domain Adaptation for semantic segmentation is to handle unforeseeable domain changes that occur during deployment, like sudden weather events. However, the high computational costs associated with brute-force adaptation make this paradigm unfeasible for real-world applications. In this paper we propose HAMLET, a Hardware-Aware Modular Least Expensive Training framework for real-time domain adaptation. Our approach includes a hardware-aware back-propagation orchestration agent (HAMT) and a dedicated domain-shift detector that enables active control over when and how the model is adapted (LT). Thanks to these advancements, our approach is capable of performing semantic segmentation while simultaneously adapting at more than 29FPS on a single consumer-grade GPU. Our framework’s encouraging accuracy and speed trade-off is demonstrated on OnDA and SHIFT benchmarks through experimental results.
We propose a novel mixed-integer programming (MIP) formulation for generating precise sparse correspondences for highly non-rigid shapes. To this end, we introduce a projected Laplace-Beltrami operator (PLBO) which combines intrinsic and extrinsic geometric information to measure the deformation quality induced by predicted correspondences. We integrate the PLBO, together with an orientation-aware regulariser, into a novel MIP formulation that can be solved to global optimality for many practical problems. In contrast to previous methods, our approach is provably invariant to rigid transformations and global scaling, initialisation-free, has optimality guarantees, and scales to high resolution meshes with (empirically observed) linear time. We show state-of-the-art results for sparse non-rigid matching on several challenging 3D datasets, including data with inconsistent meshing, as well as applications in mesh-to-point-cloud matching.
Scene reconstructions are often incomplete due to occlusions and limited viewpoints. There have been efforts to use semantic information for scene completion. However, the completed shapes may be rough and imprecise since respective methods rely on 3D convolution and/or lack effective shape constraints. To overcome these limitations, we propose a semantic scene completion method based on deformable deep implicit templates (DDIT). Specifically, we complete each segmented instance in a scene by deforming a template with a latent code. Such a template is expressed by a deep implicit function in the canonical frame. It abstracts the shape prior of a category, and thus can provide constraints on the overall shape of an instance. Latent code controls the deformation of template to guarantee fine details of an instance. For code prediction, we design a neural network that leverages both intra-and inter-instance information. We also introduce an algorithm to transform instances between the world and canonical frames based on geometric constraints and a hierarchical tree. To further improve accuracy, we jointly optimize the latent code and transformation by enforcing the zero-valued isosurface constraint. In addition, we establish a new dataset to solve different problems of existing datasets. Experiments showed that our DDIT outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.
Place recognition based on point clouds (LiDAR) is an important component for autonomous robots or self-driving vehicles. Current SOTA performance is achieved on accumulated LiDAR submaps using either point-based or voxel-based structures. While voxel-based approaches nicely integrate spatial context across multiple scales, they do not exhibit the local precision of point-based methods. As a result, existing methods struggle with fine-grained matching of subtle geometric features in sparse single-shot Li-DAR scans. To overcome these limitations, we propose CASSPR as a method to fuse point-based and voxel-based approaches using cross attention transformers. CASSPR leverages a sparse voxel branch for extracting and aggregating information at lower resolution and a point-wise branch for obtaining fine-grained local information. CASSPR uses queries from one branch to try to match structures in the other branch, ensuring that both extract self-contained descriptors of the point cloud (rather than one branch dominating), but using both to inform the out-put global descriptor of the point cloud. Extensive experiments show that CASSPR surpasses the state-of-the-art by a large margin on several datasets (Oxford RobotCar, TUM, USyd). For instance, it achieves AR@1 of 85.6% on the TUM dataset, surpassing the strongest prior model by ~15%. Our code is publicly available.
