
Teaser image to MCML Industry Pitchtalks with SAP

Pitchtalk Series

MCML Industry Pitchtalks With SAP

Join Us for Networking and Insights


   Friedrich-Ludwig-Bauer-Straße 5, 85748 Garching bei München

On July 15th, we will be invited to the new SAP Labs in Garching, for a Meetup in our series MCML Pitchtalks with Industry.

Some of our junior members and research staff from SAP will show each other's research on AI Agents and Generative AI.

Join us for a lively meetup, and feel free to reach out to our PhD Coordinator Thomas Meier for more information.

The event is fully booked already.

Stay tuned for more pitchtalk events!

This event is for MCML members only.

Organized by:

Thomas Meier MCML


Link to MCML Industry Pitchtalks with Bain & Company

Pitchtalk Series  •  10.04.2025  •  Bain&Company, Karlsplatz 1, 80335 München

MCML Industry Pitchtalks With Bain & Company

On April 10th, we will be invited to Bain & Company for a Meetup in our series MCML Pitchtalks with Industry.

Link to MCML Industry Pitchtalks With appliedAI

Pitchtalk Series  •  02.04.2025  •  tbd

MCML Industry Pitchtalks With AppliedAI

MCML Pitchtalks: On April 2nd, appliedAI and partners join us to discuss AI Agentic systems, RAG, Generative AI, and AGI-benchmarking. Fully booked!