Data Analytics & Statistics
holds the Chair for Data Analytics & Statistics at TU Munich.
He is renowned for his work in machine learning approaches to machine translation, language modeling, and multilingual natural language processing. He focuses on addressing data sparsity and integrating linguistic and world knowledge in AI systems. Additionally, he collaborates with language communities to develop technology for their languages. His contributions to natural language processing and machine learning emphasize both theoretical advancements and practical applications.
Previous work has considered token overlap, or even similarity of token distributions, as predictors for multilinguality and cross-lingual knowledge transfer in language models. However, these very literal metrics assign large distances to language pairs with different scripts, which can nevertheless show good cross-linguality. This limits the explanatory strength of token overlap for knowledge transfer between language pairs that use distinct scripts or follow different orthographic conventions. In this paper, we propose subword token alignability as a new way to understand the impact and quality of multilingual tokenisation. In particular, this metric predicts multilinguality much better when scripts are disparate and the overlap of literal tokens is low. We analyse this metric in the context of both encoder and decoder models, look at data size as a potential distractor, and discuss how this insight may be applied to multilingual tokenisation in future work. We recommend our subword token alignability metric for identifying optimal language pairs for cross-lingual transfer, as well as to guide the construction of better multilingual tokenisers in the future. We publish our code and reproducibility details.
Data Analytics & Statistics
Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods, such as LoRA, are commonly used to adapt LLMs. However, the effectiveness of standard PEFT methods is limited in low-resource scenarios with only a few hundred examples. Recent advances in interpretability research have inspired the emergence of activation editing techniques, which modify the activations of specific model components. These methods, due to their extremely small parameter counts, show promise for small datasets. However, their performance is highly dependent on identifying the correct modules to edit and often lacks stability across different datasets. In this paper, we propose Joint Localization and Activation Editing (JoLA), a method that jointly learns (1) which heads in the Transformer to edit (2) whether the intervention should be additive, multiplicative, or both and (3) the intervention parameters themselves - the vectors applied as additive offsets or multiplicative scalings to the head output. Through evaluations on three benchmarks spanning commonsense reasoning, natural language understanding, and natural language generation, we demonstrate that JoLA consistently outperforms existing methods.
The capacity of large language models (LLMs) to understand and distinguish socially unacceptable texts enables them to play a promising role in abusive language detection. However, various factors can affect their sensitivity. In this work, we test whether LLMs have an unintended bias in abusive language detection, i.e., whether they predict more or less of a given abusive class than expected in zero-shot settings. Our results show that instruction-tuned LLMs tend to under-predict positive classes, since datasets used for tuning are dominated by the negative class. On the contrary, models fine-tuned with human feedback tend to be overly sensitive. In an exploratory approach to mitigate these issues, we show that label frequency in the prompt helps with the significant over-prediction.
The role of subword segmentation in relation to capturing morphological patterns in LLMs is currently not well explored. Ideally, one would train models like GPT using various segmentations and evaluate how well word meanings are captured. Since this is not computationally feasible, we group words according to their segmentation properties and compare how well a model can solve a linguistic task for these groups. We study two criteria: (i) adherence to morpheme boundaries and (ii) the segmentation consistency of the different inflected forms of a lemma. We select word forms with high and low values for these criteria and carry out experiments on GPT-4o’s ability to capture verbal inflection for 10 languages. Our results indicate that in particular the criterion of segmentation consistency can help to predict the model’s ability to recognize and generate the lemma from an inflected form, providing evidence that subword segmentation is relevant.
Large Language Models (LLMs) show remarkable performance on a wide variety of tasks. Most LLMs split text into multi-character tokens and process them as atomic units without direct access to individual characters. This raises the question: To what extent can LLMs learn orthographic information? To answer this, we propose a new benchmark, CUTE, which features a collection of tasks designed to test the orthographic knowledge of LLMs. We evaluate popular LLMs on CUTE, finding that most of them seem to know the spelling of their tokens, yet fail to use this information effectively to manipulate text, calling into question how much of this knowledge is generalizable.
