AI for Image-Guided Diagnosis and Therapy
is Professor for AI for Image-Guided Diagnosis and Therapy at TU Munich.
His research bridges the gap between medicine and computer science towards data-driven, personalized medicine for diagnosis and therapy. His research focuses on developing innovative computational analysis methods to extract actionable biomarkers for clinical decision-making from heterogeneous, multi-modal medical data. Translating these advancements into clinical application is a core motivation for his work.
Normative representation learning focuses on understanding the typical anatomical distributions from large datasets of medical scans from healthy individuals. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) leverages this attribute to synthesize images that accurately reflect these normative patterns. This capability enables the AI allowing them to effectively detect and correct anomalies in new, unseen pathological data without the need for expert labeling. Traditional anomaly detection methods often evaluate the anomaly detection performance, overlooking the crucial role of normative learning. In our analysis, we introduce novel metrics, specifically designed to evaluate this facet in AI models. We apply these metrics across various generative AI frameworks, including advanced diffusion models, and rigorously test them against complex and diverse brain pathologies. In addition, we conduct a large multi-reader study to compare these metrics to experts’ evaluations. Our analysis demonstrates that models proficient in normative learning exhibit exceptional versatility, adeptly detecting a wide range of unseen medical conditions.
Glioblastoma, a highly aggressive brain tumor, poses major challenges due to its poor prognosis and high morbidity rates. Partial differential equation-based models offer promising potential to enhance therapeutic outcomes by simulating patient-specific tumor behavior for improved radiotherapy planning. However, model calibration remains a bottleneck due to the high computational demands of optimization methods like Monte Carlo sampling and evolutionary algorithms. To address this, we recently introduced an approach leveraging a neural forward solver with gradient-based optimization to significantly reduce calibration time. This approach requires a highly accurate and fully differentiable forward model. We investigate multiple architectures, including (i) an enhanced TumorSurrogate, (ii) a modified nnU-Net, and (iii) a 3D Vision Transformer (ViT). The optimized TumorSurrogate achieved the best overall results, excelling in both tumor outline matching and voxel-level prediction of tumor cell concentration. It halved the MSE relative to the baseline model and achieved the highest Dice score across all tumor cell concentration thresholds. Our study demonstrates significant enhancement in forward solver performance and outlines important future research directions.
Predicting future brain states is crucial for understanding healthy aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Longitudinal brain MRI registration, a cornerstone for such analyses, has long been limited by its inability to forecast future developments, reliance on extensive, dense longitudinal data, and the need to balance registration accuracy with temporal smoothness. In this work, we present emph{TimeFlow}, a novel framework for longitudinal brain MRI registration that overcomes all these challenges. Leveraging a U-Net architecture with temporal conditioning inspired by diffusion models, TimeFlow enables accurate longitudinal registration and facilitates prospective analyses through future image prediction. Unlike traditional methods that depend on explicit smoothness regularizers and dense sequential data, TimeFlow achieves temporal consistency and continuity without these constraints. Experimental results highlight its superior performance in both future timepoint prediction and registration accuracy compared to state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, TimeFlow supports novel biological brain aging analyses, effectively differentiating neurodegenerative conditions from healthy aging. It eliminates the need for segmentation, thereby avoiding the challenges of non-trivial annotation and inconsistent segmentation errors. TimeFlow paves the way for accurate, data-efficient, and annotation-free prospective analyses of brain aging and chronic diseases.
Fabian Bongratz
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging
Biophysical modeling of brain tumors has emerged as a promising strategy for personalizing radiotherapy planning by estimating the otherwise hidden distribution of tumor cells within the brain. However, many existing state-of-the-art methods are computationally intensive, limiting their widespread translation into clinical practice. In this work, we propose an efficient and direct method that utilizes soft physical constraints to estimate the tumor cell concentration from preoperative MRI of brain tumor patients. Our approach optimizes a 3D tumor concentration field by simultaneously minimizing the difference between the observed MRI and a physically informed loss function. Compared to existing state-of-the-art techniques, our method significantly improves predicting tumor recurrence on two public datasets with a total of 192 patients while maintaining a clinically viable runtime of under one minute - a substantial reduction from the 30 minutes required by the current best approach. Furthermore, we showcase the generalizability of our framework by incorporating additional imaging information and physical constraints, highlighting its potential to translate to various medical diffusion phenomena with imperfect data.
VoxelMorph, proposed in 2018, utilizes Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to address medical image registration problems. In 2021 TransMorph advanced this approach by replacing CNNs with Attention mechanisms, claiming enhanced performance. More recently, the rise of Mamba with selective state space models has led to MambaMorph, which substituted Attention with Mamba blocks, asserting superior registration. These developments prompt a critical question: does chasing the latest computational trends with “more advanced” computational blocks genuinely enhance registration accuracy, or is it merely hype? Furthermore, the role of classic high-level registration-specific designs, such as coarse-to-fine pyramid mechanism, correlation calculation, and iterative optimization, warrants scrutiny, particularly in differentiating their influence from the aforementioned low-level computational blocks. In this study, we critically examine these questions through a rigorous evaluation in brain MRI registration. We employed modularized components for each block and ensured unbiased comparisons across all methods and designs to disentangle their effects on performance. Our findings indicate that adopting “advanced” computational elements fails to significantly improve registration accuracy. Instead, well-established registration-specific designs offer fair improvements, enhancing results by a marginal 1.5% over the baseline. Our findings emphasize the importance of rigorous, unbiased evaluation and contribution disentanglement of all low- and high-level registration components, rather than simply following the computer vision trends with “more advanced” computational blocks. We advocate for simpler yet effective solutions and novel evaluation metrics that go beyond conventional registration accuracy, warranting further research across various organs and modalities.
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging
Do black-box neural network models learn clinically relevant features for fracture diagnosis? The answer not only establishes reliability, quenches scientific curiosity, but also leads to explainable and verbose findings that can assist the radiologists in the final and increase trust. This work identifies the concepts networks use for vertebral fracture diagnosis in CT images. This is achieved by associating concepts to neurons highly correlated with a specific diagnosis in the dataset. The concepts are either associated with neurons by radiologists pre-hoc or are visualized during a specific prediction and left for the user’s interpretation. We evaluate which concepts lead to correct diagnosis and which concepts lead to false positives. The proposed frameworks and analysis pave the way for reliable and explainable vertebral fracture diagnosis.
Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
©all images: LMU | TUM