
PhD Onboarding
PhD Onboarding Winter Semester 2024/2025
MCML Welcomes Its New PhDs
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
LMU Department of Statistics, Ludwigstr. 33, Room 144 (1st floor)
The Onboarding is mainly for MCML PhDs who have joined since the last session in April 2024, but it's also open to anyone who couldn’t attend last time. We’ll kick things off with an introduction to MCML and an overview of the program elements.
After the official part, you're invited to join us for an informal gathering. This time, our get-together will align with the MCML "Stammtisch."
Organized by:
Dr. Andreas Bender, Dr. Thomas Meier MCML

Pitchtalk Series • 15.07.2025 • Friedrich-Ludwig-Bauer-Straße 5, 85748 Garching bei München
MCML Industry Pitchtalks With SAP
MCML Pitchtalks: Join us on July 15th at SAP Labs Garching to explore AI Agents and Generative AI with MCML members and SAP researchers.

Pitchtalk Series • 10.04.2025 • Bain&Company, Karlsplatz 1, 80335 München
MCML Industry Pitchtalks With Bain & Company
On April 10th, we will be invited to Bain & Company for a Meetup in our series MCML Pitchtalks with Industry.

Pitchtalk Series • 02.04.2025 • tbd
MCML Industry Pitchtalks With AppliedAI
MCML Pitchtalks: On April 2nd, appliedAI and partners join us to discuss AI Agentic systems, RAG, Generative AI, and AGI-benchmarking. Fully booked!