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Stakeholder Workshop on AI Research and Collaborations With North America
Exploring AI Research Collaborations Between TUM and North America
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Mathematics & Informatics building Garching, Sitzungsraum 1
The TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology, in collaboration with TUM Global & Alumni Office and the Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML), is hosting a stakeholder workshop on AI research and partnerships with North America. This event will bring together AI researchers from across TUM to explore current and potential collaborations with North American institutions.
Attendees will have the chance to discuss interdisciplinary opportunities, joint funding initiatives, and the future of AI research at TUM. With dedicated time for individual discussions, the event is designed to foster meaningful connections and collaborations.

Hackathon • 28.03.2025 - 30.03.2025 • LMU Munich, Main Building
DataFest 2025
DataFest Germany at the LMU Munich on March, 28-30, 2025.

Bootcamp • 26.03.2025 • Leibniz Rechenzentrum, Boltzmannstr. 1, 85748 Garching bei München
LRZ Bootcamp With NIVIDA on Accelerated Distributed Computing
LRZ Bootcamp with NIVIDA on Accelerated Distributed Computing on March 26, 2025, at 9 am.