Data Analytics & Statistics
Text style transfer (TST) aims to modify the style of a text without altering its original meaning. Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate superior performance across multiple tasks, including TST. However, in zero-shot setups, they tend to directly copy a significant portion of the input text to the output without effectively changing its style. To enhance the stylistic variety and fluency of the text, we present sNeuron-TST, a novel approach for steering LLMs using style-specific neurons in TST. Specifically, we identify neurons associated with the source and target styles and deactivate source-style-only neurons to give target-style words a higher probability, aiming to enhance the stylistic diversity of the generated text. However, we find that this deactivation negatively impacts the fluency of the generated text, which we address by proposing an improved contrastive decoding method that accounts for rapid token probability shifts across layers caused by deactivated source-style neurons. Empirical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on six benchmarks, encompassing formality, toxicity, politics, politeness, authorship, and sentiment.
We present the joint CUNI and LMU submission to the MRL 2024 Shared Task on Multi-lingual Multi-task Information Retrieval. The shared task objective was to explore how we can deploy modern methods in NLP in multi-lingual low-resource settings, tested on two sub-tasks: Named-entity recognition and question answering. Our solutions to the subtasks are based on data acquisition and model adaptation. We compare the performance of our submitted systems with the translate-test approach which proved to be the most useful in the previous edition of the shared task. Our results show that using more data as well as fine-tuning recent multilingual pre-trained models leads to considerable improvements over the translate-test baseline.
Data Analytics & Statistics
This paper describes a linguistically-motivated approach to the 2024 edition of the BabyLM Challenge (Warstadt et al. 2023). Rather than pursuing a first language learning (L1) paradigm, we approach the challenge from a second language (L2) learning perspective. In L2 learning, there is a stronger focus on learning explicit linguistic information, such as grammatical notions, definitions of words or different ways of expressing a meaning. This makes L2 learning potentially more efficient and concise. We approximate this using data from Wiktionary, grammar examples either generated by an LLM or sourced from grammar books, and paraphrase data. We find that explicit information about word meaning (in our case, Wiktionary) does not boost model performance, while grammatical information can give a small improvement. The most impactful data ingredient is sentence paraphrases, with our two best models being trained on 1) a mix of paraphrase data and data from the BabyLM pretraining dataset, and 2) exclusively paraphrase data.
Data Analytics & Statistics
Data Analytics & Statistics
Cross-lingual alignment, the meaningful similarity of representations across languages in multilingual language models, has been an active field of research in recent years. We survey the literature of techniques to improve cross-lingual alignment, providing a taxonomy of methods and summarising insights from throughout the field. We present different understandings of cross-lingual alignment and their limitations. We provide a qualitative summary of results from a number of surveyed papers. Finally, we discuss how these insights may be applied not only to encoder models, where this topic has been heavily studied, but also to encoder-decoder or even decoder-only models, and argue that an effective trade-off between language-neutral and language-specific information is key.
Data Analytics & Statistics
To democratize large language models (LLMs) to most natural languages, it is imperative to make these models capable of understanding and generating texts in many languages, in particular low-resource ones. While recent multilingual LLMs demonstrate remarkable performance in such capabilities, these LLMs still support a limited number of human languages due to the lack of training data for low resource languages. Moreover, these LLMs are not yet aligned with human preference for downstream tasks, which is crucial for the success of LLMs in English. In this paper, we introduce xLLaMA-100 and xBLOOM-100 (collectively xLLMs-100), which scale the multilingual capabilities of LLaMA and BLOOM to 100 languages. To do so, we construct two datasets: a multilingual instruction dataset including 100 languages, which represents the largest language coverage to date, and a cross-lingual human feedback dataset encompassing 30 languages. We perform multilingual instruction tuning on the constructed instruction data and further align the LLMs with human feedback using the DPO algorithm on our cross-lingual human feedback dataset. We evaluate the multilingual understanding and generating capabilities of xLLMs-100 on five multilingual benchmarks. Experimental results show that xLLMs-100 consistently outperforms its peers across the benchmarks by considerable margins, defining a new state-of-the-art multilingual LLM that supports 100 languages.
We present a research agenda focused on efficiently extracting, assuring quality, and consolidating textual company sustainability information to address urgent climate change decision-making needs. Starting from the goal to create integrated FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) climate-related data, we identify research needs pertaining to the technical aspects of information extraction as well as to the design of the integrated sustainability datasets that we seek to compile. Regarding extraction, we leverage technological advancements, particularly in large language models (LLMs) and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) pipelines, to unlock the underutilized potential of unstructured textual information contained in corporate sustainability reports. In applying these techniques, we review key challenges, which include the retrieval and extraction of CO2 emission values from PDF documents, especially from unstructured tables and graphs therein, and the validation of automatically extracted data through comparisons with human-annotated values. We also review how existing use cases and practices in climate risk analytics relate to choices of what textual information should be extracted and how it could be linked to existing structured data.
