
Industry Pitch Talks Report
Visit to Allianz Technology Campus
We visited the Allianz Technology Campus in Unterföhring on November 25th, to have our second event in our series „MCML Pitchtalks with Industry“. Connecting dots between collaboration ideas and joint research interests on Generative AI and other hot topics was really fun and revelatory. After a presentation by Allianz on their AI research and topics, Shanshan Bai presented her work on Gen.AI and Earth Observation, Leonor Veloso on Gender Bias and NLP, and Anna Steinberg on how to analyze Greenwashing effects with AI.

Industry Pitch Talks Report
MCML Pitchtalks at Munich Re focused on generative AI's impact on reinsurance, featuring junior members’ pitches on AI topics and idea exchanges.

MCML General Assembly
MCML General Assembly 2024 celebrated innovation and collaboration with inspiring talks, junior Flash Talks, and meaningful networking opportunities.

Industry Pitch Talks Report
The MCML Pitchtalks with se3labs on Nov 13 explored computer vision, 3D reconstruction, and research connections in NLP, AI agents, and more.

LRZ Visit
MCML visited Leibniz Rechenzentrum in Garching, exploring their supercomputer and GPU cluster during an insightful afternoon!

MCML-Exhibition at Deutsches Museum
The MCML Exhibition at the Deutsches Museum showcased cutting-edge technology, captivating visitors during Munich's Long Night of Museums.