In this work, we present a learning method for both lateral and longitudinal motion control of an ego-vehicle for the task of vehicle pursuit. The car being controlled does not have a pre-defined route, rather it reactively adapts to follow a target vehicle while maintaining a safety distance. To train our model, we do not rely on steering labels recorded from an expert driver, but effectively leverage a classical controller as an offline label generation tool. In addition, we account for the errors in the predicted control values, which can lead to a loss of tracking and catastrophic crashes of the controlled vehicle. To this end, we propose an effective data augmentation approach, which allows to train a network that is capable of handling different views of the target vehicle. During the pursuit, the target vehicle is firstly localized using a Convolutional Neural Network. The network takes a single RGB image along with cars’ velocities and estimates target vehicle’s pose with respect to the ego-vehicle. This information is then fed to a Multi-Layer Perceptron, which regresses the control commands for the ego-vehicle, namely throttle and steering angle. We extensively validate our approach using the CARLA simulator on a wide range of terrains. Our method demonstrates real-time performance, robustness to different scenarios including unseen trajectories and high route completion.
In this work, we propose a learning based neural model that provides both the longitudinal and lateral control commands to simultaneously navigate multiple vehicles. The goal is to ensure that each vehicle reaches a desired target state without colliding with any other vehicle or obstacle in an unconstrained environment. The model utilizes an attention based Graphical Neural Network paradigm that takes into consideration the state of all the surrounding vehicles to make an informed decision. This allows each vehicle to smoothly reach its destination while also evading collision with the other agents. The data and corresponding labels for training such a network is obtained using an optimization based procedure. Experimental results demonstrate that our model is powerful enough to generalize even to situations with more vehicles than in the training data. Our method also outperforms comparable graphical neural network architectures.
Deep learning models for self-driving cars require a diverse training dataset to manage critical driving scenarios on public roads safely. This includes having data from divergent trajectories, such as the oncoming traffic lane or sidewalks. Such data would be too dangerous to collect in the real world. Data augmentation approaches have been proposed to tackle this issue using RGB images. However, solutions based on LiDAR sensors are scarce. Therefore, we propose synthesizing additional LiDAR point clouds from novel viewpoints without physically driving at dangerous positions. The LiDAR view synthesis is done using mesh reconstruction and ray casting. We train a deep learning model, which takes a LiDAR scan as input and predicts the future trajectory as output. A waypoint controller is then applied to this predicted trajectory to determine the throttle and steering labels of the ego-vehicle. Our method neither requires expert driving labels for the original nor the synthesized LiDAR sequence. Instead, we infer labels from LiDAR odometry. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in a comprehensive online evaluation and with a comparison to concurrent work. Our results show the importance of synthesizing additional LiDAR point clouds, particularly in terms of model robustness.
3D object detection using LiDAR point clouds is a fundamental task in the fields of computer vision, robotics, and autonomous driving. However, existing 3D detectors heavily rely on annotated datasets, which are both time-consuming and prone to errors during the process of labeling 3D bounding boxes. In this paper, we propose a Scene Completion Pre-training (SCP) method to enhance the performance of 3D object detectors with less labeled data. SCP offers three key advantages: (1) Improved initialization of the point cloud model. By completing the scene point clouds, SCP effectively captures the spatial and semantic relationships among objects within urban environments. (2) Elimination of the need for additional datasets. SCP serves as a valuable auxiliary network that does not impose any additional efforts or data requirements on the 3D detectors. (3) Reduction of the amount of labeled data for detection. With the help of SCP, the existing state-of-the-art 3D detectors can achieve comparable performance while only relying on 20% labeled data.
Calibrating deep learning models to yield uncertainty-aware predictions is crucial as deep neural networks get increasingly deployed in safety-critical applications. While existing post-hoc calibration methods achieve impressive results on in-domain test datasets, they are limited by their inability to yield reliable uncertainty estimates in domain-shift and out-of-domain (OOD) scenarios. We aim to bridge this gap by proposing DAC, an accuracy-preserving as well as Density-Aware Calibration method based on k-nearest-neighbors (KNN). In contrast to existing post-hoc methods, we utilize hidden layers of classifiers as a source for uncertainty-related information and study their importance. We show that DAC is a generic method that can readily be combined with state-of-the-art post-hoc methods. DAC boosts the robustness of calibration performance in domain-shift and OOD, while maintaining excellent in-domain predictive uncertainty estimates. We demonstrate that DAC leads to consistently better calibration across a large number of model architectures, datasets, and metrics. Additionally, we show that DAC improves calibration substantially on recent large-scale neural networks pre-trained on vast amounts of data.