Social Data Science and AI
The interplay of cultural and linguistic elements that characterizes metaphorical language poses a substantial challenge for both human comprehension and machine processing. This challenge goes beyond monolingual settings and becomes particularly complex in translation, even more so in automatic translation. We present VOLIMET, a corpus of 2,916 parallel sentences containing gold standard alignments of metaphorical verb-object pairs and their literal paraphrases, e.g., tackle/address question, from English to German and French. On the one hand, the parallel nature of our corpus enables us to explore monolingual patterns for metaphorical vs. literal uses in English. On the other hand, we investigate different aspects of cross-lingual translations into German and French and the extent to which metaphoricity and literalness in the source language are transferred to the target languages. Monolingually, our findings reveal clear preferences in using metaphorical or literal uses of verb-object pairs. Cross-lingually, we observe a rich variability in translations as well as different behaviors for our two target languages.
Abusive language detection has drawn increasing interest in recent years. However, a less systematically explored obstacle is label imbalance, i.e., the amount of abusive data is much lower than non-abusive data, leading to performance issues. The aim of this work is to conduct a comprehensive comparative study of popular methods for addressing the class imbalance issue. We explore 10 well-known approaches on 8 datasets with distinct characteristics: binary or multi-class, moderately or largely imbalanced, focusing on various types of abuse, etc. Additionally, we pro-pose two novel methods specialized for abuse detection: AbusiveLexiconAug and ExternalDataAug, which enrich the training data using abusive lexicons and external abusive datasets, respectively. We conclude that: 1) our AbusiveLexiconAug approach, random oversampling, and focal loss are the most versatile methods on various datasets; 2) focal loss tends to yield peak model performance; 3) oversampling and focal loss provide promising results for binary datasets and small multi-class sets, while undersampling and weighted cross-entropy are more suitable for large multi-class sets; 4) most methods are sensitive to hyperparameters, yet our suggested choice of hyperparameters provides a good starting point.
Due to the broad range of social media platforms, the requirements of abusive language detection systems are varied and ever-changing. Already a large set of annotated corpora with different properties and label sets were created, such as hate or misogyny detection, but the form and targets of abusive speech are constantly evolving. Since, the annotation of new corpora is expensive, in this work we leverage datasets we already have, covering a wide range of tasks related to abusive language detection. Our goal is to build models cheaply for a new target label set and/or language, using only a few training examples of the target domain. We propose a two-step approach: first we train our model in a multitask fashion. We then carry out few-shot adaptation to the target requirements. Our experiments show that using already existing datasets and only a few-shots of the target task the performance of models improve both monolingually and across languages. Our analysis also shows that our models acquire a general understanding of abusive language, since they improve the prediction of labels which are present only in the target dataset and can benefit from knowledge about labels which are not directly used for the target task.
We empirically study the ability of a Large Language Model (gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct) to understand morphologically complex words. In our experiments, we looked at a variety of tasks to analyse German compounds with regard to compositional word formation and derivation, such as identifying the head noun of existing and novel compounds, identifying the shared verb stem between two words, or recognizing words constructed with inappropriately used derivation morphemes as invalid. Our results show that the language model is generally capable of solving most tasks, except for the task of identifying ill-formed word forms. While the model demonstrated a good overall understanding of complex words and their word-internal structure, the results also suggest that there is no formal knowledge of derivational rules, but rather an interpretation of the observed word parts to derive the meaning of a word.
