
Teaser image to Can Computers Beat Humans at Design?


Can Computers Beat Humans at Design?

Wojciech Matusik, MIT


   10:00 am - 12:00 pm

   FMI Gebäude, TUM Garching Campus, Room 00.13.009A

Design is everywhere: high-performance turbines, polymers with outstanding material properties, unmanned aerial vehicles, metamaterials, or computer algorithms. However, the best designs are a product of tremendous work of high-skilled domain experts.

I will show that we are on the verge of a transition where computational methods start beating humans at design. I will describe a series of questions that need to be addressed to move the field of computational design forward: how to represent a design, how to represent design space, how to find designs with optimal performance, and how to bridge the gap between simulation and reality.

Organized by:

Stefanie Jegelka TUM/MCML

Suvrit Sra TUM/MCML

Nils Thürey TUM/MCML


Link to Lunch Talk: Machine Learning Based Time-to-Event Analysis

Lecture  •  02.12.2024  •  LMU Center for Advanced Studies, Seestraße 13, 80802 Munich

Lunch Talk: Machine Learning Based Time-to-Event Analysis

Lunch Talk at LMU CAS with MCML members Andreas Bender and Stefan Feuerriegel.

Link to KI - Der Anfang vom Ende oder einfach nur nützlich?

Presentation  •  14.10.2024  •  Bergson Kunstkraftwerk Studio, Rupert-Bodner-Str. 5, 81245 München

KI - Der Anfang vom Ende oder einfach nur nützlich?

Together with Constanze Zawadzky (Innovation Park AI), MCML PI Reinhard Heckel will give interested parties an insight into the world of AI.

Link to Medizinethik – Ethische Fragen im Krankenhaus, in der Forschung und in der Politik

Lecture  •  08.10.2024  •  Online via Zoom

Medizinethik – Ethische Fragen im Krankenhaus, in der Forschung und in der Politik

Our PI Alena Buyx will introduce the topic of medical ethics and its relevant fields in the context of contemporary questions.

Link to Generative AI

Lecture  •  26.09.2024  •  LRZ Kommissionsraum and online via zoom

Generative AI

Join the lecture @LRZ with Geetika Gupta/Nvidia concerning “Generative AI”.

Link to Informatiklehrerinnen- und Lehrertag Bayern 2024

Talk  •  19.09.2024  •  Marsstraße 20-22, 80335 München

Informatiklehrerinnen- und Lehrertag Bayern 2024

MCML Associate Steffen Schneider will give a keynote talk about AI in the context of teaching at the ILTB 24.