Yuesong Shen
Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence
We present G-MSM (Graph-based Multi-Shape Matching), a novel unsupervised learning approach for non-rigid shape correspondence. Rather than treating a collection of input poses as an unordered set of samples, we explicitly model the underlying shape data manifold. To this end, we propose an adaptive multi-shape matching architecture that constructs an affinity graph on a given set of training shapes in a self-supervised manner. The key idea is to combine putative, pairwise correspondences by propagating maps along shortest paths in the underlying shape graph. During training, we enforce cycle-consistency between such optimal paths and the pairwise matches which enables our model to learn topology-aware shape priors. We explore different classes of shape graphs and recover specific settings, like template-based matching (star graph) or learnable ranking/sorting (TSP graph), as special cases in our framework. Finally, we demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on several recent shape correspondence benchmarks, including realworld 3D scan meshes with topological noise and challenging inter-class pairs.
Laura Leal-Taixé
Prof. Dr.
* Former member
We propose an approach based on convex relaxations for certifiably optimal robust multiview triangulation. To this end, we extend existing relaxation approaches to non-robust multiview triangulation by incorporating a least squares cost function. We propose two formulations, one based on epipolar constraints and one based on fractional reprojection constraints. The first is lower dimensional and remains tight under moderate noise and outlier levels, while the second is higher dimensional and therefore slower but remains tight even under extreme noise and outlier levels. We demonstrate through extensive experiments that the proposed approaches allow us to compute provably optimal re-constructions even under significant noise and a large percentage of outliers.
We propose a differentiable nonlinear least squares framework to account for uncertainty in relative pose estimation from feature correspondences. Specifically, we introduce a symmetric version of the probabilistic normal epipolar constraint, and an approach to estimate the co-variance of feature positions by differentiating through the camera pose estimation procedure. We evaluate our approach on synthetic, as well as the KITTI and EuRoC real-world datasets. On the synthetic dataset, we confirm that our learned covariances accurately approximate the true noise distribution. In real world experiments, we find that our approach consistently outperforms state-of-the-art non-probabilistic and probabilistic approaches, regardless of the feature extraction algorithm of choice.
For a long time, the most common paradigm in Multi-Object Tracking was tracking-by-detection (TbD), where objects are first detected and then associated over video frames. For association, most models resourced to motion and appearance cues, e.g., re-identification networks. Recent approaches based on attention propose to learn the cues in a data-driven manner, showing impressive results. In this paper, we ask ourselves whether simple good old TbD methods are also capable of achieving the performance of end-to-end models. To this end, we propose two key ingredients that allow a standard re-identification network to excel at appearance-based tracking. We extensively analyse its failure cases, and show that a combination of our appearance features with a simple motion model leads to strong tracking results. Our tracker generalizes to four public datasets, namely MOT17, MOT20, BDD100k, and DanceTrack, achieving state-of-the-art performance.
Laura Leal-Taixé
Prof. Dr.
* Former member
We introduce Power Bundle Adjustment as an expansion type algorithm for solving large-scale bundle adjustment problems. It is based on the power series expansion of the inverse Schur complement and constitutes a new family of solvers that we call inverse expansion methods. We theoretically justify the use of power series and we prove the convergence of our approach. Using the real-world BAL dataset we show that the proposed solver challenges the state-of-the-art iterative methods and significantly accelerates the solution of the normal equation, even for reaching a very high accuracy. This easy-to-implement solver can also complement a recently presented distributed bundle adjustment framework. We demonstrate that employing the proposed Power Bundle Adjustment as a subproblem solver significantly improves speed and accuracy of the distributed optimization.
Inferring a meaningful geometric scene representation from a single image is a fundamental problem in computer vision. Approaches based on traditional depth map prediction can only reason about areas that are visible in the image. Currently, neural radiance fields (NeRFs) can capture true 3D including color, but are too complex to be generated from a single image. As an alternative, we propose to predict an implicit density field from a single image. It maps every location in the frustum of the image to volumetric density. By directly sampling color from the available views instead of storing color in the density field, our scene representation becomes significantly less complex compared to NeRFs, and a neural network can predict it in a single forward pass. The network is trained through self-supervision from only video data. Our formulation allows volume rendering to perform both depth prediction and novel view synthesis. Through experiments, we show that our method is able to predict meaningful geometry for regions that are occluded in the input image. Additionally, we demonstrate the potential of our approach on three datasets for depth prediction and novel-view synthesis.
