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Opportunites for Potential Partners

MCML conducts ongoing collaborations with academia, industry, and society.

We carry out joint artificial intelligence and machine learning research projects within our domain areas.

Knowledge Transfer With Partners From Industry, Society, and Entrepreneurs

Both our universities, LMU and TUM, have long-reaching and well-established collaborations with industrial partners. Munich is the top industrial and economic metropolitan area in Germany, with a unique entrepreneurial and industry-focused ecosystem.

The Munich landscape features not only big companies, but also the German "Mittelstand" (small and medium-to-large companies), which form the backbone of the German and Bavarian economy. We actively promote and search for research and joint work collaborations in this ecosystem.

To learn more about our current partners and collaborators, please visit our Partners site.

Our outreach activities also include conferences and events organized by the MCML as well as talks of our researchers at public events. We are also open to collaborations with societal and cultural organizations.

If you are interested in knowing more about our collaboration formats, please contact us.


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Thomas Meier


Science Manager Collaborations, PhD Coordinator and DEI Official

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Alexandra Stang


General Manager and DEI Official

Learn More About Our Opportunities

For Junior Members

The MCML offers its Junior Members valuable initiatives to promote their professional and academic development.

For Research X-Change

The AI X-Change program aims to support PhD-students at MCML to collaborate internationally with top research institutions in the field of ML.

For Students

We offer a variety of funding programs to support the research and development of early-career scientists.

For Schools

We feature multiple outreach programs to make AI-research more accessible and to contribute to the further education of different target groups.

For ML Consulting Services

The Machine Learning Consulting Unit (MLCU) is part of the MCML and offers applied researchers scientific consulting.

For Job Candidates

MCML is always looking for talented student assistants, researchers and professionals to join our team.