
Teaser image to MCML at NAACL 2024

MCML at NAACL 2024

The 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2024). Mexico City, Mexico, June 16-21, 2024

We are happy to announce that MCML researchers are represented with 8 papers at NAACL 2024:

H. Chen, J. Büssing, D. Rügamer and E. Nie.
Leveraging (Sentence) Transformer Models with Contrastive Learning for Identifying Machine-Generated Text. (Workshop paper).
Z. Ding, H. Cai, J. Wu, Y. Ma, R. Liao, B. Xiong and V. Tresp.
zrLLM: Zero-Shot Relational Learning on Temporal Knowledge Graphs with Large Language Models.
R. Liao, X. Jia, Y. Ma and V. Tresp.
GenTKG: Generative Forecasting on Temporal Knowledge Graph.
URL. GitHub.
Y. Liu, P. Lin, M. Wang and H. Schütze.
OFA: A Framework of Initializing Unseen Subword Embeddings for Efficient Large-scale Multilingual Continued Pretraining.
S. Mayhew, T. Blevins, S. Liu, M. Šuppa, H. Gonen, J. M. Imperial, B. F. Karlsson, P. Lin, N. Ljubešić, L. J. Miranda, B. Plank, A. Riabi and Y. Pinter.
Universal NER: A Gold-Standard Multilingual Named Entity Recognition Benchmark.
P. Resnik, B. Ma, A. Hoyle, P. Goel, R. Sarkar, M. Gearing, A.-C. Haensch and F. Kreuter.
TOPCAT: Topic-Oriented Protocol for Content Analysis of Text – A Preliminary Study. (Workshop paper).
M. Wang, H. Adel, L. Lange, J. Strötgen and H. Schütze.
Rehearsal-Free Modular and Compositional Continual Learning for Language Models.
H. Ye, Y. Liu, C. Ma and H. Schütze.
MoSECroT: Model Stitching with Static Word Embeddings for Crosslingual Zero-shot Transfer. (Workshop paper).



Link to MCML at CVPR 2024


MCML at CVPR 2024

We are happy to announce that MCML researchers are represented at the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024.

Link to MCML at CHI 2024


MCML at CHI 2024

We are happy to announce that MCML researchers are represented at the CHI 2024 conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

Link to MCML at AISTATS 2024



We are happy to announce that MCML researchers are represented at the 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics.

Link to MCML at ICLR 2024


MCML at ICLR 2024

We are happy to announce that MCML researchers are represented at the 12th International Conference on Learning Representations.

Link to MCML at PAKDD 2024


MCML at PAKDD 2024

We are happy to announce that MCML researchers are represented at the 28th PAKDD.