Flows in networks (or graphs) play a significant role in numerous computer vision tasks. The scalar-valued edges in these graphs often lead to a loss of information and thereby to limitations in terms of expressiveness. For example, oftentimes highdimensional data (e.g. feature descriptors) are mapped to a single scalar value (e.g. the similarity between two feature descriptors). To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel formalism for non-separable multi-dimensional network flows. By doing so, we enable an automatic and adaptive feature selection strategy - since the flow is defined on a per-dimension basis, the maximizing flow automatically chooses the best matching feature dimensions. As a proof of concept, we apply our formalism to the multi-object tracking problem and demonstrate that our approach outperforms scalar formulations on the MOT16 benchmark in terms of robustness to noise.
Current MRI super-resolution (SR) methods only use existing contrasts acquired from typical clinical sequences as input for the neural network (NN). In turbo spin echo sequences (TSE) the sequence parameters can have a strong influence on the actual resolution of the acquired image and have consequently a considera-ble impact on the performance of the NN. We propose a known-operator learning approach to perform an end-to-end optimization of MR sequence and neural net-work parameters for SR-TSE. This MR-physics-informed training procedure jointly optimizes the radiofrequency pulse train of a proton density- (PD-) and T2-weighted TSE and a subsequently applied convolutional neural network to predict the corresponding PDw and T2w super-resolution TSE images. The found radiofrequency pulse train designs generate an optimal signal for the NN to perform the SR task. Our method generalizes from the simulation-based optimi-zation to in vivo measurements and the acquired physics-informed SR images show higher correlation with a time-consuming segmented high-resolution TSE sequence compared to a pure network training approach.
The ability of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to recognize objects regardless of their position in the image is due to the translation-equivariance of the convolutional operation. Group-equivariant CNNs transfer this equivariance to other transformations of the input. Dealing appropriately with objects and object parts of different scale is challenging, and scale can vary for multiple reasons such as the underlying object size or the resolution of the imaging modality. In this paper, we propose a scale-equivariant convolutional network layer for three-dimensional data that guarantees scale-equivariance in 3D CNNs. Scale-equivariance lifts the burden of having to learn each possible scale separately, allowing the neural network to focus on higher-level learning goals, which leads to better results and better data-efficiency. We provide an overview of the theoretical foundations and scientific work on scale-equivariant neural networks in the two-dimensional domain. We then transfer the concepts from 2D to the three-dimensional space and create a scale-equivariant convolutional layer for 3D data. Using the proposed scale-equivariant layer, we create a scale-equivariant U-Net for medical image segmentation and compare it with a non-scale-equivariant baseline method. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in achieving scale-equivariance for 3D medical image analysis.
Supervised deep learning methods using image data as input have shown promising results in the context of vehicle control. However, these supervised methods have two main disadvantages: 1) They require a copious amount of labeled training data, which is difficult and expensive to collect. 2) Such models do not perform well, when situations that are not in the distribution of the training set are encountered. This includes deviations from the designated driving behavior. We therefore provide a framework to mitigate these problems from merely an unlabeled sequence of images. Visual Odometry is first used to determine the vehicle trajectory. Model Predictive Control (MPC) then uses this trajectory to implicitly infer the steering labels. Meanwhile, synthesized images at deviated trajectories are included in the training distribution for enhanced robustness of the neural network model. Experimental results demonstrate that the performance of our network is at par with methods requiring additional data collection or supervision.
Estimating neural radiance fields (NeRFs) from “ideal” images has been extensively studied in the computer vision community. Most approaches assume optimal illumination and slow camera motion. These assumptions are often violated in robotic applications, where images may contain motion blur, and the scene may not have suitable illumination. This can cause significant problems for downstream tasks such as navigation, inspection, or visualization of the scene. To alleviate these problems, we present E-NeRF, the first method which estimates a volumetric scene representation in the form of a NeRF from a fast-moving event camera. Our method can recover NeRFs during very fast motion and in high-dynamic-range conditions where frame-based approaches fail. We show that rendering high-quality frames is possible by only providing an event stream as input. Furthermore, by combining events and frames, we can estimate NeRFs of higher quality than state-of-the-art approaches under severe motion blur. We also show that combining events and frames can overcome failure cases of NeRF estimation in scenarios where only a few input views are available without requiring additional regularization.
