



Teaser image to The Ethics of Generative AI & Conversational Agents

The Ethics of Generative AI & Conversational Agents

Alena Buyx, TU Munich
Herman Cappelen, University of Hong Kong
Michael Klenk, Delft University of Technology
Jana Sedlakova, University of Zürich

   12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024

   LMU Munich, Department of Philosophy

LMU’s AI ethics research group, in cooperation with the MCML, invites for a two-day conference on the ethics of generative AI and conversational agents.

This conference explores ethical issues posed by generative artificial intelligence and conversational agents. It brings together academic researchers and AI ethics practitioners to examine the ethics of generative AI in general, as well as studying the specific challenges this new technology poses in industrial settings.

Organized by:

Sven Nyholm, Benjamin Lange, Lara Maszynski MCML/LMU

Carina Geldhauser MCML/TUM


Link to Artificial Intelligence 2024

Handelsblatt Summit  •  20.11.2024 - 21.11.2024  •  House of Communication, Friedenstr. 24, 81671 München

Artificial Intelligence 2024

MCML PI Björn Ommer will be a speaker at the Handelsblatt Summit Artificial Intelligence 2024 - AI for Business: Balancing Vision and Value.

Link to KonKIS 2024

Conference  •  18.09.2024 - 19.09.2024  •  Göttingen, Alte Mensa

KonKIS 2024

KonKIS, the first conference of the German AI service centers, will take place in Göttingen on 18-19 September.

Link to German Conference on Pattern Recognition 2024 (GCPR-VMV 2024)

Conference  •  12.09.2024 - 13.09.2024  •  TUM Campus Garching, Boltzmannstrasse 3

German Conference on Pattern Recognition 2024 (GCPR-VMV 2024)

LMU’s AI ethics research group, in cooperation with the MCML, invites for a two-day conference on the ethics of generative AI and conversational agents.

Link to DATA Festival

Conference  •  19.03.2024 - 20.03.2024  •  Muffatwerk Zellstraße 4, 81667 Munich

DATA Festival

From March 19th to 20th, the DATA Festival, organized and hosted by our industry partner Alexander Thamm and our ecosystem partner baiosphere, takes place.

Link to International Conference on AI for People (CAIP’23)

Conference  •  24.11.2023 - 26.11.2023  •  Bologna, Italy

International Conference on AI for People (CAIP’23)

The "AI for People" Conference emphasizes "Democratizing AI", ensuring accessibility in design and use.