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Opportunites for Schools at the MCML

We offer a variety of outreach programs to make AI-research more accessible and to contribute to the further education of different target groups.

MCML brings research closer to people

Important target groups of our outreach activities are young people and schools. We offer workshops and information events for both teachers and school children, with a special focus on the empowerment of girls.

Please contact us for further information.


Link to  Alexandra Stang

Alexandra Stang


Science Manager for Academic Partnerships and Outreach

2024-2025: KITrans - enabling teachers to design future-oriented lessons

Teachers at all types of schools are faced with the challenge of designing teaching and learning settings that enable young people to acquire the skills they need to deal with artificial intelligence. KITrans focuses on cross-institutional cooperation in the design of a hybrid further education and training program for teachers and aims to make a contribution to the necessary transformation processes in the education system. Using concrete examples, practical strategies and participatory involvement, the aim is to enable teachers to design future-oriented lessons.
The project is led by Prof. Dr. Uta Hauck-Thum (LMU) and Junge Tüftler.

The MCML supports the project with expertise in the area of AI and provides its junior members with further pedagogical training.

Some impressions from the Girls’ Day 2024

To promote the professional development of women in technical fields, MCML partnered with the TUM Think Tank and Women in AI & Robotics. Together, they offered interested schoolgirls the chance to explore the daily work of AI researchers and data scientists.

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Learn more about our opportunities

For Junior Members

The MCML offers its Junior Members valuable initiatives to promote their professional and academic development.

For Students

We offer a variety of funding programs to support the research and development of early-career scientists.

For Potential Partners

MCML conducts ongoing collaborations with academia, industry, and society.

For ML Consulting Services

The Machine Learning Consulting Unit (MLCU) is part of the MCML and offers applied researchers scientific consulting.

For Job Candidates

MCML is always looking for talented student assistants, researchers and professionals to join our team.