Fine-detailed reconstructions are in high demand in many applications. However, most of the existing RGB-D reconstruction methods rely on pre-calculated accurate camera poses to recover the detailed surface geometry, where the representation of a surface needs to be adapted when optimizing different quantities. In this paper, we present a novel multi-view RGB-D based reconstruction method that tackles camera pose, lighting, albedo, and surface normal estimation via the utilization of a gradient signed distance field (gradient-SDF). The proposed method formulates the image rendering process using specific physically-based model(s) and optimizes the surface’s quantities on the actual surface using its volumetric representation, as opposed to other works which estimate surface quantities only near the actual surface. To validate our method, we investigate two physically-based image formation models for natural light and point light source applications. The experimental results on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed method can recover high-quality geometry of the surface more faithfully than the state-of-the-art and further improves the accuracy of estimated camera poses
Given the importance of getting calibrated predictions and reliable uncertainty estimations, various post-hoc calibration methods have been developed for neural networks on standard multi-class classification tasks. However, these methods are not well suited for calibrating graph neural networks (GNNs), which presents unique challenges such as accounting for the graph structure and the graph-induced correlations between the nodes. In this work, we conduct a systematic study on the calibration qualities of GNN node predictions. In particular, we identify five factors which influence the calibration of GNNs: general under-confident tendency, diversity of nodewise predictive distributions, distance to training nodes, relative confidence level, and neighborhood similarity. Furthermore, based on the insights from this study, we design a novel calibration method named Graph Attention Temperature Scaling (GATS), which is tailored for calibrating graph neural networks. GATS incorporates designs that address all the identified influential factors and produces nodewise temperature scaling using an attention-based architecture. GATS is accuracy-preserving, data-efficient, and expressive at the same time. Our experiments empirically verify the effectiveness of GATS, demonstrating that it can consistently achieve state-of-the-art calibration results on various graph datasets for different GNN backbones.
Yuesong Shen
Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence
Neural networks are known to produce poor uncertainty estimations, and a variety of approaches have been proposed to remedy this issue. This includes deep ensemble, a simple and effective method that achieves state-of-the-art results for uncertainty-aware learning tasks. In this work, we explore a combinatorial generalization of deep ensemble called deep combinatorial aggregation (DCA). DCA creates multiple instances of network components and aggregates their combinations to produce diversified model proposals and predictions. DCA components can be defined at different levels of granularity. And we discovered that coarse-grain DCAs can outperform deep ensemble for uncertainty-aware learning both in terms of predictive performance and uncertainty estimation. For fine-grain DCAs, we discover that an average parameterization approach named deep combinatorial weight averaging (DCWA) can improve the baseline training. It is on par with stochastic weight averaging (SWA) but does not require any custom training schedule or adaptation of BatchNorm layers. Furthermore, we propose a consistency enforcing loss that helps the training of DCWA and modelwise DCA. We experiment on in-domain, distributional shift, and out-of-distribution image classification tasks, and empirically confirm the effectiveness of DCWA and DCA approaches.
Yuesong Shen
Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence
Current graph neural networks (GNNs) that tackle node classification on graphs tend to only focus on nodewise scores and are solely evaluated by nodewise metrics. This limits uncertainty estimation on graphs since nodewise marginals do not fully characterize the joint distribution given the graph structure. In this work, we propose novel edgewise metrics, namely the edgewise expected calibration error (ECE) and the agree/disagree ECEs, which provide criteria for uncertainty estimation on graphs beyond the nodewise setting. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed edgewise metrics can complement the nodewise results and yield additional insights. Moreover, we show that GNN models which consider the structured prediction problem on graphs tend to have better uncertainty estimations, which illustrates the benefit of going beyond the nodewise setting.
