



Teaser image to AI Summit Munich 2023

Munich AI Summit

AI Summit Munich 2023

Join us and unleash the power of AI!

   20.10.2023 - 21.10.2023

   Hoch5 Ostbahnhof, Munich

The MCML proudly announces its support of the first TUM.ai AI Summit.

The aim of the event is to bring together a wide range of people, be they politicians, experts or simply interested people, to discuss the current state and future of AI. The event will feature over 20 renowned speakers, with networking opportunities in between and afterwards.


Link to (Re-)Imagine

Open Lab Day  •  05.12.2024  •  Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Boltzmannstraße 1, 85748 Garching bei München


Students at the LRZ's Centre for Virtual Reality and Visualisation (V2C) will present their projects from this year's VR internship and final theses.

Link to EPIX Workshop

Workshop  •  22.11.2024  •  LMU Munich (near main building, details tba)

EPIX Workshop

Bringing together statisticians, philosophers of science, and other interested researchers to discuss aspects of Open Science and the replication crisis.

Link to 3rd Bootcamp "AI meets Entrepreneurs"

Bootcamp  •  08.11.2024 - 09.11.2024  •  LMU Main Building, Kleine Aula and RAW, Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 15, 80331 Munich

3rd Bootcamp "AI meets Entrepreneurs"

The MCML is co-organizer of this two-part event to shift ML and AI researchers into an entrepreneurial mindset for the third time.

Link to LRZ AI Training Series

Workshop  •  06.11.2024  •  online

LRZ AI Training Series

The Big Data & AI team at LRZ offers a series of courses aiming at the needs and expectations of data analytics, big data & AI users at LRZ.

Link to LRZ AI Training Series

Workshop  •  23.10.2024  •  online

LRZ AI Training Series

The Big Data & AI team at LRZ offers a series of courses aiming at the needs and expectations of data analytics, big data & AI users at LRZ.