Digdeep Podcast: Prof. Walter Radermacher, warum braucht Demokratie die Statistik?
News from the Digital World by MCML PI Frauke Kreuter and Christof Horn
Prof. Walter Radermacher, a leading German statistician, served as President of the Federal Statistical Office. He contributes to advancing statistics in various forums, including the UN and OECD, crucial for trust in data.
Statistics require explanation, representing approximations of facts. We need a reliable "label" to understand their validity and limitations. Yet, media often manipulates statistics to fit agendas, especially during major elections.
It's vital to ask: Why is statistics critical for a functioning democracy? Just listen in (podcast in German).
Digdeep Podcast: Fahrerlos in San Francisco: Wie weit sind Robotaxis?
In this episode, we take a ride in a Waymo robotaxi through the busy streets of San Francisco.
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Our PI Angela Schoellig at Deep Dive podcast
Our PI Angela Schoellig was a guest on the podcast Deep Dive by MIT Technology Review to talk about the situation of robotics in Germany.
Digdeep Podcast: Wie schafft Lern-Fair gerechtere Bildungschancen, Maria Matveev?
Our Junior member Maria Matveev discusses the growth and digital tools of Lern-Fair, connecting students with tutors to improve education equity.
Digdeep Podcast: Wie baut man erfolgreiche Business-Plattformen, Prof. Felix Wortmann?
Platform giants like Amazon and Google shape the economy, a challenge Prof. Felix Wortmann explores.
Digdeep Podcast: Wie wird man zur Corporate Influencerin und New-Work-Star, Irène Kilubi?
Listen to Dr. Irène Kilubi, a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and now a renowned business engineer, consultant, speaker, and entrepreneur.