Yuesong Shen
Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence
We address the problem of uncertainty calibration and introduce a novel calibration method, Parametrized Temperature Scaling (PTS). Standard deep neural networks typically yield uncalibrated predictions, which can be transformed into calibrated confidence scores using post-hoc calibration methods. In this contribution, we demonstrate that the performance of accuracy-preserving state-of-the-art post-hoc calibrators is limited by their intrinsic expressive power. We generalize temperature scaling by computing prediction-specific temperatures, parameterized by a neural network. We show with extensive experiments that our novel accuracy-preserving approach consistently outperforms existing algorithms across a large number of model architectures, datasets and metrics.
The human brain can be considered to be a graphical structure comprising of tens of billions of biological neurons connected by synapses. It has the remarkable ability to automatically re-route information flow through alternate paths, in case some neurons are damaged. Moreover, the brain is capable of retaining information and applying it to similar but completely unseen scenarios. In this paper, we take inspiration from these attributes of the brain to develop a computational framework to find the optimal low cost path between a source node and a destination node in a generalized graph. We show that our framework is capable of handling unseen graphs at test time. Moreover, it can find alternate optimal paths, when nodes are arbitrarily added or removed during inference, while maintaining a fixed prediction time.
The estimation of the relative pose of two camera views is a fundamental problem in computer vision. Kneip et al. proposed to solve this problem by introducing the normal epipolar constraint (NEC). However, their approach does not take into account uncertainties, so that the accuracy of the estimated relative pose is highly dependent on accurate feature positions in the target frame. In this work, we introduce the probabilistic normal epipolar constraint (PNEC) that overcomes this limitation by accounting for anisotropic and inhomogeneous uncertainties in the feature positions. To this end, we propose a novel objective function, along with an efficient optimization scheme that effectively minimizes our objective while maintaining real-time performance. In experiments on synthetic data, we demonstrate that the novel PNEC yields more accurate rotation estimates than the original NEC and several popular relative rotation estimation algorithms. Furthermore, we integrate the proposed method into a state-of-the-art monocular rotation-only odometry system and achieve consistently improved results for the real-world KITTI dataset.
Existing vision based supervised approaches to lateral vehicle control are capable of directly mapping RGB images to the appropriate steering commands. However, they are prone to suffering from inadequate robustness in real world scenarios due to a lack of failure cases in the training data. In this paper, a framework for training a more robust and scalable model for lateral vehicle control is proposed. The framework only requires an unlabeled sequence of RGB images. The trained model takes a point cloud as input and predicts the lateral offset to a subsequent frame from which the steering angle is inferred. The frame poses are in turn obtained from visual odometry. The point cloud is conceived by projecting dense depth maps into 3D. An arbitrary number of additional trajectories from this point cloud can be generated during training. This is to increase the robustness of the model. Online experiments conducted on a driving simulator show that the performance of our model is superior to that of a supervised model trained on the same initial data set and comparable to the same model but trained on data collected with noise injection.
We show that utilizing attribution maps for training neural networks can improve regularization of models and thus increase performance. Regularization is key in deep learning, especially when training complex models on relatively small datasets. In order to understand inner workings of neural networks, attribution methods such as Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) have been extensively studied, particularly for interpreting the relevance of input features. We introduce Challenger, a module that leverages the explainable power of attribution maps in order to manipulate particularly relevant input patterns. Therefore, exposing and subsequently resolving regions of ambiguity towards separating classes on the ground-truth data manifold, an issue that arises particularly when training models on rather small datasets. Our Challenger module increases model performance through building more diverse filters within the network and can be applied to any input data domain. We demonstrate that our approach results in substantially better classification as well as calibration performance on datasets with only a few samples up to datasets with thousands of samples. In particular, we show that our generic domain-independent approach yields state-of-the-art results in vision, natural language processing and on time series tasks.
Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy provides a versatile tool for investigating electron dynamics in gaseous, liquid, and solid samples on sub-femtosecond time scales. The extraction of information from spectrograms recorded with the attosecond streak camera remains a difficult challenge. Common algorithms are highly specialized and typically computationally heavy. In this work, we apply deep neural networks to map from streaking traces to near-infrared pulses as well as electron wavepackets and extensively benchmark our results on simulated data. Additionally, we illustrate domain-shift to real-world data. We also attempt to quantify the model predictive uncertainty. Our deep neural networks display competitive retrieval quality and superior tolerance against noisy data conditions, while reducing the computational time by orders of magnitude.
