
Teaser image to Moritz Herrmann receives the Bernd-Streitberg Award of the German Biometric Society

Moritz Herrmann Receives the Bernd-Streitberg Award of the German Biometric Society

Large-Scale Benchmark Study of Prediction Methods Using Multi-Omics Data

NCML Junior Member Moritz Herrmann receives the Bernd-Streitberg Award of the German Biometric Society (IBS-DR) for his master thesis "Large-scale benchmark study of prediction methods using multi-omics data" supervised by our PI Anne-Laure Boulesteix.

Congratulations from us!

The master thesis is available electronically in the LMU library.

In the context of MCML an article has been published in the renowned Journal “Briefings in Bioinformatics” as an extension of his master thesis. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal “Briefings in Bioinformatics” had a 2019 impact factor of 8.990, ranking it 2nd out of 59 journals in the category “Mathematical & Computational Biology” and 3rd out of 77 journals in the category “Biochemical Research Methods”. Open Access.


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