Text-to-image generation models have recently achieved astonishing results in image quality, flexibility, and text alignment, and are consequently employed in a fast-growing number of applications. Through improvements in multilingual abilities, a larger community now has access to this technology. However, our results show that multilingual models suffer from significant gender biases just as monolingual models do. Furthermore, the natural expectation that multilingual models will provide similar results across languages does not hold up. Instead, there are important differences between languages. We propose a novel benchmark, MAGBIG, intended to foster research on gender bias in multilingual models. We use MAGBIG to investigate the effect of multilingualism on gender bias in T2I models. To this end, we construct multilingual prompts requesting portraits of people with a certain occupation or trait. Our results show that not only do models exhibit strong gender biases but they also behave differently across languages. Furthermore, we investigate prompt engineering strategies, such as indirect, neutral formulations, to mitigate these biases. Unfortunately, these approaches have limited success and result in worse text-to-image alignment. Consequently, we call for more research into diverse representations across languages in image generators, as well as into steerability to address biased model behavior.
Data Analytics & Statistics
This dissertation develops methods to improve natural language processing (NLP) systems for low-resource languages and diverse domains. For machine translation, it explores bilingual language models, static embeddings, and multilingual systems with adapters, achieving robust performance in low-resource settings. To enhance domain adaptation, it introduces hierarchical tree structures and efficient adapters, enabling better generalization and robustness to domain shifts. These approaches address data disparities and domain variability, advancing adaptable and efficient NLP systems. (Shortened).
Alexandra Chronopoulou
* Former Member
We study whether linguistic information in pre-trained multilingual language models can be accessed by human language: So far, there is no easy method to directly obtain linguistic information and gain insights into the linguistic principles encoded in such models. We use the technique of prompting and formulate linguistic tasks to test the LM’s access to explicit grammatical principles and study how effective this method is at providing access to linguistic features. Our experiments on German, Icelandic and Spanish show that some linguistic properties can in fact be accessed through prompting, whereas others are harder to capture.
Data Analytics & Statistics
Despite advances in multilingual neural machine translation (MNMT), we argue that there are still two major challenges in this area: data imbalance and representation degeneration. The data imbalance problem refers to the imbalance in the amount of parallel corpora for all language pairs, especially for long-tail languages (i.e., very low-resource languages). The representation degeneration problem refers to the problem of encoded tokens tending to appear only in a small subspace of the full space available to the MNMT model. To solve these two issues, we propose Bi-ACL, a framework which only requires target-side monolingual data and a bilingual dictionary to improve the performance of the MNMT model. We define two modules, named bidirectional autoencoder and bidirectional contrastive learning, which we combine with an online constrained beam search and a curriculum learning sampling strategy. Extensive experiments show that our proposed method is more effective than strong baselines both in long-tail languages and in high-resource languages. We also demonstrate that our approach is capable of transferring knowledge between domains and languages in zero-shot scenarios.
Alexandra Chronopoulou
* Former Member
Very low-resource languages, having only a few million tokens worth of data, are not well-supported by multilingual NLP approaches due to poor quality cross-lingual word representations. Recent work showed that good crosslingual performance can be achieved if a source language is related to the low-resource target language. However, not all language pairs are related. In this paper, we propose to build multilingual word embeddings (MWEs) via a novel language chain-based approach, that incorporates intermediate related languages to bridge the gap between the distant source and target. We build MWEs one language at a time by starting from the resource rich source and sequentially adding each language in the chain till we reach the target. We extend a semi-joint bilingual approach to multiple languages in order to eliminate the main weakness of previous works, i.e., independently trained monolingual embeddings, by anchoring the target language around the multilingual space. We evaluate our method on bilingual lexicon induction for 4 language families, involving 4 very low-resource (≤ 5M tokens) and 4 moderately low-resource (≤ 50M) target languages, showing improved performance in both categories. Additionally, our analysis reveals the importance of good quality embeddings for intermediate languages as well as the importance of leveraging anchor points from all languages in the multilingual space.
Despite the growing variety of languages supported by existing multilingual neural machine translation (MNMT) models, most of the world’s languages are still being left behind. We aim to extend large-scale MNMT models to a new language, allowing for translation between the newly added and all of the already supported languages in a challenging scenario: using only a parallel corpus between the new language and English. Previous approaches, such as continued training on parallel data including the new language, suffer from catastrophic forgetting (i.e., performance on other languages is reduced). Our novel approach Imit-MNMT treats the task as an imitation learning process, which mimicks the behavior of an expert, a technique widely used in the computer vision area, but not well explored in NLP. More specifically, we construct a pseudo multi-parallel corpus of the new and the original languages by pivoting through English, and imitate the output distribution of the original MNMT model. Extensive experiments show that our approach significantly improves the translation performance between the new and the original languages, without severe catastrophic forgetting. We also demonstrate that our approach is capable of solving copy and off-target problems, which are two common issues existence in current large-scale MNMT models.