The task of assigning semantic classes and track identities to every pixel in a video is called video panoptic segmentation. Our work is the first that targets this task in a real-world setting requiring dense interpretation in both spatial and temporal domains. As the ground-truth for this task is difficult and expensive to obtain, existing datasets are either constructed synthetically or only sparsely annotated within short video clips. To overcome this, we introduce a new benchmark encompassing two datasets, KITTI-STEP, and MOTChallenge-STEP. The datasets contain long video sequences, providing challenging examples and a test-bed for studying long-term pixel-precise segmentation and tracking under real-world conditions. We further propose a novel evaluation metric Segmentation and Tracking Quality (STQ) that fairly balances semantic and tracking aspects of this task and is more appropriate for evaluating sequences of arbitrary length. Finally, we provide several baselines to evaluate the status of existing methods on this new challenging dataset. We have made our datasets, metric, benchmark servers, and baselines publicly available, and hope this will inspire future research.
Mark Weber
* Former member
Laura Leal-Taixé
Prof. Dr.
* Former member
Node features and structural information of a graph are both crucial for semi-supervised node classification problems. A variety of graph neural network (GNN) based approaches have been proposed to tackle these problems, which typically determine output labels through feature aggregation. This can be problematic, as it implies conditional independence of output nodes given hidden representations, despite their direct connections in the graph. To learn the direct influence among output nodes in a graph, we propose the Explicit Pairwise Factorized Graph Neural Network (EPFGNN), which models the whole graph as a partially observed Markov Random Field. It contains explicit pairwise factors to model output-output relations and uses a GNN backbone to model input-output relations. To balance model complexity and expressivity, the pairwise factors have a shared component and a separate scaling coefficient for each edge. We apply the EM algorithm to train our model, and utilize a star-shaped piecewise likelihood for the tractable surrogate objective. We conduct experiments on various datasets, which shows that our model can effectively improve the performance for semi-supervised node classification on graphs.
Yuesong Shen
Computer Vision & Artificial Intelligence
Variational data assimilation optimizes for an initial state of a dynamical system such that its evolution fits observational data. The physical model can subsequently be evolved into the future to make predictions. This principle is a cornerstone of large scale forecasting applications such as numerical weather prediction. As such, it is implemented in current operational systems of weather forecasting agencies across the globe. However, finding a good initial state poses a difficult optimization problem in part due to the non-invertible relationship between physical states and their corresponding observations. We learn a mapping from observational data to physical states and show how it can be used to improve optimizability. We employ this mapping in two ways: to better initialize the non-convex optimization problem, and to reformulate the objective function in better behaved physics space instead of observation space. Our experimental results for the Lorenz96 model and a two-dimensional turbulent fluid flow demonstrate that this procedure significantly improves forecast quality for chaotic systems.
We present NeuroMorph, a new neural network architecture that takes as input two 3D shapes and produces in one go, i.e. in a single feed forward pass, a smooth interpolation and point-to-point correspondences between them. The interpolation, expressed as a deformation field, changes the pose of the source shape to resemble the target, but leaves the object identity unchanged. NeuroMorph uses an elegant architecture combining graph convolutions with global feature pooling to extract local features. During training, the model is incentivized to create realistic deformations by approximating geodesics on the underlying shape space manifold. This strong geometric prior allows to train our model end-to-end and in a fully unsupervised manner without requiring any manual correspondence annotations. NeuroMorph works well for a large variety of input shapes, including non-isometric pairs from different object categories. It obtains state-of-the-art results for both shape correspondence and interpolation tasks, matching or surpassing the performance of recent unsupervised and supervised methods on multiple benchmarks.
Finding correspondences between shapes is a fundamental problem in computer vision and graphics, which is relevant for many applications, including 3D reconstruction, object tracking, and style transfer. The vast majority of correspondence methods aim to find a solution between pairs of shapes, even if multiple instances of the same class are available. While isometries are often studied in shape correspondence problems, they have not been considered explicitly in the multi-matching setting. This paper closes this gap by proposing a novel optimisation formulation for isometric multi-shape matching. We present a suitable optimisation algorithm for solving our formulation and provide a convergence and complexity analysis. Our algorithm obtains multi-matchings that are by construction provably cycle-consistent. We demonstrate the superior performance of our method on various datasets and set the new state-of-the-art in isometric multi-shape matching.
