LWDA 2021 - Attending

LWDA 2021 - Attending

Lernen. Wissen. Daten. Analysen. - Learning. Knowledge. Data. Analytics.

LWDA 2021 hosted by the Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML), Munich, 01.09–03.09.2021.

LWDA 2021 in Munich


This conference will be fully online. The given talks are going to be presented via Zoom while poster sessions and socializing are planned be provided via a foyer platform.


Please use the following link to Eventbrite to register and access our Zoom-Sessions with other details about the conference:

You can find these under ‘Go to online event page’, once you have registered to the event.
You will also find the informations for the foyer platform (link and password to our room in Wonder) used for the poster sessions and socializing after registration.

Foyer Platform

Room in Wonder:
We strongly recommend to use Firefox or Chrome to access Wonder

Short introductory video which explains how Wonder will be used at the conference:

Since there is no poster sessions planned, the platform Wonder can be used for other communication purposes (Meetups, Socializing during breaks etc.)

If you would like to have detailed information about Wonder and its features please have a look at the following links which are directly provided by the Wonder-Team:

Social Event

Social Event: Munich Virtual Tour
Date: 1st September 2021
Start: 17:15
Language: English
Duration: 45 minutes

You can find the link to the Zoom-Session on the information page in Eventbrite after your registration. After the social event the Foyer Platform (Wonder) can be used for further get-together.