
Teaser image to Some Recent Advances in Exceptional Model Mining: Tales of Potatos, Boris Johnson, and Atrial Fibrillation

Some Recent Advances in Exceptional Model Mining: Tales of Potatos, Boris Johnson, and Atrial Fibrillation

Wouter Duivesteijn, TU Eindhoven


   2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

   LMU Main Building, Room M001 Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 München

Exceptional Model Mining (EMM) strives to find subgroups in a dataset that behave somehow exceptionally. We partition the columns of the dataset into two sets. The one set is used for defining candidate subgroups (by making conjunctions of conditions on individual attributes); a challenge lies in efficiently traversing the search space of candidate subgroups. The other set is used for evaluating exceptionality of subgroup behavior: we define a kind of interaction between these target columns, and deem subgroups to be exceptional if parameters of this interaction have exceptional values. We will illustrate this concept with three types of interaction. The first, regression, has implications for the price of rice in China (traditional linear regression), dot counting skills of Finnish school children (piecewise regression), and potato growth (mixed models). The second, exceptional trends in repeated cross-sectional data, illustrates how local deviations can make Boris Johnson appear in a graph of trends. The third, exceptional signals in EGCs, has the potential to improve detection of atrial fibrillation. If time remains, we will discuss how EMM relates to clustering; there are clear connections and clear differences between the tasks, but are there fruitful avenues for cross-pollination?

Organized by:

Munich Center for Machine Learning

Lehrstuhl für Datenbanksysteme und Data Mining LMU Munich


Link to KI - Der Anfang vom Ende oder einfach nur nützlich?

Presentation  •  14.10.2024  •  Bergson Kunstkraftwerk Studio, Rupert-Bodner-Str. 5, 81245 München

KI - Der Anfang vom Ende oder einfach nur nützlich?

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Lecture  •  08.10.2024  •  Online via Zoom

Medizinethik – Ethische Fragen im Krankenhaus, in der Forschung und in der Politik

Our PI Alena Buyx will introduce the topic of medical ethics and its relevant fields in the context of contemporary questions.

Link to Generative AI

Lecture  •  26.09.2024  •  LRZ Kommissionsraum and online via zoom

Generative AI

Join the lecture @LRZ with Geetika Gupta/Nvidia concerning “Generative AI”.

Link to Informatiklehrerinnen- und Lehrertag Bayern 2024

Talk  •  19.09.2024  •  Marsstraße 20-22, 80335 München

Informatiklehrerinnen- und Lehrertag Bayern 2024

MCML associate Steffen Schneider will give a keynote talk about AI in the context of teaching at the ILTB 24.

Link to Extrapolation-Aware Nonparametric Statistical Inference

Talk  •  09.09.2024  •  Ludwigstr. 28, Room 211B, 80539 Munich

Extrapolation-Aware Nonparametric Statistical Inference

Niklas Pfister from the University of Copenhagen will give a talk titled 'Extrapolation-Aware Nonparametric Statistical Inference.