
Teaser image to Replicability of Simulation Studies for the Investigation of Statistical Methods: The RepliSims Project


Replicability of Simulation Studies for the Investigation of Statistical Methods: The RepliSims Project

Kim Luijken, University Medical Center Utrecht


   10:00 am - 12:00 pm

   LMU Munich, IBE Library and via zoom

Results of simulation studies evaluating the performance of statistical methods are often considered actionable and thus can have a major impact on the way empirical research is implemented. However, so far there is limited evidence about the reproducibility and replicability of statistical simulation studies. In the RepliSims project, we assessed replicability of eight highly cited statistical simulation studies in teams of replicators based on reported information in the original publications.

The talk will go over the lessons learned from this replication endeavor as well as the findings on replicability of the evaluated studies. The aim is to stimulate a group discussion on the concepts of 'reproducibility' and 'replicability' for statistical simulation studies.