We address the problem of uncertainty calibration. While standard deep neural networks typically yield uncalibrated predictions, calibrated confidence scores that are representative of the true likelihood of a prediction can be achieved using post-hoc calibration methods. However, to date, the focus of these approaches has been on in-domain calibration. Our contribution is two-fold. First, we show that existing post-hoc calibration methods yield highly over-confident predictions under domain shift. Second, we introduce a simple strategy where perturbations are applied to samples in the validation set before performing the post-hoc calibration step. In extensive experiments, we demonstrate that this perturbation step results in substantially better calibration under domain shift on a wide range of architectures and modelling tasks.
Convolutional networks are successful, but they have recently been outperformed by new neural networks that are equivariant under rotations and translations. These new networks work better because they do not struggle with learning each possible orientation of each image feature separately. So far, they have been proposed for 2D and 3D data. Here we generalize them to 6D diffusion MRI data, ensuring joint equivariance under 3D roto-translations in image space and the matching 3D rotations in q-space, as dictated by the image formation. Such equivariant deep learning is appropriate for diffusion MRI, because microstructural and macrostructural features such as neural fibers can appear at many different orientations, and because even non-rotation-equivariant deep learning has so far been the best method for many diffusion MRI tasks. We validate our equivariant method on multiple-sclerosis lesion segmentation. Our proposed neural networks yield better results and require fewer scans for training compared to non-rotation-equivariant deep learning. They also inherit all the advantages of deep learning over classical diffusion MRI methods. Our implementation is available at this https URL and can be used off the shelf without understanding the mathematical background.
In this thesis, we use deep learning and variational analysis to solve various problems from biology and medicine related to advanced data structures. We predict the structure of proteins from their evolutionary statistics, and the function of proteins and small molecules from their structure. We also present image processing methods for diffusion MRI that reduce the scan duration by a factor of twelve and improve the image quality.
Modern text-to-speech systems are able to produce natural and high-quality speech, but speech contains factors of variation (e.g. pitch, rhythm, loudness, timbre) that text alone cannot contain. In this work we move towards a speech synthesis system that can produce diverse speech renditions of a text by allowing (but not requiring) explicit control over the various factors of variation. We propose a new neural vocoder that offers control of such factors of variation. This is achieved by employing differentiable digital signal processing (DDSP) (previously used only for music rather than speech), which exposes these factors of variation. The results show that the proposed approach can produce natural speech with realistic timbre, and individual factors of variation can be freely controlled.
In this paper, we propose MonoRec, a semi-supervised monocular dense reconstruction architecture that predicts depth maps from a single moving camera in dynamic environments. MonoRec is based on a multi-view stereo setting which encodes the information of multiple consecutive images in a cost volume. To deal with dynamic objects in the scene, we introduce a MaskModule that predicts moving object masks by leveraging the photometric inconsistencies encoded in the cost volumes. Unlike other multi-view stereo methods, MonoRec is able to reconstruct both static and moving objects by leveraging the predicted masks. Furthermore, we present a novel multi-stage training scheme with a semi-supervised loss formulation that does not require LiDAR depth values. We carefully evaluate MonoRec on the KITTI dataset and show that it achieves state-of-theart performance compared to both multi-view and singleview methods. With the model trained on KITTI, we furthermore demonstrate that MonoRec is able to generalize well to both the Oxford RobotCar dataset and the more challenging TUM-Mono dataset recorded by a handheld camera.
Convolutional networks are successful due to their equivariance/invariance under translations. However, rotatable data such as images, volumes, shapes, or point clouds require processing with equivariance/invariance under rotations in cases where the rotational orientation of the coordinate system does not affect the meaning of the data (e.g. object classification). On the other hand, estimation/processing of rotations is necessary in cases where rotations are important (e.g. motion estimation). There has been recent progress in methods and theory in all these regards. Here we provide an overview of existing methods, both for 2D and 3D rotations (and translations), and identify commonalities and links between them.
©all images: LMU | TUM