
Teaser image to EPIX Workshop


EPIX Workshop

Epistemic Foundations and Limitations of Statistics and Science - Explaining the Replication Crisis?


   9:00 am - 6:00 pm

   LMU Munich (near main building, details tba)

This workshop is a joint initiative by the Open Science Initiative in Statistics (OSIS), at LMU's Department of Statistics, and the Munich Center for Machine Learning.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together statisticians, philosophers of science, and other interested researchers to discuss aspects of Open Science and the replication crisis from an epistemic perspective on the foundations and limitations of statistics.

With keynotes by select speakers and ample time for discussion, we will address the question why the inappropriate use of statistical methods (most prominently, statistical testing) is still so prevalent, despite warnings that have been voiced for decades.

Organized by:

Dr. Moritz Herrmann LMU / MCML

Patrick Schenk LMU

Lisa Wimmer LMU


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