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AI X-Change Program

The MCML AI X-Change program aims to support PhD-students at MCML to collaborate internationally with high-impact research institutions in the field of machine learning.

How to apply

How to apply

PhD-students who plan a research exchange at a well-acknowledged institution in their field of research are invited to apply for funding. Each year, the MCML supports up to twelve research projects abroad.

The aims of the research visit should be a joint paper or the development of research projects that result in joint funding applications.

For further information and how to apply, please visit the MCML-Collab.

Past AI X-Change Research Visits

Link to Research at EWCS at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard


Research at EWCS at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Cecilia Casolo - Funded by the MCML AI X-Change Program

During my research stay at Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in autumn 2024, I had the pleasure of being part of the research group led by Caroline Uhler, Director of the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center (EWCS) at the Broad Institute, and Andrew (1956) and Erna Viterbi Professor of Engineering in EECS and IDSS at MIT. My three-month stay in Boston …

Link to Research Collaboration Between TUM/MCML and Stanford University


Research Collaboration Between TUM/MCML and Stanford University

Maolin Gao - Funded by the MCML AI X-Change Program and BaCaTeC

During the summer of 2024, I had the privilege of representing the Computer Vision Group at TUM, led by Prof. Daniel Cremers, in a collaborative research project with the Geometric Computing Group at Stanford University, headed by Prof. Leonidas Guibas. During my three-month stay at Stanford, researchers from both institutes delved deeply into the …

Learn More About Our Opportunities

For Junior Members

The MCML offers its Junior Members valuable initiatives to promote their professional and academic development.

For Students

We offer a variety of funding programs to support the research and development of early-career scientists.

For Schools

We feature multiple outreach programs to make AI-research more accessible and to contribute to the further education of different target groups.

For Potential Partners

MCML conducts ongoing collaborations with academia, industry, and society.

For ML Consulting Services

The Machine Learning Consulting Unit (MLCU) is part of the MCML and offers applied researchers scientific consulting.

For Job Candidates

MCML is always looking for talented student assistants, researchers and professionals to join our team.