We describe LMU Munich’s hate speech detection system for participating in the cross-domain track of the HaSpeeDe3 shared task at EVALITA 2023. The task focuses on the politics and religion domains, having no in-domain training data for the latter. Our submission combines multiple training sets from various domains in a multitask prompt-training system. We experimented with both Italian and English source datasets as well as monolingual Italian and multilingual pre-trained language models. We found that the Italian out-of-domain datasets are the most influential on the performance in the test domains and that combining both monolingual and multilingual language models using an ensemble gives the best results. Our system ranked second in both domains.
Pre-trained multilingual language models (PMLMs) are commonly used when dealing with data from multiple languages and cross-lingual transfer. However, PMLMs are trained on varying amounts of data for each language. In practice this means their performance is often much better on English than many other languages. We explore to what extent this also applies to moral norms. Do the models capture moral norms from English and impose them on other languages? Do the models exhibit random and thus potentially harmful beliefs in certain languages? Both these issues could negatively impact cross-lingual transfer and potentially lead to harmful outcomes. In this paper, we (1) apply the MORALDIRECTION framework to multilingual models, comparing results in German, Czech, Arabic, Chinese, and English, (2) analyse model behaviour on filtered parallel subtitles corpora, and (3) apply the models to a Moral Foundations Questionnaire, comparing with human responses from different countries. Our experiments demonstrate that, indeed, PMLMs encode differing moral biases, but these do not necessarily correspond to cultural differences or commonalities in human opinions. We release our code and models.
Data Analytics & Statistics
Previous work has shown that the representations output by contextual language models are more anisotropic than static type embeddings, and typically display outlier dimensions. This seems to be true for both monolingual and multilingual models, although much less work has been done on the multilingual context. Why these outliers occur and how they affect the representations is still an active area of research. We investigate outlier dimensions and their relationship to anisotropy in multiple pre-trained multilingual language models. We focus on cross-lingual semantic similarity tasks, as these are natural tasks for evaluating multilingual representations. Specifically, we examine sentence representations. Sentence transformers which are fine-tuned on parallel resources (that are not always available) perform better on this task, and we show that their representations are more isotropic. However, we aim to improve multilingual representations in general. We investigate how much of the performance difference can be made up by only transforming the embedding space without fine-tuning, and visualise the resulting spaces. We test different operations: Removing individual outlier dimensions, cluster-based isotropy enhancement, and ZCA whitening. We publish our code for reproducibility.
Data Analytics & Statistics
Although unsupervised neural machine translation (UNMT) has achieved success in many language pairs, the copying problem, i.e., directly copying some parts of the input sentence as the translation, is common among distant language pairs, especially when low-resource languages are involved. We find this issue is closely related to an unexpected copying behavior during online back-translation (BT). In this work, we propose a simple but effective training schedule that incorporates a language discriminator loss. The loss imposes constraints on the intermediate translation so that the translation is in the desired language. By conducting extensive experiments on different language pairs, including similar and distant, high and low-resource languages, we find that our method alleviates the copying problem, thus improving the translation performance on low-resource languages.
Alexandra Chronopoulou
* Former Member
Pretrained language models (PLMs) are trained on massive corpora, but often need to specialize to specific domains. A parameter-efficient adaptation method suggests training an adapter for each domain on the task of language modeling. This leads to good in-domain scores but can be impractical for domain- or resource-restricted settings. A solution is to use a related-domain adapter for the novel domain at test time. In this paper, we introduce AdapterSoup, an approach that performs weight-space averaging of adapters trained on different domains. Our approach is embarrassingly parallel: first, we train a set of domain-specific adapters; then, for each novel domain, we determine which adapters should be averaged at test time. We present extensive experiments showing that AdapterSoup consistently improves performance to new domains without extra training. We also explore weight averaging of adapters trained on the same domain with different hyper-parameters, and show that it preserves the performance of a PLM on new domains while obtaining strong in-domain results. We explore various approaches for choosing which adapters to combine, such as text clustering and semantic similarity. We find that using clustering leads to the most competitive results on novel domains.
