
Teaser image to Learning complex robotic behaviors with optimal control

Learning complex robotic behaviors with optimal control

Ludovic Righetti, New York University (NYU)


   5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

   TUM, Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich, Room 0790 (ground floor)

On behalf of our partners at the Bavarian AI network baiosphere, the MCML cordially invites you to the Munich AI Lectures.

Nonlinear model predictive control (MPC) is effective for generating diverse robotic behaviors but faces limitations with integrating multi-modal sensing and optimizing complex, real-time behaviors.

In his talk, Ludovic Righetti from NYU will explore unifying learning and numerical optimal control to address these challenges, emphasizing the integration of machine learning with online optimization and discussing the societal impacts of robotics research.

Organized by:


Bavarian Academy of Science and Humanities

Helmholtz Munich

LMU Munich



ELLIS Munich Unit

Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI


Munich Data Science Institute TUM

Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence TUM


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Link to Physical AI: Promises and Challenges

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Link to Learning complex robotic behaviors with optimal control

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Learning complex robotic behaviors with optimal control

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