
Teaser image to Patient Risk Stratification through a Causal Lens

Patient Risk Stratification through a Causal Lens

Jenna Wiens, University of Michigan


   1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

   LMU Munich, Seminar Room 211, 2/F, Ludwigstr. 28 (Front Building)

It is estimated that in up to a third of in-hospital deaths patients develop sepsis, the body’s overwhelming response to infection. Given the significant morbidity associated with sepsis, many clinical decision-support tools for estimating risk of sepsis have been developed, yet few have made a significant impact.

Jenna Wiens, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Associate Director of the Artificial Intelligence Lab, and Co-Director of Precision Health at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor will present hypotheses for why such tools have in large part failed to have any meaningful impact on patient outcomes. Furthermore, she will propose potential solutions that incorporate causal reasoning into patient risk stratification.

Organized by:

Institute of AI in Management LMU Munich


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