Alexandra Chronopoulou
* Former Member
Large multilingual models trained with self-supervision achieve state-of-the-art results in a wide range of natural language processing tasks. Self-supervised pretrained models are often fine-tuned on parallel data from one or multiple language pairs for machine translation. Multilingual fine-tuning improves performance on low-resource languages but requires modifying the entire model and can be prohibitively expensive. Training a new adapter on each language pair or training a single adapter on all language pairs without updating the pretrained model has been proposed as a parameter-efficient alternative. However, the former does not permit any sharing between languages, while the latter shares parameters for all languages and is susceptible to negative interference. In this paper, we propose training language-family adapters on top of mBART-50 to facilitate cross-lingual transfer. Our approach outperforms related baselines, yielding higher translation scores on average when translating from English to 17 different low-resource languages. We also show that language-family adapters provide an effective method to translate to languages unseen during pretraining.
Alexandra Chronopoulou
* Former Member
Pre-trained multilingual language models are the foundation of many NLP approaches, including cross-lingual transfer solutions. However, languages with small available monolingual corpora are often not well-supported by these models leading to poor performance. We propose an unsupervised approach to improve the cross-lingual representations of low-resource languages by bootstrapping word translation pairs from monolingual corpora and using them to improve language alignment in pre-trained language models. We perform experiments on nine languages, using contextual word retrieval and zero-shot named entity recognition to measure both intrinsic cross-lingual word representation quality and downstream task performance, showing improvements on both tasks. Our results show that it is possible to improve pre-trained multilingual language models by relying only on non-parallel resources.
Multilingual neural machine translation models (MNMT) yield state-of-the-art performance when evaluated on data from a domain and language pair seen at training time. However, when a MNMT model is used to translate under domain shift or to a new language pair, performance drops dramatically. We consider a very challenging scenario: adapting the MNMT model both to a new domain and to a new language pair at the same time. In this paper, we propose m4Adapter (Multilingual Multi-Domain Adaptation for Machine Translation with a Meta-Adapter), which combines domain and language knowledge using meta-learning with adapters. We present results showing that our approach is a parameter-efficient solution which effectively adapts a model to both a new language pair and a new domain, while outperforming other adapter methods. An ablation study also shows that our approach more effectively transfers domain knowledge across different languages and language information across different domains.
Alexandra Chronopoulou
* Former Member
Contextualized word embeddings have emerged as the most important tool for performing NLP tasks in a large variety of languages. In order to improve the cross-lingual representation and transfer learning quality, contextualized embedding alignment techniques, such as mapping and model fine-tuning, are employed. Existing techniques however are time-, data- and computational resource-intensive. In this paper we analyze these techniques by utilizing three tasks: bilingual lexicon induction (BLI), word retrieval and cross-lingual natural language inference (XNLI) for a high resource (German-English) and a low resource (Bengali-English) language pair. In contrast to previous works which focus only on a few popular models, we compare five multilingual and seven monolingual language models and investigate the effect of various aspects on their performance, such as vocabulary size, number of languages used for training and number of parameters. Additionally, we propose a parameter-, data- and runtime-efficient technique which can be trained with 10% of the data, less than 10% of the time and have less than 5% of the trainable parameters compared to model fine-tuning. We show that our proposed method is competitive with resource heavy models, even outperforming them in some cases, even though it relies on less resource.
Bilingual Word Embeddings (BWEs) are one of the cornerstones of cross-lingual transfer of NLP models. They can be built using only monolingual corpora without supervision leading to numerous works focusing on unsupervised BWEs. However, most of the current approaches to build unsupervised BWEs do not compare their results with methods based on easy-to-access cross-lingual signals. In this paper, we argue that such signals should always be considered when developing unsupervised BWE methods. The two approaches we find most effective are: 1) using identical words as seed lexicons (which unsupervised approaches incorrectly assume are not available for orthographically distinct language pairs) and 2) combining such lexicons with pairs extracted by matching romanized versions of words with an edit distance threshold. We experiment on thirteen non-Latin languages (and English) and show that such cheap signals work well and that they outperform using more complex unsupervised methods on distant language pairs such as Chinese, Japanese, Kannada, Tamil, and Thai. In addition, they are even competitive with the use of high-quality lexicons in supervised approaches. Our results show that these training signals should not be neglected when building BWEs, even for distant languages.
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